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Corrective Reading Programme

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1 Corrective Reading Programme

2 “When you give students a stronger foundation in learning skills and comprehension, you prepare them for a future without boundaries” SRA 2008 HOLLY

3 Why? 23% 55% 22% Variety of reasons
66% of the 45% are on the code of practice 22%

4 How was the student selected?
All year 7, 8 and 9 students sat an Access Reading test. Anyone with a reading age below a certain level selected for intervention. The students have completed the Corrective Reader placement test.

5 What is Corrective Reader?
Every detail taught directly and explicitly Skills introduced gradually Skills applied systematically Skills practised continually Errors always corrected Instant feedback and reward

6 Decoding levels Decoding level A Decoding Level B1 Decoding Level B2
Decoding Level C

7 Does it work?

8 What we will provide All new resources (text & workbooks)
60-65 lessons in each scheme Taught daily Lessons 1/2/3 Taught over one school term CR Dedicated Staff

9 What we need from you Attendance Encourage Support
20 minutes reading every day Not just at school everyday but the lessons Encourage reading, not just books, comics (graphic novels, websites, newspapers, magasines) Support by sharing the reading, check they have understood. Fluency is the key to building a bridge between word recognition and comprehension (understanding what has been read). Research shows between minutes per day has a significant impact on achieving the greatest gains.

10 Finally.. All our KS3 students will be part of a new programme called Accelerated Reader. On leaflet there is more information relating to Accelerated Reader More information to follow, letters home, pages on website etc.

11 Any questions ?

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