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The Protestant Reformation

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1 The Protestant Reformation
# The Protestant Reformation #

2 1 Christianity United in One Church
The disciples and followers of Jesus were the first Christians. Before long, the Roman Empire under Constantine embraced Christianity, and the Christian Church was spread throughout the whole Roman Empire to 200 million people. For hundreds of years, the Catholic Church was the only Church in all of Europe.

3 1. Christianity United in One Church
Because there was one church in the West, it was very powerful. The Church collected billions in taxes from its followers and filled its churches with golden decorations and icons*. Most of these taxes came from very poor peasants in manors.

4 Reformation Comic Strips 2 Purgatory, Relics and Indulgences
Purgatory was a belief that there was a space in between heaven and hell where souls could be stuck waiting, forever. Basically, if you were an “ok” person you would be stuck here after you die. The Church claimed these souls needed to pay for their sins before entering Heaven. However, purgatory was not mentioned in the Bible. The Church wanted people who were alive to pay money to get their dead relatives into heaven…is there something wrong with this?

5 2 Purgatory, Relics and Indulgences
In order to generate revenue, Catholic representatives sold certificates called indulgences to Europeans. These notes promised escape from purgatory, forgiveness of sins, or getting dead relatives into heaven. Again, the bible does not mention this practice at all. No matter if you stole a loaf of bread, or murdered a child, the Church promised you forgiveness…if you bought the indulgence for the right price…

6 2 Purgatory, Relics and Indulgences
This video shows a priest “selling” indulgences to a crowd of peasants. As you watch ask yourself, why is he speaking to the peasants so dramatically? Click Here to Watch

7 Reformation Comic Strips 2 Purgatory, Relics and Indulgences
Some churches claimed to have relics like the bones of disciples. Other churches boasted nails or wood from Jesus’ cross. These churches often charged their poor followers money to see or touch these relics- promising miracles like good health or good luck. The Bible makes does not mention any relics or items as being Holy…look at these pictures…what’s weird about this?

8 3. Tortures in the Spanish Inquisition
During the Middle Ages there was great distrust by the Church of anyone who was not Catholic. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were the monarchs of Spain. They trusted the Church completely, and gave the Church the power of an inquisition- to investigate and punish anyone who might be an “enemy of Christendom”…in any way they wanted…look at that pic…What’s wrong here? All that man is guilty of is being a Jew…

9 3 Tortures in the Spanish Inquisition
The Inquisition, sometimes called the Spanish Inquisition, refers to the ongoing arrest and torture of non-Catholics overseen by the Catholic Church. When an individual was found to be guilty of a crime against the church, they were often expelled from their country or killed. The King and Queen gave the Church full permission to decide whomever was guilty, and what their punishment should be…Look at these two pictures…would Jesus approve of this?

10 Reformation Comic Strips 4 Martin Luther posts the 95 Theses
Martin Luther was a poor friar (a young priest) living in Germany and was not happy with what he saw happening in the Catholic Church. Luther wrote a list of complaints about the Church- called the 95 Theses. In one famous moment he marched up to a Catholic Church and nailed the list to the door. In Germany, the Protestant Reformation had begun!

11 Reformation Comic Strips 4 Martin Luther posts the 95 Theses
The Protestant Reformation was simply people’s efforts to change, or leave the Catholic Church. It started with a poor priest called Martin Luther, posing his 95 theses. As you watch this video keep the following question in mind. Luther was a very religious man who loved the church. Why do you think he felt he needed to write this letter to the Pope, and risk his life, to demand that the Church change its ways? Click Here to Watch

12 5. The Printing Press Spreads the News
Before the printing press, news of Luther’s 95 theses might never have left his small town. But now, his Theses were copied into dozens of languages and spread throughout all of Europe. The Church’s problems had been private before. Now the world was learning* about them and many were becoming angry.

13 5. The Printing Press Spreads the News
Now the Catholic Church was facing an interesting problem. Before the printing press the only men in society who could read or write were rich or in the Church. Almost every book written was the bible. With the new press and books, more people could read, and more people could write and share their opinions about the world, and the church. How do you think the Pope felt about this new invention…

14 6. The Church Splits Apart
Martin Luther inspired Christians to reject the Catholic Church, and start their own Churches. Not only was a new Christian Church named after Luther (Lutheran Church), but other protestant denominations have been established as alternatives to Catholicism. These include: Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Calvinist and many others. However, The Catholic Church remains the single largest Christian denomination in the world today.

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