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AGENDA – 12/1 Happy December! Imperialists and anti-imperialists

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1 AGENDA – 12/1 Happy December! Imperialists and anti-imperialists
Yesterday we talked about people who were for imperialism and WHY they were for imperialism Today, let’s talk about the other side – because not everyone liked it.

2 BUT FIRST What were reasons why people were for imperialism?
Imperialism – taking over new lands; aka, empire-building

3 Our “Sphere of Influence”
After the Spanish-American War, the US gained colonies – the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico The USA also: Built the Panama Canal Indirectly took over control in Cuba (1901 – Teller Amendment; 1903 – Platt Amendment)

Keep up with European nations Desire for power Theory of racial superiority Provide market for surplus goods and investments AGAINST EXPANSION The US’s vastness provided enough of an outlet for the country’s energies (we have plenty of natural resources) The US should not rule over other peoples Imperialists Theodore Roosevelt William McKinley William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer Anti-Imperialist League Mark Twain Andrew Carnegie Susan B. Anthony

5 1823 - Monroe Doctrine by James Monroe
DON’T WRITE THIS DOWN. JUST LISTEN TO ME. 1776 – we fought for independence Between 1800s-1820s, Latin American colonies, inspired by our win, fought for their independence from Spain and Portugal Monroe Doctrine by James Monroe Response to the threat that Europe might try to aid Spain in winning back her former Latin American colonies

Europe, keep your hands out of the Western Hemisphere And also Russia. Basically, don’t encroach on the “American continents” Or else.

7 McKinley assassinated

8 The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: 1905
Chronic wrongdoing… may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power . Summarize the above in your own words. What does this mean? TL;DR (too long; didn’t read)…

9 The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: 1905
TL;DR (too long; didn’t read)… The US has the authority to intervene in any American (North and South American) affairs and has the authority to use force to protect US economic interests. The US became “the Bully of the North”

10 Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick!
Begin gently… but have the things to back it up with violence if you need it. Like me!  don’t mess with me as a teacher, because it will not work out in your favor. Because I have authority. And I can squash you. Ha!

11 Constable of the World “Big Stick diplomacy”

12 U. S. Interventions in Latin America: 1898-1920s

13 A man. A plan. A canal. Panama.
PANAMA CANAL A man. A plan. A canal. Panama.

- easier shipping due to access between the Atlantic and the Pacific total cost of construction: $380 million rebellions in Panama against Colombia (Panama was a Colombian colony; they were mad at Colombia for allowing this) workers died from accidents or disease

15 CLOSURE “Shall we go on conferring our Civilization upon peoples that sit in darkness, or shall we give those poor things a rest? … extending the Blessings of Civilization to our Brother who Sits in Darkness has been a good trade and has paid well on the whole; and there is money in it yet… but not enough, in my judgment, to make any considerable risk advisable.” -Mark Twain Mark Twain was an anti-imperialist. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Mark Twain’s views? Respond in three to five sentences. “I agree with Mark Twain’s views on imperialism to a major extent bc….” “I disagree with Mark Twain’s views on imperialism to a minor extent bc…”

16 HOMEWORK Take notes on Ch 18 Sec 3 “Acquiring New Lands” (p 558-564)
Quiz on Monday! Over everything we’ve read and talked about in class this week. Take notes on Ch 18 Sec 3 “Acquiring New Lands” (p ) Puerto Rico Cuba Philippines China (not gained by US; but trade forced open) Consider the good, the bad, and the ugly of imperialism in those lands, and effects of imperialism on US attitudes

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