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Presented by About PilieroMazza Jon Williams, Partner

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1 Everything You Need to Know About Sole Source Contracts October 11, 2018

2 Presented by About PilieroMazza Jon Williams, Partner
Julia Di Vito, Associate About PilieroMazza PilieroMazza PLLC is a full-service law firm with offices in Washington, DC and Boulder, CO. We are most well known as a government contracting firm and for 25 years we have helped our clients navigate the complexities of doing business with the federal government. We also provide a full range of legal services including advice on corporate, labor and employment, SBA procurement programs, and litigation matters. Our clients value the diverse array of legal guidance they receive from us and our responsiveness as we guide their growth and secure their success. Our primary practice areas are: Government Contracting Small Business Programs Labor & Employment Business & Corporate Litigation © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

3 Overview Types of sole source contracts
What the government needs to do to issue a sole source contract, and how you can help Timing, posting, and protests Other Transaction Authority (OTA) © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

4 HUBZone Sole Source Contracts
FAR CO must first consider competitive HUBZone set-aside (i.e., the “Rule of Two”) before HUBZone sole source This means the CO cannot do a HUBZone sole source if the CO has a reasonable expectation of receiving two or more offers from HUBZone firms at a fair and reasonable price But, you can be creative in helping the CO to build a case for why there is really only one HUBZone firm that can do the work HUBZone sole source dollar limits: $7M for manufacturing contracts $4M for all other contracts © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

5 HUBZone Sole Source Contracts
Not permitted if the requirement has been accepted into the 8(a) program or is currently being performed by an 8(a) firm HUBZone sole source contracts must be above the simplified acquisition threshold and at a fair and reasonable price CO must determine the HUBZone small business is responsible with respect to performance and that award can be made at a fair and reasonable price Award can be made to a joint venture if all other requirements satisfied SBA may appeal a CO’s decision not to make a HUBZone sole source award © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

6 HUBZone Performance Requirements
The FAR has different rules on performance requirements for HUBZone contracts as compared to SBA’s rules Supplies (non-manufacturer): if over $25,000, must provide end items manufactured or produced by HUBZone small business manufacturers General construction and construction by special trade contractors: no more than 50% of the cost incurred for personnel will be subcontracted to non-HUBZone concerns Not applicable to sole source contracts The SBA rules should control, but be careful to make sure the contract incorporates SBA’s performance requirements © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

7 SDVOSB Sole Source Contracts
FAR and VAAR and For SBA SDVOSB: Similar to HUBZone, in that the CO must first determine if the “Rule of Two” is satisfied and that award can be made at a fair and reasonable price to a responsible SDVOSB Dollar limits of $6.5M for manufacturing, $4M for any other contract For VA VOSB/SDVOSB: Sole source contracts cannot exceed $5M Should be easier to do because the VA CO does not need to first determine if the “Rule of Two” is satisfied However, VA has implemented policies/procedures that effectively limit its statutory sole source authority and require consideration of competition before doing sole source © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

8 ED/WOSB Sole Source Contracts
FAR Sole source was not initially available, but was added in 12/2015 Similar requirements as for HUBZone and SBA SDVOSB, including need to first determine if the “Rule of Two” is satisfied The sole source contract must also be in a NAICS code available to the EDWOSB or WOSB program Dollar limits of $6.5M for manufacturing, $4M for any other contract Debate over 3rd party verification Is a 3rd party verification necessary to be eligible for an EDWOSB or WOSB sole source contract? © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

9 8(a) Sole Source Contracts
Critical advantage of the 8(a) program over other SBA set-aside programs Great marketing tool for 8(a) firms Why is it such a great tool? Agencies can issue 8(a) sole source contracts below the applicable “competitive threshold” without having to worry about the “Rule of Two” The “competitive thresholds” for 8(a) contracts are $7M for manufacturing and $4M for all other types of contracts Once a contract gets in the 8(a) program, it is difficult to get it out © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

10 More on 8(a) Sole Source Contracts
May be awarded to 8(a) firms and 8(a) joint ventures Must be 8(a) eligible at the time of 8(a) sole source award If you are not in good standing, perhaps because you are not meeting your 8(a) and non-8(a) business mix requirements, SBA will commonly suspend your ability to obtain new 8(a) sole source awards Limitations on subcontracting apply Note that requires, among other things, that the 8(a) firm obtain approval from SBA and the procuring agency before utilizing any subcontractors in performance of the contract – this is often overlooked © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

11 8(a) Competitive Thresholds
The 8(a) competitive thresholds of $7M/$4M are subject to increase every five years; next adjustment in 2020 If the anticipated award price for a services project is $3.8M and it is accepted as an 8(a) sole source on that basis, the sole source will still be valid if the contract increases to $4.2M after negotiation However, the contract price cannot be more than 10% greater than the competitive threshold unless SBA determines there are not at least two 8(a) firms that would submit offers at a fair market price or the procuring agency otherwise justifies a sole source contract Cannot break up contract into smaller portions to fit each under the competitive threshold © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

12 Special 8(a) Rules for ANCs, Tribally-Owned Firms, and NHOs
The $7M/$4M competitive thresholds for 8(a) do not apply to ANCs or Tribally-owned firms, and NHOs are also exempt but only for DoD contracts These exemptions apply so long as SBA has not already accepted the contract into the 8(a) program as a competitive procurement An 8(a) sole source contract to ANC/Tribe/NHO cannot exceed $22M without justification and approval For other 8(a) firms, once they reach the lesser of $100M in combined sole source + competitive 8(a) contracts, or five times the amount of the size standard for their primary industry, the firm is no longer eligible for sole source contracts But this does not apply to ANCs/Tribes/NHOs © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

13 Other Types of Sole Source Awards
Sole source awards are permitted in certain circumstances set forth in FAR Part 6: Only one responsible source Unusual and compelling urgency To keep facility, producer, manufacturer, or other supplier available To establish or maintain an essential engineering, research, or development capability To acquire the services of an expert or neutral person for any current or anticipated litigation or dispute Competition prohibited by international agreement Statute authorizes or requires a specified source Competition would compromise national security Competition is not in the public interest © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

14 Limiting Sources for FSS Orders
Federal Supply Schedule orders and BPAs are not subject to FAR Part 6, but ordering agency must justify restricting the number of sources it considers for an FSS order using a Limited Source Justification (“LSJ”), similar to a sole source justification LSJs are permitted when: An urgent and compelling need exists, and following the competitive ordering procedures would result in unacceptable delays Only one source is capable of providing the supplies or services at the level of quality needed because they are unique or highly specialized In the interest of economy and efficiency, the new work is a logical follow-on to an original FSS order provided that the original order was placed in accordance with the applicable FSS ordering procedures and was issued on a competitive (not sole source) basis © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

15 Justification and Approval (“J&A”)
Agencies must complete a J&A to issue sole source contracts except for when a statute requires or authorizes acquisitions in these circumstances: Brand name commercial item for authorized sale Qualified Nonprofit Agencies for the Blind or other Severely Disabled Statutes require award to specific source 8(a) sole source for $22 million or less If competition is not in the public interest, a determination and findings must be drafted and Congress must be notified of the determination not less than 30 days before award © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

16 Contents of the J&A A J&A typically must address 12 items found in FAR , including: A description of the supplies or services and estimated value Statutory authority permitting the sole source Explanation of the contractor’s unique qualification or nature of the acquisition that requires use of the sole source authority cited A description of efforts made to ensure that offers are solicited from as many potential sources as is practicable A determination by the contracting officer that the anticipated cost to the Government will be fair and reasonable A description of the market research conducted and the results or a statement of the reason market research was not conducted A listing of the sources, if any, that expressed an interest in writing A statement of the actions, if any, the agency may take to remove or overcome any barriers to competition before any subsequent acquisition © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

17 Publication of the J&A Typically, the J&A must be published after award In most cases, the J&A must be published within 14 days after award For “unusual and compelling urgency” awards, the J&A must be published within 30 days after award Exceptions to publication If competition would compromise national security, and the J&A itself would compromise national security if published © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

18 Market Research for Sole Source
In most cases, government is expected to perform some market research to justify its decision to issue a sole source contract FAR Subpart 6.3 and Part 10 Extent of market research depends on what is reasonable under the circumstances Tips Important to respond to RFIs Description of the contract and your unique capabilities are key © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

19 Protests of Sole Source Awards – Timing
A competitor cannot challenge size or small business status eligibility on an 8(a), HUBZone, SDVOSB, or WOSB sole source contract You could request SBA or the CO to initiate their own size or status protest No specific time that request would be due, but you should request it soon after award A GAO bid protest is due within 10 days of when you learn of the basis of protest When you learn of the award or when you could learn of the award (e.g., the posting of the J&A) A Court of Federal Claims bid protest is due within 6 years of when it accrues, but it is best to file soon after contract award © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

20 Protests of Sole Source Awards – Potential Arguments
The J&A does not contain the required contents The sole source award was not based on the correct authority The J&A was not posted on time Lack of documentation The agency’s market research was flawed or nonexistent The awardee does not have the qualifications/knowledge the agency says it has (for only one responsible source) For 8(a) sole source, GAO’s review of actions under the 8(a) program generally is limited to determining whether government officials have violated regulations or engaged in bad faith © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

21 Other Transaction Authority (“OTA”)
11 agencies currently have OTA and approximately 40 agencies are asking for it OTA provides a unique, non-competitive means for an agency to award a contract Results in a written contract Not subject to the FAR, DCAA audit, or procurement laws like the Competition in Contracting Act or the Procurement Integrity Act No dollar limit for the agreements, but there are different approval thresholds depending on the amount of the contract Used for R&D and “cutting edge” prototype development Agencies negotiate one-on-one after soliciting capability statements from places like © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

22 Agencies Authorized to Use OTA
Department of Defense (DOD) 10 U.S.C. § 2371 Department of Energy (DOE) 42 U.S.C. § 7256 Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) 42 U.S.C. § 16538 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 42 U.S.C. § 247d-7e National Institutes of Health (NIH) (certain programs) 42 U.S.C. § 285b-3; 42 U.S.C. § 284n; 42 U.S.C. § 287a; Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2015, Pub. L No , div. G, title II, § 213, 128 Stat. 2487 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (expired end of FY17) 6 U.S.C. § 391 Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) 6 U.S.C. § 596 Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 49 U.S.C. § 114(m) Department of Transportation (DOT) 49 U.S.C. § 5312 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 49 U.S.C. § 106(l) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 51 U.S.C. § 20113(e) © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

23 $412M in FY17 © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

24 Questions? Jon Williams Julia Di Vito
888 17th Street, NW 11th Floor Washington, DC This material is presented with the understanding that the author is not rendering any legal, accounting, or other professional service or advice. Because of the rapidly changing nature of the law, information contained in this presentation may become outdated. As a result, the user of this material must always research original sources of authority and update information to ensure accuracy when dealing with a specific legal matter. In no event will the author be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this material. © PilieroMazza PLLC 2018

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