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Writing a story using a story map

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1 Writing a story using a story map
Primary Longman Elect 6B Chapter 2 Writing a story using a story map

2 Can you write a story about these pictures?
1 2 3 4 5 6 Abracadabra! ?

3 Yes. It happened one day at Grandma’s house.
When and where did the story take place? You can write your ideas in a story map like this. TITLE SETTING MAIN CHARACTERS one day, Grandma’s house a boy called Eric, a genie PROBLEM Eric dropped a bottle at Grandma’s house a genie appeared and gave Eric one wish Eric grew too tall EVENTS SOLUTION ENDING

4 That’s right. A boy called Eric and a genie.
Who are the people in the story? TITLE SETTING MAIN CHARACTERS one day, Grandma’s house a boy called Eric, a genie PROBLEM Eric dropped a bottle at Grandma’s house a genie appeared and gave Eric one wish Eric grew too tall EVENTS SOLUTION ENDING

5 Look at the pictures again. Write down your ideas for Pictures 1 to 3.
2 3 4 5 6 Abracadabra! ?

6 1 2 3 What happened? Eric dropped a box What happened next?
a bottle broke, a genie appeared 2 What did the genie do? Abracadabra! gave Eric one wish What was Eric’s wish? to be taller 3 What happened next? Eric grew taller and taller, as tall as a house — too tall

7 Now, look at Pictures 4 and 5 and complete the story map.
The 3 points under PROBLEM are about Pictures 1 to 3! Let’s look at the story map again. TITLE SETTING MAIN CHARACTERS one day, Grandma’s house a boy called Eric, a genie PROBLEM Eric dropped a bottle at Grandma’s house a genie appeared and gave Eric one wish Eric grew too tall EVENTS SOLUTION ENDING

8 What was the genie’s idea? What did Eric want the genie to do?
EVENTS SOLUTION ENDING 4 Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help

9 How did they get to the wizard’s house?
What did they do next? How did they get to the wizard’s house? EVENTS SOLUTION ENDING 5 Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help They went to find the wizard They crossed a river and climbed a mountain

10 ? Did Eric become his normal size again? How did Eric feel?
What happened next? Did the wizard help Eric? How? Write your ideas under SOLUTION. EVENTS SOLUTION ENDING 6 Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter ? The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help They went to find the wizard They crossed a river and climbed a mountain The wizard gave Eric a magic drink Eric became his normal size again Eric was very happy

11 ? Write your ideas under ENDING.
What happened in the end? What did the people do? EVENTS SOLUTION ENDING 6 Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter ? The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help They went to find the wizard They crossed a river and climbed a mountain The wizard gave Eric a magic drink Eric became his normal size again Eric was very happy Eric wanted to learn magic The genie wanted to improve his magic They became the wizard’s pupils

12 Well done! Now you can use your notes in the story map to write the story.

13 Now, put your ideas in the story map into sentences.
TITLE SETTING MAIN CHARACTERS one day, Grandma’s house a boy called Eric, a genie PROBLEM Eric dropped a box a bottle broke, a genie appeared the genie gave Eric one wish Eric wanted to be taller Eric grew taller and taller, as tall as a house — too tall Eric and the Genie One day a boy called Eric dropped a box at his grandmother’s house. A bottle broke and a genie appeared. The genie gave Eric one wish. Eric wanted to be taller. Eric grew taller and taller. He was as tall as a house! He was too tall! Now, put your ideas in the story map into sentences. First, give your story a title.

14 Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter.
EVENTS Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help They went to find the wizard They crossed a river and climbed a mountain SOLUTION The wizard gave Eric a magic drink Eric became his normal size again Eric was very happy Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter. The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help. They went to find the wizard. They crossed a river and climbed a mountain. The wizard gave Eric a magic drink. Eric became his normal size again. Eric was very happy.

15 Eric wanted to learn magic. The genie wanted to improve his magic.
ENDING Eric wanted to learn magic The genie wanted to improve his magic They became the wizard’s pupils Eric wanted to learn magic. The genie wanted to improve his magic. They became the wizard’s pupils.

16 Now put the sentences into paragraphs.
One day a boy called Eric dropped a box at his grandmother’s house. A bottle broke and a genie appeared. The genie gave Eric a wish. Eric wanted to be taller. One day a boy called Eric dropped a box at his grandmother’s house. A bottle broke and a genie appeared. The genie gave Eric one wish. Eric wanted to be taller. Eric grew taller and taller. He was as tall as a house! He was too tall! Eric grew taller and taller. He was as tall as a house! He was too tall! Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter. Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter. The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help. They went to find the wizard. They crossed a river and climbed a mountain. The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help. They went to find the wizard. They crossed a river and climbed a mountain. The wizard gave Eric a magic drink. Eric became his normal size again. Eric was very happy. The wizard gave Eric a magic drink. Eric became his normal size again. Eric was very happy. Eric wanted to learn magic. The genie wanted to improve his magic. They became the wizard’s pupils. Eric wanted to learn magic. The genie wanted to improve his magic. They became the wizard’s pupils. Now put the sentences into paragraphs.

17 Add extra details to make your story more interesting.
In the box there was a bottle. Eric dropped the One day a boy called Eric dropped a box at his grandmother’s house. A bottle broke and a genie appeared. The genie gave Eric a wish. Eric wanted to be taller. found a box of old things ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ and it A and The genie said, ‘Abracadabra!’ Eric grew taller and taller. He was as tall as a house! He was too tall! Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter. ^ but the genie was unable to help him. had an idea. He The genie said that they could ask the wizard for help. They went to find the wizard. They crossed a river and climbed a mountain. ^ ^ ^ They walked a long way. They arrived at the wizard’s house. was wise and kind. He He The wizard gave Eric a magic drink. Eric became his normal size again. Eric was very happy. ^ and he thanked the wizard. Eric wanted to learn magic. The genie wanted to improve his magic. They became the wizard’s pupils. and lived with the wizard happily ever after. Add extra details to make your story more interesting.

18 Use linking words and add adverbs to improve your story.
One day a boy called Eric found a box of old things at his grandmother’s house. In the box there was a bottle. Eric dropped the bottle and it broke. A genie appeared and gave Eric a wish. Eric wanted to be taller. accidentally Suddenly a ^ ^ After a while In the end he The genie said, ‘Abracadabra!’ Eric grew taller and taller. He was as tall as a house! He was too tall! Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter but the genie was unable to help him. ^ ^ Then the So they The genie had an idea. He said that they could ask the wizard for help. They went to find the wizard. They walked a long way. They crossed a river and climbed a mountain. They arrived at the wizard’s house. ^ ^ At last they ^ Soon The wizard was wise and kind. He gave Eric a magic drink. Eric became his normal size again. He was very happy and he thanked the wizard. ^ and the So they Eric wanted to learn magic. The genie wanted to improve his magic. They became the wizard’s pupils and lived with the wizard happily ever after. ^ ^ Use linking words and add adverbs to improve your story.

19 You can also add dialogue to make the story more interesting.
One day a boy called Eric found a box of old things at his grandmother’s house. In the box there was a bottle. Eric accidentally dropped the bottle and it broke. Suddenly a genie appeared and gave Eric a wish. Eric wanted to be taller. One day a boy called Eric found a box of old things at his grandmother’s house. In the box there was a bottle. Eric accidentally dropped the bottle and it broke. Suddenly a genie appeared and said, ‘I’m the genie of the bottle! You can have one wish — but only one!’ Eric made a wish. He wanted to be taller. The genie said, ‘Abracadabra!’ After a while Eric grew taller and taller. In the end he was as tall as a house! He was too tall! Eric wanted the genie to make him shorter but the genie was unable to help him. The genie said, ‘Abracadabra!’ After a while Eric grew taller and taller. In the end he was as tall as a house! Eric cried, ‘Oh no! I’m too tall! Please make me shorter.’ ‘I’m sorry I can’t,’ the genie replied. ‘I can only give you one wish.’ Then the genie had an idea. He said that they could ask the wizard for help. So they went to find the wizard. They walked a long way. They crossed a river and climbed a mountain. At last they arrived at the wizard’s house. Then the genie had an idea. He said, ‘I know! We can ask the wizard for help.’ So they went to find the wizard. They walked a long way. They crossed a river and climbed a mountain. At last they arrived at the wizard’s house. The wizard was wise and kind. He gave Eric a magic drink. Soon Eric became his normal size again. He was very happy and he thanked the wizard. The wizard was wise and kind. ‘Don’t worry,’ he told Eric. ‘I can help you.’ He gave Eric a magic drink. Soon Eric became his normal size again. He was very happy. ‘Thank you very much, Wizard!’ he said. Eric wanted to learn magic and the genie wanted to improve his magic. ‘Please can you teach us magic?’ they asked the wizard. ‘No problem!’ the wizard said. So they became the wizard’s pupils and lived with the wizard happily ever after. Eric wanted to learn magic and the genie wanted to improve his magic. So they became the wizard’s pupils and lived with the wizard happily ever after. You can also add dialogue to make the story more interesting.

20 Eric and the Genie One day a boy called Eric found a box of old things at his grandmother’s house. In the box there was a bottle. Eric accidentally dropped the bottle and it broke. Suddenly a genie appeared and said, ‘I’m the genie of the bottle! You can have one wish — but only one!’ Eric made a wish. He wanted to be taller. The genie said, ‘Abracadabra!’ After a while Eric grew taller and taller. In the end he was as tall as a house! Eric cried, ‘Oh no! I’m too tall! Please make me shorter.’ ‘I’m sorry I can’t,’ the genie replied. ‘I can only give you one wish.’ Then the genie had an idea. He said, ‘I know! We can ask the wizard for help.’ So they went to find the wizard. They walked a long way. They crossed a river and climbed a mountain. At last they arrived at the wizard’s house. The wizard was wise and kind. ‘Don’t worry,’ he told Eric. ‘I can help you.’ He gave Eric a magic drink. Soon Eric became his normal size again. He was very happy. ‘Thank you very much, Wizard!’ he said. Eric wanted to learn magic and the genie wanted to improve his magic. ‘Please can you teach us magic?’ they asked the wizard. ‘No problem!’ the wizard said. So they became the wizard’s pupils and lived with the wizard happily ever after.

21 The End

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