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Internal Expectations

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1 Internal Expectations

2 What are all of our fiscal responsibilities as staff members?
Preserve University resources Official University business Compliant with laws, regulations, policies, proceedures and restrictions Public appearance (we are a state funded university) Business purpose is documented Supporting documentation is filed Procedures are being followed

3 Procurement Card PSC policy states $25 or less does not require a receipt, however our rule requires receipts for all purchases regardless of the dollar amount. A proof of payment and a line item receipt are both required, three or more failures to present this documentation will result in a 50 point violation. A tip cannot exceed 20% of actual cost of services or goods. Remember we are tax exempt; our rule is if taxes are not excluded from the purchase on more than three occurrences, that will result in a 50-point violation. Meals with staff/employees only are not allowed unless it is an official function; departments may have a staff appreciation meal outside of the holiday season. For more information on Official Functions, review the PSC procedural statement here​. It is important to remember that subordinates cannot be an approving official for their supervisor's cardholder expenses.

4 What are sensitive expenditures?
Food and Related Consumables- not allowable for employee’s personal consumption (not in travel status and not at official functions). Items such as coffee, tea, creamer, snacks and etc. Alcohol – not acceptable for student functions or student attendance. Allowable in the Advancement Office for donor cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship official functions with restricted funds. Gift Cards- Require pre-approved gift card program by the Finance Office, cash controls/handling, and internal controls as well as appropriate internal approvals. Recognition and Retirement Parties– Must follow PSC Procedural Statement: Recognition and Training and PSC Procedural Statement: Official Function Official Functions – Use of correct official function type for activity and supply accurate supporting documentation Flowers, Fruit Baskets and Greeting Cards – used for decoration purpose associated with official function, not for get well or congratulations Tickets to events – Must follow PSC Procedural Statement: Official Function Tips – Reasonable tips are allowed up to a maximum of 20%, anything in excess will require a reimbursement to the university External sponsorship and Table purchases – Vice Chancellor approval, Finance Office approval prior to purchase Contracts – If it is not an online click through agreement you CANNOT sign a contract. Contracts must route to the Procurement Service Center or to the Finance Office

5 Preferred Method of Payment
Marketplace is our preferred method of procurement for all purchases. P-Card should only be used in the event that the Marketplace cannot be used and the purchase is allowable on the P-Card. Single purchase limit is still $5,000 on the P-Card Cannot purchase items covered by a mandatory price agreement, please review the Commodity List for a list of goods/services or state price agreement listing by category Professional Services from Companies or Service from Individuals cannot be purchased on a P- Card. Must go through Marketplace If a contract is required purchase must go through Marketplace Prior approval must be obtained prior to a purchase being made in the Marketplace

6 Making purchases outside of Marketplace
Since Marketplace is our preferred method of procurement for all purchases; We understand that there are cheaper options/vendors, therefore when you make a purchase outside of Marketplace we EXPECT that you do a cost comparison and attach those print outs to your expense report monthly On your concur reports; Explain/justify your reasoning for purchasing outside of Marketplace on the comment section Attach and show screen-print or print out of cost comparison of item purchased with your receipt IF the reason you made the purchase outside of Marketplace is because Marketplace did not have the item you needed, then please note that on the comment section

7 New Approval Routing Three levels of review and approval
1. Route reports submitted in Concur for both Procurement Card and Travel to fiscal manager to verify funding/speedtype as an added approver 2. Route reports submitted in Concur for both Procurement Card and Travel to Isra for review for compliance 3. Isra will Approve and Forward to approver/Director/Approving Official for final approval Gift Card Programs must be submitted and routed through the Provost Office, we will review and submit to the appropriate Department approver and appropriate Campus Controller approver

8 Official Functions An official function form must be signed for all official function if the total cost of the official function exceeds $500 or per person cost exceeds $85 Official Function - Student Functions For all and any student event where food is catered (excludes big events such as block party) please ensure to attach a student sign in sheet or a list of attendees Categorized attendees in comment section (e.g. 15 students, 2 staff and 1 faculty) List attendees names (e.g. sign up sheet or a list of attendees names)

9 What are Internal Controls?
Separation of duties- No one person should have complete control over every aspect of a transaction. Three parts of internal controls 1. Handling money, receipts, purchasing 2. Billing, depositing, approving, authorizing purchase 3. Reconciling to the speedtype utilizing documentation (receipts, marketplace, concur, s etc) to reconcile your speedtype(s) every month. At least two DIFFERENT people must perform the above.

10 Resources Office of the Provost HR and Finance Toolbox: t/ProvostAdministrativeToolbox/Pages/default.aspx Procurement Rules - Travel - PSC Forms- PSC Procedures - Step by step learning resources - PSC Contact List- System Controller’s Office Cognos Reporting System Learning Resources-

11 Questions?

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