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Community Education Partnership merger with Washwood heath Multi –Academy Trust THE Journey!!!!

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1 Community Education Partnership merger with Washwood heath Multi –Academy Trust
THE Journey!!!!

Back ground CEP consists of TOPcliffe Primary school and Firs primary school Washwood consists of Washwood heath, Saltley, tile cross, Brownmead and gossey lane academies WHY? Benefit to children in our care Financial stability moving forward Achieving strategic goals of the trust

3 The research… ‘MAT mergers: does 1+1 always = more than 2? (Robert Hill Sept 17) article for the MIT Sloan Management Review Hamid Bouchikhi and John Kimberly describe seven lessons that will make it more likely that M&As will result in successful integration. Form Following Function’ (developing strategies on partnerships and mergers) was used as a framework to scaffold thinking around options for Multi- Academy Trusts in planning for their future (Taken from housing trust mergers)

4 mergers are about much more than economics
realising economies of scale, merging IT systems, reducing senior management costs or maximising purchasing power Rationalising functions and services is, say Bouchikhi and Kimberly, a necessary but not a sufficient condition for a successful merger Academies and boards also need to address what are described as ‘psychological issues’.

5 psychological issues forge a new shared identity - beyond choosing a new name and logo Who are we?’ what makes us distinct? what is it that we want to achieve together? what are the shared values that will underpin how we work together? Vision, values are mission critical to making mergers successful – (communicating that to Pupils, parents, staff and community)

6 ‘identity’ related issues are likely to undermine the chances of success
It should also embrace understanding the culture spend time in each other’s schools respective leaders and board members talk and get to know each other understand the culture and context learn about each other’s aspirations Ego - being able to let go

7 MATs need to be pragmatic; one size does not fit all
Types of merger Assimilation, which occurs when the identity of a school acquired by a trust is deliberately dissolved and assimilated into the identity of the new MAT Confederation is the polar opposite of assimilation. Each organisation or school keeps its name, governance, leadership and autonomy. Any central role is more about co-ordination with sharing or integration limited to agreed areas of mutual interest Federation differs from confederation by virtue of there being a new layer of identity sitting alongside the existing identity. In MAT terms that means you positively foster the uniqueness of individual organisations or schools while having a strong overarching layer that co-ordinates and supports their work and holds them to account for their bottom line performance Metamorphosis describes a process for dissolving or losing existing identities and blending them into a completely new identity MATs need to be pragmatic; one size does not fit all

8 after the research?

9 Selection criteria DFE support Values
Geographical location (which may differ from primary/special) Financial security Infrastructure Growth Merger timeline

10 Continued… Dfe – YES Values - Are our values up to date? Do they still make sense? Do they capture what you are trying to do? What do your stakeholders think? Be clear on the problem to be solved – and where the opportunities lie Such as: Delivering services in the face of cuts, Adding capacity across the trust, Procuring goods and services on better terms, Bringing in innovative ICT Commit to involving stakeholders and staff Set out clearly the pros and cons of merger, partnership and other options Identify the concerns of stakeholders Explain how these will be addressed Give measurable commitments on service delivery and building post-merger. Time line

11 Continued… Take decisions impartially
How far an option meets your objectives Ensure that you consider all options thoroughly. Identify risks and benefits accurately. Use realistic assumptions – not just those that make the plan work Stress test the resilience of the future modelling Make the most of due diligence. Demonstrate accountability – with measured and realistic outcomes Set tangible measures of success Report on these transparently. Plan ahead Do the cultures fit? Do the two sides trust each other? a commitment to openness

12 Common Approach to School improvement
Phase 1 - Information Gathering (Engage the Whole Community) Stakeholder Questionnaires (Summer Term) Pupils Staff Parents Staff Engagement Survey (Autumn Term) School Standards Audit To inform SDP Phase 2 - Analysis and Planning Analysis MAT Central Team and Head Teacher Feedback To School Leaders and Governors to inform School Development Priorities and CPD Phase 3 - Implementation and Review Adopt Whole School Thinking (Emphasis On Consistency and Belonging Being Key) Prioritise Professional Learning and Staff Development Develop Supportive Policies /Procedure (Promoting Consistency) Implement Targeted Programmes and Interventions (Including Curriculum) Connect Appropriately With Approaches To Behaviour Management Implement Targeted Responses and Identify Specialist Pathways (Including the most talented)

13 Deputy CEO – WASHWOOD HEATH Multi Academy Trust
GOOD LUCK Questions? Ian Lowe Deputy CEO – WASHWOOD HEATH Multi Academy Trust

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