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THERMAL POWER PLANT. A Thermal Power Plant converts the heat energy of coal into electrical energy. Coal is burnt in a boiler which converts water into.

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2 A Thermal Power Plant converts the heat energy of coal into electrical energy. Coal is burnt in a boiler which converts water into steam. The expansion of steam in turbine produces mechanical power which drives the alternator coupled to the turbine. Thermal Power Plants contribute maximum to the generation of Power for any country In thermal generating stations coal, oil, natural gas etc. are employed as primary sources of energy. Introduction Introduction

3 Layout of thermal power plant


5  Coal handling plant  Pulverizing plant  Draft fans  Boiler  Ash handling plant  Turbine  Condenser  Cooling towers and ponds  Feed water heater  Economizer  Superheated and Reheated  Air preheated Main and Auxiliary equipments

6 The coal is brought and crushed to powder. This is feed to Boiler for producing heat In Boiler the water is converted to steam. In Super heater the moisture content is removed from the steam and that steam is called super heated steam The superheated steam rotates the shaft of the High pressure turbine The Exhausted steam is sent to preheater and the steam then rotates the Intermediate pressure(IP) Turbine The steam from the IP turbine is then feed to low pressure turbine. The turbine shaft is connected to the Generator, which produces Electric Power. The power generated is then Transmitted. Operation

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