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1. TOPIC : FOOD PACKAGING Presented By:- Mehboob Ahmad 2.

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2 TOPIC : FOOD PACKAGING Presented By:- Mehboob Ahmad 2

3  From way back people used animal skins, leaves and shells  Ceramics and baskets used in 6000 B.C  Egyptian used glass in 1500 B.C  Evolution of processed ones: paper, glass and wood  20 th century – widespread use of plastic 3

4  Packaging is a science,art and technology of protecting products from microorganisms and harmful external agents.  Helpful for distribution, storage, sale and use. 4

5 Primary packagingSecondary packagingTertiary packaging 5

6  The material that first envelops the product and holds it  Smallest unit of distribution or use  Package is in direct contact with contents 6

7  Secondary packaging is outside the primary packaging,perhaps used to group primary packaging together. 7

8  Tertiary packaging is used for bulk handling,warehouse storage and transport shipping. 8

9  Primary packaging  Secondary packaging  Tertiary packaging 9

10  Paper  Steel  Aluminum  Glass  Plastics 10

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12 Essential part of value chain analysis Gives final choice to the consumer Directly involve convenience,appeal and advertisements Increases shelf life Prevention of food from contamination Make food attractive 12

13  Auto coding  Cartoning machine  Vacuum packaging machine  Capping machine  Weighing machines 13

14  Increases shelf life and attraction of food products  Makes the food constituents valuable  Maintain food nutritional value  Tells nutritional contents of food products  Protect from microbial and hazardous agents  failure 14

15  Increase cost of food  Increase pollution  Affect reproductive system  Affect humans and animals  Affect marine life 15

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17  Hans-Jurgen Bässler und Frank Lehmann : Containment Technology: Progress in the Pharmaceutical and Food Processing Industry. Springer, Berlin 2013.  Heldman, D.R. ed (2003). "Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering". New York: Marcel Dekker  Potter, N.N. and J.H. Hotchkiss. (1995). "Food Science", Fifth Edition. New York: Chapman & Hall. pp. 478–513.  Robertson, G. L. (2013). "Food Packaging: Principles & Practice". CRC Press.  Selke, S, (1994). "Packaging and the Environment".  Selke, S, (2004) "Plastics Packaging“.  Soroka, W. (2009). "Fundamentals of Packaging Technology". Institute of Packaging Professionals.  Stillwell, E. J, (1991) "Packaging for the Environment", A. D. Little, 1991.  Yam, K. L., "Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology", John Wiley & Sons, 2009. 17

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