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Course: Module: Lesson # & Name Instructional Material 1 of 32 Lesson Delivery Mode: Lesson Duration: Document Name: 1. Professional Diploma in ERP Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Course: Module: Lesson # & Name Instructional Material 1 of 32 Lesson Delivery Mode: Lesson Duration: Document Name: 1. Professional Diploma in ERP Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course: Module: Lesson # & Name Instructional Material 1 of 32 Lesson Delivery Mode: Lesson Duration: Document Name: 1. Professional Diploma in ERP Systems 1.9. ERP Implementation Lesson 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects To understand the Testing needs in a SAP ERP Implementation To understand the various testing tools available in SAP To understand the evolution of eCATT as a SAP Testing tools and it role in Functional Testing To understand how eCATT works 02 M05-L08-INSM-V99.doc Instructor Led Training 180 minutes

2 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Topics SAP Test Management: An Overview SAP Test Workbench: An Overview CATT (Computer Aided Testing Tool) ECATT (Extended Computer Aided Testing Tool) Summary: Test Management in SAP Projects List of Topics

3 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Introduction What is SAP Test Management? –A logical grouping of activities performed to check the functions and performance of SAP solutions –Executed as part of SAP Implementation projects, Upgrade Projects, ChaRM etc. What aspects of SAP solutions are tested? –Whether the results of a business process are correct? –Whether the contents of a document, say, a Purchase Order, are printed correctly? –Whether the report produces a correct output? –Whether an interface with an external system works as per predefined expectations? –Whether the system performance is as per the pre-defined benchmarks? etc. Why and When is it needed? –Due to changes in SAP Solution caused by new projects, functional enhancement of business processes, application of SAP Support packages, Legal change packages, Enhancement packages –Done after a solution is implemented, but before it is moved to Production environment SAP Test Management: An Overview

4 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Challenges in SAP Test Management Testing business processes across multiple SAP Applications and system instances Testing of interfaces between SAP Solutions and non-SAP 3P solutions Considering the impact of those changes may impact multiple functions What should be the scope of Testing? What Testing methods can be used for various Testing scenarios? What is the appropriate environment required for SAP Testing? Is manual testing reliable for all Testing Scenarios? What tool can be used for automatic testing? What are the steps in Testing Process? SAP Test Management: An Overview

5 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Types of Testing in SAP environment Functional Tests –Unit Tests –Scenario Tests –Integration Tests –User acceptance tests –Regression tests –Developer Tests Technical tests –Developer tests –Technical System tests –Performance tests –Security Tests SAP Test Management: An Overview

6 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects SAP Tools for Test Management SAP Solution Manager –A Solution Lifecycle Management tool with complete testing functions and tools such as Test Workbench and eCATT SAP Test Data Migration Server (SAP TDMS) –An independent SAP solution for creating test SAP systems SAP Quality Center by HP –A testing application from HP for testing SAP Solutions SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization (SAP TAO) –A SAP testing solution to automate time consuming tasks in testing of business processes SAP LoadRunner by HP –A testing Application from HP used for Performance testing and Volume / Stress testing of SAP Solutions SAP Test Management: An Overview

7 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Testing Methodology Example: New SAP Solution / New Implementation Project SAP Test Management: An Overview Define Testing Strategy Prepare for the Testing Project Identify Test Scope Test Planning and Test System Preparation Test Execution Final Activities & Deployment of Changes in Production

8 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Introduction A SAP Testing Application which enables a project team to perform various testing activities through SAP Solution Lifecycle Management Test Repository –Displays the available test cases and their current component assignments Test Organizer –Create, Edit and Check Test Cases –Create, Edit and Check Test Catalogues –Create, Edit and Check Test Plan –Create and Edit Test Package –Maintaining Tester Worklist –Monitor the status of each Test Plan –Perform Testing Test Tools –Use Extended CATT and CATT tools to create and execute functional tests SAP Test Workbench: An Overview

9 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Test Organizer Test Case –Lists and describes the objects to be tested together –Can be created and edited using CATT Test Catalog –Set of Test Cases in a hierarchical structure –Created and edited in Test Organizer –Used to create a Test Plan Test Plan –Set of Test Cases from one or more Test Catalogs –Created and edited in Test Organizer Test Package –Consists of a test, assigned to a person along with a start and end date of testing –Created and edited in the Test Plan maintenance screen with in Test Organizer SAP Test Workbench: An Overview

10 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Test Case A set of conditions or variables under which a business process is tested on the SAP System –Includes all pre-requisites for a particular test Types of Test Cases –Manual Test Case –eCATT Test Configuration –CATT, Functional Module Test –External Application –Referring Automatic Test cases can be created using CATT or eCATT –Used for Performing Functional Tests Manual Test Cases are written as SAPscript long texts –Used for User Acceptance Tests SAP Test Workbench: An Overview

11 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Introduction to CATT & Automatic Testing CATT  Computer Aided Testing Tool Used for creating and editing automatic test cases A Test Case is created using a Test Case Editor –Comprises of Commands, Functions, Object and Text –One or more SAP transactions to be tested can be recorded and entered –Within a Business scenario, results of a SAP Transaction can be passed on to the next transaction CATT (Computer Aided Testing Tool) Name and Description of the Test Case Editor Commands, such as r, i, d, c, m etc. Functions, to perform operations on the objects Objects, which are used by the functions during execution of test case

12 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Creating a Test Case (1) Using SAP Transaction Code recording –Example: Create Sales Order (VA01) CATT (Computer Aided Testing Tool) 1 1 2 2 4 4 3 3

13 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Creating a Test Case (2) Displaying the details of the Transaction Recording –Screens, field list, values etc. CATT (Computer Aided Testing Tool) 5 5 6 6 7 7

14 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Limitations in CATT and how they are overcome Limitations in CATT –Can support only SAP GUI for windows and cannot support others such as SAP GUI for Java –Doesn’t have interfaces with third party tools –Not integrated with Object browser (SE80) Limitations overcome in eCATT (Extended Computer Aided Test Tool) –Successor of the Computer Aided Test Tool (CATT) –eCATT is integrated with Object Navigator –Functional Test Tool for SAP Applications –Shipped with SAP NetWeaver(Web AS 6.20 and higher) –Integrated with the SAP Solution Manager & Test Workbench CATT (Computer Aided Testing Tool)

15 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Introduction to eCATT A SAP Testing Tool for testing a wide range of SAP applications using SAP GUI for Windows or Java Used to create and execute ‘functional tests’ of SAP Software Mostly used for automatic testing by SAP Consultants and Project team Not used for User Acceptance Tests Available in the SAP Test Workbench Consists of four Important objects –System Data Container –Test Scripts –Test Data Container –Test Configuration ECATT (Extended Computer Aided Testing Tool)

16 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects eCATT Capabilities Can be used to test transactions, reports, and scenarios Can call BAPIs and function modules during executing Can be used to test transactions, reports etc in remote systems Can be used to check authorizations (user profiles) in SAP Systems Can be used to Test updates (database, applications, GUI) Can be used to test the effect of changes due to Customizing settings in SAP IMG Can be used to check SAP system messages ECATT (Extended Computer Aided Testing Tool)

17 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Using eCATT: Process Overview Performing functional tests using eCATT ECATT (Extended Computer Aided Testing Tool) 1 Setup environment to run eCATT 2 Create System Data Containers 3 Develop Test Scripts 4 Create Test Data Containers 5 Create Test Configuration 6 Assign Test configuration to Test Catalog, Plans and Users 7 Execute Test Scripts 8 Review Logs

18 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects External Tools Vs SAP Tools External Tools –Designed by 3P companies who need to understand how SAP functions –Need certified interface with SAP Software –Should be able to release own Testing Software along with new SAP Software Releases –Additional training and expertise required to use these tools –Additional Investment needed to buy External testing tools SAP Tools –Designed by SAP development team for testing SAP applications –Thoroughly tested and Delivered to work with relevant SAP Software releases –Users can be trained in using these tools easily –Cost effective, since some of the tools are delivered with the SAP application software ECATT (Extended Computer Aided Testing Tool)

19 Lesson # & Name Topic # & Name 1.9.8 Test Management in SAP Projects Summary: Test Management in SAP Projects Different types of Testing in SAP Environment –Functional Tests  Developer Tests, Unit Tests, Scenario Tests, Integration Tests, User acceptance tests, Regression tests –Technical tests  Developer tests, Technical System tests, Performance tests, Security Tests Testing Tools in SAP Environment –SAP Solution Manager, SAP TDMS, SAP TAO, SAP Quality Center by HP, SAP LoadRunner by HP SAP Test Workbench –Tools: Test Repository, Test Organizer, CATT, eCATT, Test Performance –Features: Test Cases, Test Catalogs, Test Packages, Test Plan, Worklist CATT, a Computer Aided Testing Tool, –To create and edit automatic test cases using Test Case Editor –used to record Transaction codes, pass values from one Transaction to other etc. –Important elements of a Test case are Editor Command, Function, Object and Text eCATT, an Extended CATT –To create and execute functional tests of SAP using SAP GUI for Windows or Java –Consists of four Important objects (a) System Data Container (b) Test Scripts (c) Test Data Container (d) Test Configuration Test Management in SAP Projects

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