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Male Organ Function and Gout Can Be Linked. It’s no news that we prefer things that work rather than things that don’t work, and so a man is much happier.

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Presentation on theme: "Male Organ Function and Gout Can Be Linked. It’s no news that we prefer things that work rather than things that don’t work, and so a man is much happier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Male Organ Function and Gout Can Be Linked

2 It’s no news that we prefer things that work rather than things that don’t work, and so a man is much happier when he is blessed with good male organ function rather than faulty male organ function. Maintaining a proper level of male organ health is one way to help maintain male organ function, but sometimes issues arise outside of pen is health which can impact function. For example, health conditions that develop elsewhere in the body may have a secondary effect on the manhood. Surprisingly, this can be the case with gout.

3 About gout Many people are surprised to learn that gout is even still a “thing” today. Often if a person thinks of gout at all, they think of it as something that used to affect decadent gluttons from centuries past and visualize a bewigged and pomaded nobleman who has overindulged in wine and rich foods, sitting with a bandaged foot raised on a velvet stool. In fact, gout is not necessarily a “rich person’s disease” at all, and is more common today than one might think. As many as 8 million people in America suffer from gout, a substantial number. And they are by no means all members of the moneyed elite.

4 Uric acid Gout is technically a form of arthritis, in that it attacks the joints of the body. While it may appear in the ankles or knees, the majority of gout cases occur in the toes – and almost always in the big toe. Gout occurs when there is too much uric acid in the body and this acid forms large crystals which then get stuck in the joints. It can be quite painful, sometimes leaving a person unable to walk. Uric acid is formed as a waste product when the body digests foods containing a substance known as prurine. Usually, the uric acid leaves the body through urination – but if there is too much uric acid, it gets into the bloodstream and there can form the nasty crystals.

5 Prurine is found in many foods, including red meat, beer, dried beans, organ meats, and some kinds of seafood. Consuming too much of these may cause uric acid to build up, but some people have a genetic predisposition toward developing uric acid. Pother people may have medical conditions, such as diabetes, or lifestyle issues, such as obesity, which can also increase the risk of developing gout.

6 Gout and male organ function So how does a problem in the big toe potentially affect male organ function? It has to do with blood vessels. The lining of blood vessels is called endothelium, and the stronger the endothelium, the stronger the blood vessel. Manhood blood vessels especially need to be strong, as it is their ability to accommodate increased blood flow that influences tumescent male organ function. But as uric acid travels throughout the bloodstream, it can cause damage to the endothelium. When uric acid levels are high, as with gout, the potential to damage the endothelium increase substantially. Men with gout, or who suspect that they may be inclined toward gout, should consult with a doctor to discuss options for lowering uric acid levels and maintaining them at an acceptable level.

7 Whether male organ function is impacted by gout or by other factors, it stands to reason that the healthier the member, the more resistant to issues it can be. Therefore, men should regularly apply a top drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It’s especially important to select a crème that contains both L-arginine and vitamin C. L-arginine is an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide production, which enables member blood vessels to more properly expand as needed. And vitamin C also aids in proper manhood blood flow, buttressing the efforts of L-arginine.Man 1 Man Oil

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