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Exam #8 Review, American Imperialism, Spanish-American War, World War I… *Page 490-495 : American Imperialism What were the causes of American imperialism?

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Presentation on theme: "Exam #8 Review, American Imperialism, Spanish-American War, World War I… *Page 490-495 : American Imperialism What were the causes of American imperialism?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam #8 Review, American Imperialism, Spanish-American War, World War I… *Page : American Imperialism What were the causes of American imperialism? Imperialism, protectorate, Anglo-Saxonism, Commodore Matthew Perry *Page : The Spanish American War. What were the causes of the Spanish-American War? Yellow journalism, jingoism, autonomy. *Page : The Spanish American War. What were the effects of the lands that were annexed during the Spanish American War? Annexation, Platt Amendment, Foraker Act. Guam, Cuba, Philippines. *Page : American Diplomacy . How did Presidents Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson keep policies to mediate disputes and open trade in Asia and Latin America? Sphere of Influence, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary, Dollar Diplomacy. *Page : World War I. What were the major causes of WWI in Europe? “M.A.N.I.A” Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, Assassination. *Page : World War I. How did British Propaganda and the Sinking of the Lusitania bring the U.S. into WWI? German submarine warfare, propaganda, Zimmerman Telegram, Sussex Pledge, Russian Revolution. * Page : WWI, War on the Home Front. How did life change for many Americans during WWI? Espionage Act, Selective Service Act, Sedition Act, African Americans, women. *Page : WWI, Combat in Europe and the end of the “Great War”. How did new technology help the U.S. and their European Allies win WWI? Trench warfare, “No-Man’s Land”, armistice. * Page : Wilson’s 14 Points and the Treaty of Versailles. How did Pres. Wilson seek to keep peace among the battling countries after WWI? How did he fail? Treaty of Versailles, 14 points, League of Nations, reparations. *Page : Turmoil At Home. Why did WWI lead to such turmoil in the U.S.? General Strike, cost of living, Red Scare. ** Supreme Court Cases** Schenck v The United States Dates, decision of the case, impact or effects of the case.

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