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Presentation on theme: "Galicia SAYINGS ABOUT WEATHER."— Presentation transcript:


2 In Galicia  it´s cold and  rains a lot in winter and in spring it also rains.

3 SOMETIMES!!! The summer is warm.
People speak a lot about the weather because the weather isn´t  very good. SOMETIMES!!!

4 In Spain The Weather Forecast is one of the most watched programs.
Galicia In Spain The Weather Forecast is one of the most watched programs.

5 Some of the Spanish sayings about weather are:

6 APRIL In April, thousands of water (rain) (En Abril, aguas mil)

7 Don´t take off yourcoat until 40thof May (Hasta el cuarenta de Mayo no te quites el sayo)

8 MAY A windy March and a rainy April make a beautiful and colorful May
(Marzo ventoso, Abril lluvioso hacen un Mayo florido y hermoso)

9 A stone sky (cloud-flecked) means a wet ground (Cielo empedrado, suelo mojado)

10 It´s raining cats and dogs(English) It´s raining jugs  (in plenty)

11 And there are some about our town:
When it´s raining and it´s sunny at the same time, the devil walks around Ferrol (Cuando llueve y hace sol, el demonio está en Ferrol)

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