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Ist 331 class 7 frank ritter, 18sept17

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1 Ist 331 class 7 frank ritter, 18sept17
Questions? Elderly kit [5 min.] IS lab [10 min., turn it in now] Fitts exercise [do exercises ] Learning lab, set up and run [30] Hand back project abstracts

2 Ch. 5 Memory, Attention, and Learning
Types of memory Iconic STM Working memory Implicit memory Explicit memory LTM Declarative/Procedural Prospective for goals

3 Learning Looks like this
Noise may be due to noise, strategy change, different problem sub-types Seen in all tasks Effects are hard to see in large N So use log/log

4 Learning Log/log helps see how it fits theory Can be done in XL
Slope varies Easy to fit curve in log/log space Helps make bad interfaces good

5 Lab RTFM/RTFL Take yer task, 30-60 seconds long
Pilot it, run yourselves to see that system works (timing, instructions, task) Run 3-5 subjects, 15 times Plot linear, log/log Write report Pass averaged data to TA Common mistakes Don’t use time, use score Work in a noisy environment Run into machine limits Don’t plot Don’t cite readings or book Report data without explanation

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