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Overview of mechanical design & construction

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1 Overview of mechanical design & construction
HORN PROTOTYPE FOR NUFACT PROJECT Overview of mechanical design & construction 18 March 2002 S.Rangod April 2002

2 Contents Goal Concept Main parameters & dimensions
Water cooling system Material & Welding Mechanical design Construction phases (CERN workshop) Minimum lifetime Tests foreseen Conclusions 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

3 Horn prototype developed in the frame of the NUFACT Target-Collector activity
Working Group Autin B. - Gilardoni S. - Grawer G - Haseroth H. - Maire G. Maugain J-M. - Rangod S. - Ravn H. - Sievers P. - Voelker F. Reference: CERN-NUFACT Note 80 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

4 Goal Verify the reliability of a 300kA-50Hz horn built according the conventional technique of pulsed horns and providing a minimum lifetime of one month. 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

5 Proposed concept This horn, subject of the presentation, could be the inner component of a two stages coaxial horns system. The second outer horn could complete the focusing effect of the first inner one. This second outer horn is not considered in this phase of the project. 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

6 Main Parameters Radius of the waist 40 mm Peak current 300 kA
Repetition rate 50 Hz Pulse length ms Voltage on the horn V rms current in the horn kA Power dissipation (by current) 39 kW Skin depth mm 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

7 Main Dimensions Total length 1030 mm Outer diameter 420 mm
Max diameter (electrical connection flange) 895 mm Free waist aperture mm Waist outer diameter mm Average waist wall thickness mm Double skin thickness mm 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

8 Dimensions comparison
18 March 2002 S.Rangod

9 Water cooling circuit 1 Mean power dissipation in the horn by current (kW) 39 Water flow needed with DQW 150C (l/mn) 37 Maximum allowable water flow in the horn (l/mn) 90 Working water pressure (bar) Expected temperature increase on the neck (0C) 50 PwC1/PwC y 1 PwC1: Power extracted through the annular channel PwC2: Power extracted with showers from sprayers 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

10 Water cooling circuit 2 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

11 Choice of the alloy AA 6082-T6 / (AlMgSi1) is an acceptable compromise between the 4 main characteristics: Mechanical properties Welding abilities Electrical properties Resistance to corrosion 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

12 E.B. Welding The prototype is entirely welded in the CERN workshop by Electron Beam Welding. Advantages of EBW: Well adapted to thin wall thickness pieces. Less deformations due to the narrow smelting bath (total angle: about 300). Excellent homogeneity (vacuum). Short transition area. Minimum loss of initial mechanical characteristics (no more than 15% to 20%). Disadvantages of EBW: Delay generally longer. Higher precision required for the junctions. Higher cost (between 20% and 50% more, according the design and dimensions) 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

Beam source Vacuum tank 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

14 Mechanical design Main features:
Staying in conventional mechanical technology Thickness of the walls calculated for a minimum absorption. Improvement of the cooling efficiency. Low cost radiation hardness insulation. Highlights: Creation of a double skin. Sprayers directly feed by an annular low pressure water film. Cooling circuit shared out for the waist zone Inner waist exchange surface magnified by a factor 2 (round shape inner screw thread) Ceramic balls used as spacers between inner conductor and double skin to ensure the concentricity of the both components. Use of a glass disc insulator. 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

15 E.B. Welding 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

16 E.B. Welding 3 Magnification: x25 Magnification: x25
Under polarized light CERN/EST document 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

17 Longitudinal section Water inlets (circuit 2) Electrical connections
to the strip-lines Outer skin Glass insulator disc Inner skin Water inlets (circuit 2) Water outlet 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

18 Inner conductor connection flange
18 March 2002 S.Rangod

19 Construction of the horn at CERN
Drilling operation for radial holes 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

20 Construction of the horn at CERN
Round shape thread inside the waist 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

21 Construction of the horn at CERN
Punching of the outer skin 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

22 Construction of the horn at CERN
Glass insulator disc 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

23 Construction of the horn at CERN
Front side assembly 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

24 Construction of the horn at CERN
Inner conductor 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

25 Construction of the horn at CERN
Inner and outer skins 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

26 Construction of the horn at CERN
Spherical blind holes for ceramic balls spacers 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

27 Lifetime expected Fatigue is the major design issue.
Parallel study is going on ANSYS calculation of stresses and fatigue analysis (multi-axial stresses) First static calculations give tensile stress of 14.8 Mpa (in the most critical section of the waist). Considering that the limit of fatigue for 107 tractions is 100 Mpa, the survival of the prototype for 2 x 108 pulses* (required value) does not seem unrealistic. *Corresponding to 6 weeks of working operation at 50Hz 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

Step 1a: 30 kA / 1 Hz (May 2002) Vibration experimental tests (displacement capacitive sensor – W. Coosemans CERN/SU) Step 1b: Magnetic measurements (May 2002) Step 1c: 5000A Dc (July 2002) Heat load transfer test Step 2: 300 kA / 1 Hz Step 3: 300 kA / 50 Hz POSTPONED BUDGET RESTRICTIONS ! 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

29 Conclusions Even, if phases of tests 2 and 3 are delayed or cancelled, step 1a, 1b and 1c allow by extrapolation to confirm important results about the reliability and the transfer of the heat load. Nevertheless, a lot of questions are still without answers, in particular Installation of the target in the waist Horn exchange Mechanical support frame Etc … 18 March 2002 S.Rangod

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