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1 Welcome

2 Program Coordinator Webinar May 23, 2018
Downloadable IFSP Guidance Program Coordinator Webinar May 23, 2018 Today I am going to give you a brief overview of the Download IFSP guidance. Adam will show how the downloadable IFSP works with our database. Later Barbara will review changes to the IFSP and IFSP guidance documents. This webinar will be posted so you can refer back to it as needed.

3 Intro / Background The downloadable IFSP was created to assist FSC’s when writing IFSPs or IFSP reviews at visits without the use of internet connections. . Sense IFSPs need to be entered into our Kansas IT database in a timely matter we are hoping that this downloadable IFSP will be a useful tool.

4 Requirement Adobe Acrobat is required for editing IFSP(s).
This is a free download which is available at The IFSP was designed to be editable and should not have problems as long as Adobe Acrobat is downloaded.

5 The Downloadable IFSP The Downloadable IFSP works differently than the web based IFSP. There is no session time limit and the data is not updated in the database until the IFSP is uploaded and marked complete. While it is not necessary to save when switching between pages, frequent saving is encouraged. It will be necessary to save upon completing the document, uploading final document, or before exiting out of Adobe. Think of it as if it was a paper copy of an IFSP that you are filling out.

6 The Downloadable IFSP Only an IFSP generated by the Kansas ITS database can be uploaded to the Kansas ITS database; e.g. a user CANNOT create a PDF version of the IFSP from an outside document and upload it into the Kansas IT database. A blank downloaded IFSP CANNOT be used as an editable document to later be uploaded to different children. The Kansas ITS database registers each individual downloaded IFSP with a specific data code. e.g like a barcode. This is a safe guard to make sure that child specific information updates the correct child’s file. The downloaded IFSP needs to come out of our database in order to go back into our database. You can not use just any PDF version of the IFSP. It will not be able to be uploaded into our database. (E.g. the state provided Word document) A blank downloaded IFSP can not be used. Each downloaded IFSP will have a specific data code. This tracks that the correct child’s information gets in the correct file. Please think of this downloadable IFSP as if it were a paper copy. The only difference is when you get back to internet connection you will be able to upload instead of having to re-enter information.

7 The Downloadable IFSP Import from the most recent IFSP or create an Initial IFSP Download the IFSP as an editable PDF from the program’s database. The record will be locked on the IFSP/ECO tab until an upload occurs. Each downloaded IFSP is child case number specific. An IFSP can only be downloaded once. A second download is not possible at this time. The database will only let you import from the most recent IFSP or create a initial IFSP. The IFSP that you are able to import from will have an ICON.

8 The Downloadable IFSP Store the downloadable IFSP temporarily on the Family Service Coordinator’s laptop or tablet. Edit, adjust, update or make changes to the editable IFSP. Finalize IFSP before uploading to the IFSP/ECO tab. So you can going to download a new record from the database, save it to your laptop or tablet. Go to the visit and fill in the necessary information for the visit you are attending. Save the new record. Review that you have all the information filled in correctly to finalize. Once you feel you have a completed copy of the IFSP, you will upload it to the IFSP/ECO Tab.

9 Develop a system Programs will need to develop a system at their local level for: “Sharing” a downloaded IFSP with team members. Getting all updated information on ONE finalized IFSP prior to uploading.

10 Summary of Services Service table is different on the Downloadable IFSP Since the downloaded IFSP is worked on “off-line, changes were made to the service table to indicate what services are rending and new services that will be in place once the IFSP is uploaded. The top portion is where imported services will be shown and a checkbox has been added to the end of each row for indicating that the service is ending with this IFSP. New services can be entered in the second set. Check boxes to end services. List new services

11 The Downloadable IFSP Upload back into the database.
The uploaded IFSP must match that specific data code (e.g Barcode) This is a safe guard to make sure that child specific information updates the correct child’s file. Data checks are performed on required fields and a notice will be given if any corrections are needed before the IFSP can be uploaded. A second attempt to upload WILL replace previous information. The database will give you a notice before you can upload a second time and ask if you want to replace the first upload.

12 Steps Without Requires Approval Steps With Requires Approval
Updating the Database Steps Without Requires Approval Steps With Requires Approval IFSP User mark complete IFSP status will change to “Pending” Sends to supervisor for approval Supervisor has the ability to make edits or reject When IFSP is marked approved, database is updated The ability to unlock an IFSP are the same as before IFSP Users mark complete which will update the database. The ability to unlock an IFSP are the same as before Depending on how your program reviews IFSPs depends on the steps you need to update the database.

13 Important Notes to remember
Import from the most recent IFSP or created an Initial IFSP – these will be downloadable and will have an icon You will still have access to older IFSPs. New demographic information will not replace old information on prior IFSPs (e.g. address change) The database is not updated until the IFSP is marked complete The database will have an ICON next the most recent IFSP. No Icon – Not downloadable IF you update the child address – old IFSP will have the address of where the child was then and new IFSP will have new addresses. Address – will no longer change on previous IFSP – only the most recent IFSP

14 Database Demonstration by Adam

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