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Let’s Fight!.

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1 Let’s Fight!

2 September 1774 First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia, PA
12 out of 13 colonies show (Georgia didn’t send delegates) Met to discuss the Intolerable Acts Passed resolution to back Massachusetts by boycotting all British good & stop exporting goods to Britain until Intolerable Acts repealed Encouraged all colonies to set up militias

3 Militias – army of citizens who serve as soldiers in emergencies
Massachusetts Minutemen train regularly Minutemen collected weapons & gunpowder Got name b/c they kept muskets close and were prepared to fight at a minute’s notice

4 Early 1775 General Thomas Gage, British dude, hears about a large stockpile of weapons outside Boston by the minutemen Plans to surprise attack Concord to seize them

5 April 18, 1775 700 British troops leave Boston at night
Sons of Liberty already know the plan “One if by land, two if by sea.” Two lanterns were hung Paul Revere and others warn colonists by horseback

6 Daybreak April 19, 1775 Redcoats reach Lexington
70 minutemen wait for them British order them to go home Outnumbered colonist begin to leave SHOT RINGS OUT!! No one knows who did it. Struggle 8 colonists killed

7 Redcoats push on to concord Don’t find any arms, turn back to Boston
Meet 300 minutemen on a bridge FIGHT! British retreat Lost 73 men 200 wounded

8 May 10, 1775 Second Continental Congress meets
Delegates sent petition to King George Olive Branch Petition declared their loyalty to the King & asked for the Intolerable Acts to be repealed King is insulted, sends 20,000 troops to colonies Delegates didn’t know the kings response for months

9 June 16, 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill 1st major battle of the war
Showed that Americans could fight bravely Showed that Britain would not be easy to defeat Britain won battle

10 July 4, 1776 Write the Declaration of Independence

11 October 17, 1777 Battle of Saratoga
Britain wanted to take control of the Hudson River We fought them back We won! Turning point in the war Boosted spirits Convince France to be an ally Nations that work together on a common goal

12 Winter of 1777-1778 Valley Forge George Washington
Freezing weather, lacked supplies, frostbite, disease…. Colonies pulled together to help Von Steuben, German officer, trained the troops






18 September/October 1781 Battle of Yorktown
Washington takes chance to corner British troops on a peninsula We fight for weeks We win!

19 1782 Ben Franklin & Thomas Jefferson go to Paris to finalize the war
Treaty of Paris (1783) British recognize the U.S. as an independent nation Northern border stopped at the Great Lakes Southern border stopped at Florida (Spain got FL back) April 15, 1783 Treaty approved

20 Why we won: Geography Foreign help Patriotism
Britain had to ship all supplies here Britain had to fight an enemy spread out Americans knew the land Foreign help We had help from Spain (help fight) We had help from France (supplies & money) Patriotism Our spirits gave us strength

21 Why we won:

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