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Advanced Placement United States History

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1 Advanced Placement United States History
Instructor: Scott McAuley

2 Communication Email - Twitter - @ mcauleyapush
Web Site – via GCHS Web Page

3 Grading Tests 50% Quizzes 40% (2 lowest grades dropped) Homework 10%
All assignments can & should be made up

4 College-level survey course in US history, therefore:
The AP Course College-level survey course in US history, therefore: Frequent, high-level reading Commitment essential

5 AP Exam May 3 hours, 5 minutes Truly college level of difficulty
Graded on 5 point scale (3+ passing) 3+ qualifies for college credit (usually) GCHS – 90% passing rate (50% nationally) All students must take AP Exam (also take Regents Exam in June)

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