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ILST Part II Tools of the Trade

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Presentation on theme: "ILST Part II Tools of the Trade"— Presentation transcript:

1 ILST Part II Tools of the Trade

2 Tools of the Trade Foundations to your ability to lead Communications
Effective Planning Teaching

3 Tools of the Trade Communications Planning Teaching

4 Game Time

5 What is Communication? Communication is the exchange of information between people, e.g. by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior

6 What is Good Communication?
Good communication is the exchange of information between people, e.g. by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior in which both parties understand what is being relayed.

7 Game Time

8 Forms of Communication
List some Which are more effective? Which are more efficient? How can you facilitate Good Communications?

9 Tools of the Trade Communications Planning Teaching

10 Planning Second only to communicating
Good planning is an essential skill for every effective leader Things don’t just happen Level of planning dictates level of success What is planning?

11 Planning Planning is really just thinking ahead
Figuring out what needs to happen to make the desired outcome come together smoothly Who, what, when, where, how? Presuming If you don’t plan it, it probably won’t happen

12 Planning Who, what, when, where, how?
Troop Planning Resources help you answer these questions Troop Meeting Agenda Planning Sheet Troop Program Features (established templates) Monthly PLC meetings

13 Planning Videos Troop Meeting Agenda Video Patrol Leader Council Video
Patrol Leader Council Video

14 Tools of the Trade Communications Planning Teaching

15 Teaching EDGE The four-step EDGE process is a simple method for teaching any skill: EXPLAIN DEMONSTRATE GUIDE ENABLE

16 Teaching EDGE Example Exercise

17 Summary Communications, Planning, and Teaching
Core skills leaders can use any time working with a team Link between them is clear – good planning is foundational to everything, including teaching and communicating. Effective communication skills enable the leader to share ideas and direct the team’s activities

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