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2014 -2015 MCHS Course Selection Presented by Counseling Department Mayde Creek High School.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 -2015 MCHS Course Selection Presented by Counseling Department Mayde Creek High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 -2015 MCHS Course Selection
Presented by Counseling Department Mayde Creek High School

2 Basic HS Knowledge What every HS student should know?

3 Guide also found online at

4 Credit

5 Earning Credit Any grade below 70 = 0.0 credit
Section of the Texas Education Code conditions credit for a class on a students attendance for a least 90% of the days a class is offered. One semester course = .5 credit Two Semester course = 1.0 credit


7 Semester Average Formula
1st SW 2nd SW 3rd SW Total SW /3 Grade x .85 SW Calculation (%) 86 90 88 264/3 88 x .85 74.8 Exam x.15 Final Exam (%) 78 11.7 Exam (%) Semester Grade (%) 86.5 Semester Rounded Average 87 Lets do some simple math…

8 Earning Credit con’t… The number of credits earned determines your grade level credits = Freshman credits= Sophomore credits = Junior credits= Senior 26 Credits are needed to Graduate Information also found on pg. 8

9 Graduation Plans

10 Graduation Requirements
Recommended Plan Distinguished Plan 4 credits English 4 credits Math 4 credits Science 4 credits Social Studies 2 credits LOTE 1 credit PE/Athletics 1 credit Fine Arts ½ credit Speech ½ credit Health (Katy ISD) 5 credits Electives 4 credits English 4 credits Math – excludes MMA 4 credits Science – excludes IPC 4 credits Social Studies 3 credits LOTE 1 credit PE/Athletics 1 credit Fine Arts ½ credit Speech ½ credit Health (Katy ISD) 4 credits Electives Plus 4 advanced measures † Freshmen entering fall 2011 and beyond must achieve Level III on Algebra II and English III EOC exams to qualify for DAP.

11 Distinguished Plan In Addition to earning the required credits for graduation and three years of a foreign language, a student must earn four advanced measures: A score of 3 or higher on AP Exams Dual Credit with 3.0 (B) or higher An 11th Grade PSAT/NMSQT scores which qualifies a student for recognition as a commended scholar or higher by College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. IPC can not be used as a Science credit under DAP, 4th year Math must have Alg. II as a prerequisite, and a student must meet Level III standards on the STAAR Test on the English III and Algebra II subjects.

12 Testing

13 A must for graduation! English I English II Biology Algebra US History

14 Course Selection Process

15 Materials needed for course selection

16 Course Catalog

17 Course Selection Quick Guide

18 2014- 15 Course Selection Form

19 The worksheet is printed on NCR paper to duplicate your course desires
The worksheet is printed on NCR paper to duplicate your course desires. ◦Please use ink to complete the form. If there is a mistake simply draw a line through the mistake and write the correction above or below. ◦Please print your last name, first name and student ID number legibly. ◦Please print the grade anticipated for the school year. ◦Please follow the instructions!

20 ◦Please fill out the worksheet completely
◦Please fill out the worksheet completely. To include the course number and name. ◦Remember this is not the order that your schedule will be printed. These are ONLY course desires! ◦Please provide alternative courses for more options.

21 0104 English 4 0104 English 4 T. Forbes-Deese 0264 Topics of Math 0264 Topics of Math 0362 AP Psychology 0351 G. Lewis-Smith Sociology 0020 Study Hall 0020 Study Hall 0001 Office Aide

22 Math Update All students must take Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and a fourth approved math credit. The fourth math credit: If selected, MMA credit must be earned prior to enrollment in Algebra 2. Students on the Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 track, the 4th math must be taken after the completion of Algebra 2. Students interested in liberal arts studies beyond high school should consider Topics of Math as opposed to Pre-Cal for their fourth year of Math. At this time, AP Computer Science is the only Katy ISD-approved CTE course that satisfies the 4th math credit.

23 Science Update All students must take Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and a fourth, lab-based science. Recommended Plan: The only sequencing specification for earning 4 science credits is for students who take IPC. This credit must be earned prior to enrollment in either Chemistry or Physics. Distinguished Achievement Plan: IPC does not satisfy a science credit for DAP The 4th science must be taken after the completion of Physics.

24 Dual Credit Update All HCC dual credit information can be found in the course catalog on pg. 13 Documentation that all requirements have been met must be submitted to HS counselor by May 15th! Eligibility requirements: Reading/Writing courses a combined PSAT score of 107, w/ a minimum score of 50 on Critical Reading. Economics requires a composite score of 107, w/ a minimum score of 50 on Critical Reading, and 50 on Math. College Algebra requires a composite score of 107, with a 55 minimum on Math. Students who do not meet the PSAT requirements MUST take the TSI at HCC

25 Timelnes

26 MCTC Rules Miller acceptance is an application process.
Miller applications DUE February 14, 2014! Please write all Miller course desires in the alternative course selection on the Course Selection Form. Students are not allowed to schedule for Miller courses.

27 Couse Selection Jan. 21st – Course Selection Materials will be distributed. Jan. 24th – Course Selection Form DUE! Jan. 28 – Feb. 14 Student’s Course Data Entry

28 Data Entry Transcripts will be provided
Bring completed Course Selection Worksheet NO office aid or teacher aid request Study Hall and aid positions are restricted to seniors ONLY Remain flexible

29 The End

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