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Quality Assurance at Philipps-Universität Marburg after Bologna as an example from Germany Zagarantovan kvalitet na univerzitetu U Marburgu po bolonskom.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance at Philipps-Universität Marburg after Bologna as an example from Germany Zagarantovan kvalitet na univerzitetu U Marburgu po bolonskom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance at Philipps-Universität Marburg after Bologna as an example from Germany Zagarantovan kvalitet na univerzitetu U Marburgu po bolonskom procesu na primeru iz Nemačke Ministarstvo nauke i tehnologije Republike Srpske Banja Luka Christopher Moss

2 Our topics /Nase teme Before Bologna / pre Bolonje
The early days / na pocetku QA now / QA sada The future / u buducnosti Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

3 Before Bologna / Pre Bolonje
QA not an issue / QA nevazno General regulations for „Magister“, „Diplom“, „Staatsexamen“. Opste regulacije za Magister, Diplom, Staatsexamen Magister & Diplom academic (akademske kvalifikacije) „Staatsexamen“ professional –determined by relevant ministries Profesionalne kvalifikacije) – organizirovan od nadleznog ministarstva Mobility organised ad hoc / mobilnost organizovanja bez strategija Little or no transfer of credit / mali ili nikakav prenos kredita Everything depends on final examination / sve zavisi od konacnog ispita Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

4 The early days / Na pocetku
Change without checking / promena bez kontrole Accreditation – individual accreditation / akreditacija (individualna Different agencies- no control – razlicite agencije – bez kontrole ECTS introduced for exchanges – but not thoroughly accepted ECTS za razmenu studenta First Bachelor & Master degrees rushed through Prvi Bachelor i Master prebrzo „Old wine in new bottles“ – staro vino u novim flasama Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

5 QA now / danas Documentation / Dokumentacija ECTS key features
Information system / informativni sistem Mobility / mobilnost Accumulation and transfer of credit / akumulacija i prenos kredita Reaccreditation group / radna grupa za reakreditaciju Bologna workshops / Senate committee / odbor senata Attempts to introduce QA to other administrative procedures / Pokusaj uvodjenja QA u drugim administrativnim procedurama Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

6 Attempts to introduce QA to other administrative procedures
Appointment of new professors / postavljenje novih profesora Development of new programmes of study / razvita novih programa za studiranje Supervision of doctoral candidates / podrska doktorskih kandidata Evaluation of doctoral theses / evaluacija doktorskih disertacija Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

7 Information system Set standards / odredba standarda
Course catalogue / Spisak nastavnih predmeta ECTS Information System Module Descriptions / opis modula Check before translating / kontrola pre prevoda Guidelines / pravne linije Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

8 ECTS key features ECTS label Workshops
Basis for introduction of Bologna / basa za uvodjenje Bolonskog Procesa Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

9 Module descriptions Opis Modula
Size of modules / velicina modula Learning outcomes / rezultat ucenja Translations-Prevod Guidelines-Pravne linije Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

10 Accumulation and transfer of credit
New examination system / novi ispitni sistem Central, departmental & International Transcript of Records Diploma Supplement Learning agreements Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

11 Mobility Standards Orientation
Review of partners / ispitivanje partnera New agreements / novi ugovori E-Quality Seal Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

12 The future / Buducnost QA system will be developed / QA-sistem ce biti razvijen Quality seals – ISO 9001; ECTS Label QA system in place when it is working at different levels Sistem QA na mestima sa razlicitim nivoima rada Thank you for your attention Hvala na pažnji Christopher Moss National Bologna Expert Philipps-Universität Marburg Christopher Moss, National Bologna Expert

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