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LSS Wellness Program (Partnering with SimplyWell) To proceed to the next slide, click the “NEXT” buttons as shown here: Welcome to another installment.

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Presentation on theme: "LSS Wellness Program (Partnering with SimplyWell) To proceed to the next slide, click the “NEXT” buttons as shown here: Welcome to another installment."— Presentation transcript:

1 LSS Wellness Program (Partnering with SimplyWell) To proceed to the next slide, click the “NEXT” buttons as shown here: Welcome to another installment of the LSS Benefits Orientation recorded presentation series. This presentation focuses on our LSS Wellness Program! I’m Denis, and I’m Kaitlin. This presentation will focus on all the components and features of our LSS Wellness Program that all LSS employees are eligible to take part in. For those of you who are enrolled in an LSS Medical Plan, you may be wanting detailed information on how this Wellness Program can impact the premiums you pay for coverage. To get a full understanding of how this Wellness Program interacts with your medical plan premiums, you’ll want to be sure to watch not only this presentation but also the presentation dedicated to the LSS Medical Benefits. Remember that on each slide of this presentation, you’ll see a “NEXT” button. Click on that button to move to the next slide when you’re ready. Also, please be sure to read all the information on each slide, as well as listen to our voice narration. Sometimes we’ll mention information not shown in the text, and sometimes there’ll be text on the slide we won’t read.

2 LSS Wellness Program For the past 10 years, LSS has invested in our staff’s health & wellbeing through our LSS Wellness Program LSS values our employees as the most important part of achieving our mission of “Older Adults Living Life to the Fullest”, and so your health is extremely important to us and we want you to also live life to the fullest. In 2018, LSS was named one of the healthiest employers in St. Louis by the Business Journal for the 8th consecutive year! We were also recognized in 2018 as a Gold Level Health Achievement Workplace by the American Heart Association for the 6th consecutive year! The LSS Wellness Program is a very important piece of how LSS invests in our staff. Without our staff, we could not deliver on our company mission of “older adults living life to the fullest” and we want you to live your fullest life too. An important part of you living life to the fullest is your health and wellbeing, and this program is designed around providing you the support as well as opportunities to better manage your health and wellbeing. LSS is recognized year after year by outside organizations such as the St. Louis Business Journal and the American Heart Association for the efforts and financial investments we place in this program. Our program, which evolves year after year, has demonstrated success in helping our workforce become healthier each year they are part of the LSS family. For that we are very proud, and it wouldn’t be possible without the support and focus of everyone across LSS.

3 LSS Wellness Program The LSS Wellness Program provides multiple opportunities for everyone to improve their health… Available to all staff (as well as spouses on our medical plans) Free Biometric Screenings & Member Health Assessments Health Coaching & Support: You can send a secure message to your coach via the SimplyWell portal or by calling toll-free: Local Wellness Teams Healthy Activities and Programs LSS-wide Wellness Challenges w/ Prizes Online Wellness Portal (powered by SimplyWell) Register for LSS sponsored challenges Learn how to better manage your health with featured content, including educational resources and videos Participate in or start a Peer Challenge Our wellness program offers many different opportunities for staff to get engaged. And very importantly, all staff are invited to participate in all offerings – including the annual biometric screening (a $50 value). If you cover a spouse on one of our medical plans, they are invited to complete a free screening as well. In addition to the free annual biometric screenings and health assessments, LSS sponsors multiple programs and challenges to encourage staff engagement through instruction, education, friendly competitions and other opportunities. Often times there are prizes associated with the challenges as a way to motivate more of us to participate. These programs and challenges are often LSS-wide efforts that expand across the entire organization beyond just your individual location. And other programs and challenges may be spearheaded and organized at the local level by your local Wellness Team. Each LSS location has the freedom and is encouraged to add opportunities for staff above and beyond what we offer LSS-wide. If you want to volunteer to become a member of your local Wellness Team, ask your coworkers who your location’s Wellness Team Lead is. In addition to the screenings and programs, you can also participate in free Health Coaching (via secure message or telephone) with a SimplyWell health professional. A Health Coach can help you with personal health goals and provide education and motivation to lead a healthier lifestyle! When working with SimplyWell and receiving coaching, remember… All programs are confidential and in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (or HIPAA). Any information shared with the SimplyWell team will not be disclosed, except in accordance with HIPAA laws. Your Protected Health Information (PHI) will not be shared with your employer. You can send a secure message to your coach via your wellness website or the SimplyWell app or by calling toll-free:

4 LSS Wellness Program To get started, the first thing you’ll want to do is register in the Wellness Portal: Your first step should be to register in the SimplyWell online wellness portal. If you’re not able to register yet, you may need to wait up to two weeks after hire when your new employee data will be sent to SimplyWell. Your spouse will not be able to register in the portal until after their medical insurance coverage begins.

5 LSS Wellness Program Employer Challenges Featured content for learning
Peer Challenges Once you register in the portal, you’ll see that it offers plenty of resources such as: The ability to Register for any Employer Challenges Lutheran Senior Services is hosting; Learn how to better manage your health with Featured Content, including educational articles and Videos; and even start or Participate in a Peer Challenge. The peer challenges are fun ways to engage specific coworkers in challenges you want some friendly competition with in order to keep you focused and motivated.

6 LSS Wellness Program Sync your device(s) to the Wellness Portal
Select the Preferences icon in the top right corner Select Apps & Devices; Select the “+” icon Follow the prompts to sync your app or device The SimplyWell portal is able to sync with lots of health and fitness devices such as FitBit, MapMyRun and many others. This makes it really easy to track your progress and keep you engaged and motivated.

7 LSS Wellness Program Examples of activities, programs and challenges you can participate in: 2018 Walking step challenge: 282 LSS employees participated and together we walked 41,337 miles! 30-Days of Gratitude: Program that challenges you to live more rewarding days through acts of kindness and reflection Water You Waiting For?: Competition to encourage us to drink the proper amount of water each day Healthy Sitting: Instruction provided to home office staff for healthy posture and stretches one can do while sitting all day Maintain, Don’t Gain: Challenge to not gain any weight over the holiday season Here are some examples of the cool things you can participate in to be healthier throughout the year. Some will be coordinated organization-wide and others will be coordinated locally at just your particular location. Either way, keep an eye out for articles on LSSLink and/or posters displayed to hear about the new opportunities you can participate in. Oftentimes, great prizes are offered for participation in these events and programs – sometimes just for participating, and other times for the top winners in a competition. Either way, they’re a fun way to get to know your coworkers better, have fun and get healthier.

8 LSS Wellness Program Biometric Screenings are be offered to all employees (as well as spouses enrolled in an LSS medical plan) for free once per year Both onsite and offsite screenings are available (partnered with Quest Labs) Provide information about your overall health, including cholesterol (total, LDL, and HDL), triglycerides, cardiac risk, glucose, blood pressure, height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), waist measurement, and cotinine (tobacco-use). The MHA (member health assessment) consists of questions about specific lifestyle habits. Your MHA responses are analyzed to show your risk level and generate a Health Index. Biometric Screenings are available off-site at Quest Labs year-round, and onsite across LSS during two distinct time periods per year. The onsite screening events are conveniently scheduled at your work location and easier overall because we use the fingerstick method for blood work and the mouth swab for cotinine testing for the onsite events (as opposed to a blood draw at the offsite labs) and you’ll receive your results immediately and have an opportunity to speak with a health professional right there on the spot. If you are unable to attend an onsite Biometric Screening event, you may fulfill the screening requirement by visiting a Quest Lab (or Diagnostics® Patient Service Center). The venipuncture method will be used to measure both blood work and cotinine test offsite, and you’ll receive your results electronically inside the simply well portal within the next 10 business days. These screenings provide vital information about your overall health, including cholesterol (total, LDL, and HDL), triglycerides, cardiac risk, glucose, blood pressure, height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), waist measurement, and cotinine (tobacco). The MHA consists of questions about specific lifestyle habits. Your MHA responses are analyzed to show your risk level and generate a Health Index. You can complete your MHA at or the SimplyWell app. Once you complete your screening and/or MHA, you’ll see your points increase in the Profile section of your SimplyWell portal. This section of the portal shows you an analysis of your MHA responses and Biometric Screening results to help you understand your health risks and your options to improve your results.

9 Wellness Credits Although all LSS staff are invited to complete a biometric screening & health assessment, employees and spouses on our medical benefits receive discounted premiums for doing so. As you can see, these wellness credits make a huge impact to the cost of your medical premiums. Let’s talk next about how you can ensure you receive these wellness credits… Although all LSS staff are invited to complete a biometric screening & health assessment, employees and spouses on our medical benefits receive discounted premiums for doing so. This slide shows you the amount of money you’ll save each month (for both you and your spouse each) for completing your annual screening and MHA. Doing your screening and MHA earns you 50 points each. If your screening results meet the health metric standards or goals, you’ll earn 100 points each. If your results don’t automatically earn you the 100 points, there are opportunities to engage with your own doctor to earn those points. Participating in the LSS wellness screening process is really worth it. Not only does it mean you’re on the road to improved health, it means you’re saving a lot of money on your employee premiums.

10 Wellness Credits You’ll start off by automatically receiving the full wellness credit(s) on your medical premiums, but… Once you (and your spouse) are enrolled in an LSS medical plan, you will be responsible for earning the amount of points you desire to ensure you continue receiving the wellness credits you want or need. What does this mean exactly? If your (+ spouse) medical coverage doesn’t begin until 2/1, 3/1, 4/1, 5/1, 6/1 or 7/1, you’ll need to earn your points by December in order to ensure your wellness credits continue into the following year If your (+ spouse) medical coverage doesn’t begin until 8/1, 9/1, 10/1, 11/1, 12/1 or 1/1, you’ll need to earn your points by June in order to ensure your wellness credits continue beyond June and through the end of the year To learn much more about how your participation in the LSS wellness program impacts your medical insurance premiums, please watch the video on LSS Medical Benefits here When you first become benefits eligible at LSS and enroll in a medical plan, your payroll premiums will include the full wellness credit discount as if you have earned the full 100 points for both you and your spouse. However, based upon when your medical coverage begins, you’ll eventually need to screen and complete your MHA and follow-up steps in order to ensure the continuation of these wellness credits. If your medical coverage begin February 1st, March 1st, April 1st, May 1st, June 1st, or July 1st , you’ll need to earn your points by December of that same year in order to ensure your wellness credits continue into the following year; If your medical coverage doesn’t begin until August 1st, September 1st October 1st, November 1st December 1st, or January 1st, you’ll need to earn your points by June of the next year in order to ensure your wellness credits continue beyond June and through the end of that next year. You can test offsite at a lab any time, but the LSS-wide onsite screening events are typically scheduled during the months of February and August.

11 Additional Resources Have more questions beyond what’s explained in this video? Visit the LSS Benefits The site provides detailed information regarding all benefits offered by LSS Contact your Human Resources representative(s) Your local HR team is available to answer any questions you may have and/or assist you in the enrollment process within Workday Contact the vendor directly A complete list of contact information is posted on the LSS Benefits Website So let’s get healthier together! We help older adults live life to the fullest everyday in our jobs at LSS. We need to make sure we’re health and well enough to do the same now and in our golden years! For more information, please visit our benefits website, contact any of the benefits vendors or most importantly, contact your HR representative. Your HR team is here to help answer any questions you may have. We also want to hear your feedback. Your feedback about LSS benefits is a driving force behind how we can make our benefits better.

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