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By: Directions: Fill in each page.

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1 By: Directions: Fill in each page.
On some pages you will need to write about your memories and on other pages you will need to find pictures! Your teacher will then print your memory book out, you can then color your book, and put it together. Place your name here. By:

2 Write here Directions:
Write inside of the speech bubble using as much detail as possible! You can place a picture of yourself under the speech bubble OR after your teacher prints your book, you can draw a picture of yourself underneath. IF your device has a camera, click on “Insert,” “Image,” and then on “Camera.” This will turn on the camera and then you can take a picture of yourself to place inside.

3 Write title here. Write here Write title here. Write here Directions:
Write the titles of your TWO favorite books, as well as details about why you enjoy this book. Go online to find a picture of the book covers and place them inside of the rectangles. Write here Write title here. Write here

4 Write here Write here Write here Directions:
Write about three BIG things you want to do this summer! After you write, find a picture that goes along with each of the “things.” Write here Write here

5 Write your dream destination here.
Directions: Write the location of your dream destination and the find 3 pictures of this destination and place them above the first box. Then, write 4 different reasons why you think your family should go on vacation. Be sure to use complete sentences. Reason Reason Reason Reason

6 Write 5 different reasons why you will miss this school year!
Something I will miss. Directions: Write 5 different reasons why you will miss this school year! Be sure to use complete sentences as you write. Something I will miss. Something I will miss. Something I will miss. Something I will miss.

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