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State Reporting Processing

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1 State Reporting Processing
Florida User Group 2018

2 Extract Data Template ranges determine what records and formats extract To increase Processing Time, select State Reporting Configuration option “Process Survey Extract using Multiple Print Queue Agents” New print options “Print Extracted Data Report after all print queue agents have completed” “Print Edit Error Report after all print queue agents have completed” Review Skyward Edit reports Update Source Data Re-extract until errors are corrected or at least do not exceed the DOE maximum error count to be accepted.

3 Records are created in Survey Maintain
Multiple filters available to sort records Add, Edit, Delete records Key Fields and Non-Key Fields denoted by Asterisk (*)

4 Export Extracted Survey Data
Export collects records located in Survey Maintain and creates Export Files Can print additional Edit and Validation errors Narrow down by School, District, and Transaction Code Process Report Formats using multiple Print Queue agents is unique selection in this template

5 View Exported Files/Save Locally For Submission
FTP File(s) to State (must be in 000 entity) When files are FTP’d, the Survey Maintain Locks specific Formats in Survey Maintain This prevents users from making changes to Survey Maintain until the district receives confirmation that the file has been accepted by DOE within error range.

6 Finalize Extracted Survey Data
Transaction codes changed from “A” to “T” – internal Skyward “Transmitted” code Finalizing Formats will unlock the formats

7 Import Rejected Records from State
Edit file generated by DOE can be re-imported back into Survey Maintain “T” codes are changed to “E” codes Imported into correct Survey Maintain based on file values

8 Add Students to Extracted Survey Data
Add Students to Extracted Survey Data utility Only available in the Entity 000 Update Source Data This process will add missing records and update existing records in the Survey Maintain to match source data and assign the appropriate Transaction Codes (including "E" to "A or "C"). Delete records from Maintain that are not valid Report Only (No data will be updated)

9 Correct Edit Records Manually Change Survey Maintain records (associated error field and transaction code from “E” to “A” or “C”) Manually updating Survey Maintain records does not affect Source Data When changing Key fields, users are prompted to have Survey Maintain automatically change Trans code to “A” and create a “D” transaction record

10 Correct Edit Records Mass Change Extracted Survey Data Utility
WS\SR\FL\SU\UT Using this utility does not affect Source Data Can be run by Report Only Several ranges available; can also be run by Processing List

11 FTP Corrected records to DOE and Finalize
Once all records are corrected, repeat steps as needed When no Edits remain, Survey Maintain stays Locked or Finalized to maintain the snapshot of Survey Data Maintain can be unlocked if necessary – Survey Processing Methods

12 Survey Processing Methods
WS\SR\FL\PS\CF\SP Tracking tool Can Unlock Survey Formats View Survey Sequence of Events

13 Questions

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