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Dr. Anil Kumar Chaudhary Department of Social Work, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi - U.P. (INDIA)

2 The first National Health Policy was made 1983, and second was 2002.
Dimensions of 2017 policy are- investment in health, organisation of health care services, prevention of diseases and promotion of good health, access to technology, developing human resources, encouraging medical pluralism, building knowledge base, developing better financial protection strategies and strengthening regulation and health assurance.

3 Goals: The attainment of the highest possible level of health and well being for all at all ages, Universal access to good quality health care services, and Those achieved through increasing access, improving quality and lowering cost of healthcare delivery.

4 Key Policy Principles:
Professionalism, Integrity and Ethics, Equity, Affordability, Universality, Patient Centered & Quality Card, Accountability, Inclusive Partnerships, Pluralism, Decentralisation, Dynamism and Adaptiveness

5 Objectives: Progressive achieve Universal Health Coverage,
Reinforcing trust in Public Health Care System, Align the growth health care sector with public health goals,

6 Specific Quantitative Goals and Objectives:
Health status and programme impact- Life Expectancy and healthy life~ 67.5 To 70 by 2025, reduction TFR to 2.1 by 2025. Mortality by age/ or cause~ under five 23 by 2025, MMR 100 by 2020, IMR 28 by 2019, neo-natal to 16 and still birth to signal digit by 2025. Reduction of disease prevalence/ incidence~ achieving global target of :90:90 for HIV/AIDS; achieve and maintain elimination status of Leprosy by 2018,Kala-Azar by 2017 and Lymphatic Filariasis in endemic pockets by 2017; elimination status of TB by 2025; prevalence of blindness to 0.25/1000 by 2025; reduce premature mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory diseases by 25% by 2025.

7 Health System Performance- Coverage fo Health Services~ Increases
utilisation of public health facilities by 50% from current level by 2025 and antenatal coverage above 90% and skill attendance at birth above 90% by 2025; 90% of new born up to one year are fully immunized by 2025 and also meet need of family planning above 90%; 80% of known hypertensive and diabetic individuals at household level maintain ‘control disease status’ by 2025.

8 Cross Sectoral goals related to health~Tobacco use reduction by 15%
by 2020 and 30% by 2025; access to safe water and sanitation to all by 2020(Swachh Bharat Mission); reduction of occupational injury by half from current levels of 334 lakh agriculture workers by 2020. Health System Strengthening: Health finance~ increase existing 1.15% to 2.5% by 2025 at GDP, in states it’s > 8% of their budget by 2020. Health infrastructure and Human Resource~ availing paramedics/ doctors as per IPHS at district by 2020 and community health volunteers to population ratio as per IPHS by 2025 and increase primary and secondary health facilities. Health Managements Information~ ensure district level electronic data base by 2020, strengthening the health surveillance system by 2020 and establishing Health Information Exchanges and National Health Information Network by 2025.

9 Policy Thrust: Ensuring Adequate Investment
Preventive and Promotive Health~ Swachh Bharat Abhiyan; balanced, healthy diets and regular exercise; addressing tobacco, alcohol and substance abuse; Yatri Suraksha- preventing deaths due to rail and road traffic accidents; Nirbhaya Nari- action against gender violence; reduced stress and improved safety in the workplace; reducing indoor and outdoor air pollution. Organization of Public Health Care Delivery > In primary care > In secondary and tertiary care > In public hospitals > In infrastructure and human resource development > In urban health > In national health programme > In AYUSH services

RMNCH+A Child and Adolescent Health Interventions to Address Malnutrition and Micronutrients Deficiencies Universal Immunization Communicable Diseases~ control of TB, control of HIV/AIDS, Leprosy Elimination, Vector Borne Disease Control Non- Communicable Diseases Mental Health Population Stabilization

11 Women’s Health & Gender Mainstreaming
Gender based violence (GBV) Supportive Supervision Emergency Care and Disaster Preparedness Mainstreaming the Potential of AYUSH Tertiary care Services

12 Human Resource for Health~Medical Education,Attracting and Retaining Doctors in Remote Areas, Specialist Attraction and Retention, Mid-Level Service Providers, Nursing Education, ASHA, Paramedical Skills, Public Health Management Care, Human Resource Governance and Leadership Development Financing of Health Care~ purchasing of Healthcare Services, Collaboration with Non-Government Sector~ Capacity Building, Skill Development Programmes,CSR, Mental Health Programmes, Disaster Management, Strategic Purchasing as Stewardship, Enhancing accessibility in private sector, Role in Immunization, Disaster Surveillance, Tissue and Organ Transplantation, Make in India, Health Information System, Incentivising Private Sector

13 Regulatory Framework~ Professional Education Regulation, Regulation of Clinical Establishment, Food Safety, Drug Regulation, Medical Devices Regulation, Clinical Trail Regulation, Pricing- drug, medical devices and equipment, Vaccine Safety Public Procurement Availability of Drug and Medical Devices Aligning Public Sector Capacity for Manufacturing Essential Drug and Vaccines Anti-microbial Resistance Health Technology Assessment Digital Health Technology Eco-System Application of Digital Health

14 Leveraging Digital Tools for AYUSH
Health Survey Strengthening Knowledge for Health Drug Innovation and Discovery Development of Information Database Research Collaboration Governance~ Role of Centre and State, Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions, Improving Accountability Legal Framework for Health Care and Health Pathway Implementation Framework and Way Forward

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