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Civil War Review Standard SS8H5 a & b.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War Review Standard SS8H5 a & b."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War Review Standard SS8H5 a & b

2 Question 1 Agreement between northern and southern states; admitted California as a free-state and New Mexico and Utah could vote on slavery Compromise of 1850

3 Question 2 New political party that opposed slavery; created prior to the Civil War Republican

4 Question 3 One of the major causes of the American Civil War; belief that the interests of a state take precedence over the national government State’s Rights

5 Question 4 Forced labor; provided most of labor in the south during Antebellum period Slavery

6 People who worked/fought to get rid of slavery
Question 5 People who worked/fought to get rid of slavery Abolitionist

7 Question 6 Legal theory that states had the right to invalidate (not follow) any law they believed to be unconstitutional Nullification

8 Question 7 Slave whose case went to the US Supreme Court; argued that he was free because he had lived in a free state; US Supreme Court decided in favor of the owner ruling that slaves were property Dred Scott

9 American President during the Civil War; elected President in 1860
Question 8 American President during the Civil War; elected President in 1860 Abraham Lincoln

10 Main way that the people in the North made money
Question 9 Main way that the people in the North made money Manufacturing

11 Question 10 Main agricultural (farming) product produced in the South; the economy of the south was based on this product. Cotton

12 Question 11 After Lincoln’s election, which man called for Georgia to remain in the Union? Alexander Stephens

13 The act of leaving the Union is called?
Question 12 The act of leaving the Union is called? Secede

14 Question 13 This was a statement which encouraged Georgian’s to accept the Compromise of and preserved the Union. The Georgia Platform

15 This is another word for a tax
Question 14 This is another word for a tax Tariff

16 11 Southern states formed this government after secession
Question 15 11 Southern states formed this government after secession Confederate States of America

17 Question 16 Called the “Anaconda Plan”, this tactic prevented supplies from reaching the Confederacy Blockade

18 The Emancipation Proclamation
Question 17 Lincoln offered rebelling states the chance to maintain their slaves if they stopped fighting in this document The Emancipation Proclamation

19 Question 18 This battle in Georgia was a win for the CSA, but was also the 2nd bloodiest battle in the war. Failure to pursue the Union set up for Sherman’s March Chickamauga

20 Question 19 Commander of Confederate forces who was a graduate of Westpoint, was forced to surrender in April of 1865 Robert E. Lee

21 Question 20 Targeted because it was the 2nd most important city in the Confederacy, this siege resulted in over 30% of the city being burned, slowing the war Atlanta Campaign

22 Question 21 This battle in Maryland is known as the single bloodiest day of the war with over 23,000 casualties Antietam

23 Question 22 This Union General is responsible for leading his troops throughout the heart of the Confederacy William T. Sherman

24 Sherman’s March to the Sea
Question 23 Sherman’s charge from Atlanta to the coast in which millions of dollars in damage occurred is known as what? Sherman’s March to the Sea

25 Question 24 Sherman’s directive to destroy anything of war-making ability along his march was known as what? Total War

26 Question 25 This is the final major city in Georgia which was taken by Sherman. He gave it to Lincoln as a “Christmas Present” in December 1864 Savannah

27 Question 26 This Commander of the US Army accepted Gen. Lee’s surrender and later on became President Ulysses S. Grant

28 Question 27 This was a Confederate-operated prison for captured Union soldiers. Known for its high death rate and unsanitary conditions Andersonville

29 Question 28 This was the bloodiest battle of the war which took place over three days. Also known as the turning point of the war Gettysburg

30 Question 29 This speech dedicated the first national battlefield cemetery, and served as a rallying call to finish the war effort Gettysburg Address

31 Question 30 This man was responsible for assassinating President Lincoln just five days after the end of the Civil War John Wilkes Booth

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