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<month year> doc.: IEEE a Nov 2006

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1 <month year> doc.: IEEE a Nov 2006 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [TG3c Channel Model Final Report Presentation] Date Submitted: [19 Sept, 2006] Source: [Su-Khiong Yong] Company [Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)] Address [RF Technology Group, Comm. & Networking Lab., P. O. Box 111, Suwon , Korea] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re : [Discussion on TG3c Channel Model] Abstract: [Recommendations for the 3c Channel Model Subgroup] Purpose:[This document discusses the propagation issues and parameters for IEEE c] Notice :This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT <author>, <company>

2 TG3c Channel Model Final Report Presentation
<month year> doc.: IEEE a Nov 2006 TG3c Channel Model Final Report Presentation Su-Khiong Yong Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Korea Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT <author>, <company>

3 Outline Status of the Channel Model Unresolved Issues Future Plan
<month year> doc.: IEEE a Nov 2006 Outline Status of the Channel Model Unresolved Issues Future Plan Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT <author>, <company>

4 Nov 2006 Channel Model Scenario Environment Descriptions CM1 LOS
Residential Typical home with multiple rooms and furnished with furniture, TV sets lounges, etc. The size is comparable to the small office room. The walls/floor are made of concrete or wood covered by wallpaper/carpet. There are also windows and wooden door in different rooms within the residential environment. CM2 NLOS CM3 Office Typical office setup furnished with multiple chairs, desks, computers and work stations. Bookshelves, cupboards and whiteboards are also interspersed within the environment. The walls are made by metal or concrete covered by plasterboard or carpet with windows and door on at least one side of the office. Cubical, laboratory, open and closed office can be treated as a generic office. Typically these offices are linked by long corridors. CM4 CM5 Library Typical small size library with multiple desks, chairs and metal bookshelves. Bookshelves are filled with books, magazines, etc. Some tables and chairs were interspersed between the bookshelves. At least one side of room has windows and/or door. The walls are made of concrete. CM6 CM7 Conference Room Typical conference room with metal shelves, white board and office window. CM8 CM9 Desktop Typical office desktop and computer clutter. Partitioning surrounded this environment CM10 Corridor Passage way that links different offices Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

5 Large Scale Parameterization
Nov 2006 Large Scale Parameterization X[dB]=N(0, S) Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

6 Tx-Omni, Rx Horn (30 HPBW)
Nov 2006 Environment Scenario n PL0 s Comment Reference CM1 LOS 1.53 75.1 1.5 Tx-72 HPBW, Rx-60 HPBW [11] CM2 NLOS 2.44 86.0 6.2 CM3 1.16 84.6 5.4 Tx-Omni, Rx Horn (30 HPBW) [12] CM4 3.74 56.1 8.6 CM5 NA CM6 CM7 CM8 CM9 Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

7 Small Scale Parameterization (1)
Nov 2006 Small Scale Parameterization (1) Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

8 Small Scale Parameterization (2)
Nov 2006 Small Scale Parameterization (2) Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

9 Small Scale Parameterization (2)
Nov 2006 Small Scale Parameterization (2) Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

10 Nov 2006 Circular Polarized (1) Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

11 Nov 2006 Circular Polarized (2) Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

12 Residential: CM1 & CM2 Nov 2006 Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

13 Office: CM3 & CM4 Nov 2006 Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

14 Library: CM5 & CM6 Nov 2006 2- [dB] Library LOS (CM5) NLOS (CM6)
Comment  [1/ns] 0.25 N/A  [1/ns] 4.0  [ns] 12  [ns] 7.0 c [dB] 5.0 r [dB] 6.0  [degree] 10.0 17 2- [dB] 8 k [dB] -13 Derived from LOS Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

15 Conference Room: CM7 Nov 2006 Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

16 Desktop: CM9 Nov 2006 ADD NLOS CM10 Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

17 Summary of channel Models
Nov 2006 Summary of channel Models Residential – LOS (CM1) and NLOS (CM2)* Office – LOS (CM3) and NLOS (CM4) Library – LOS (CM5) and NLOS (CM6)* Conference Room – LOS (CM7) and NLOS (CM8) Desktop – LOS (CM9) and NLOS (CM10)* * Derived from LOS Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

18 Unresolved Issues – Final Report
Nov 2006 Unresolved Issues – Final Report Dealing with circular polarized model. Change environment conference room LOS (CM7) and NLOS (CM8) to office (LOS ONLY, CM7) and residential (LOS ONLY, CM8) Effects of antenna de-convolution in 398r3? Is the channel model antenna specific? Matlab Code is not yet available. How long we can wait? Effects of antenna de-convolve for all other channels except circular polarized All RX antennas were de-convolved but NOT the TX n in the LOS office (CM3 and CM4) does not match to the PL n n used in CM3 and CM4 was derived based on small set of data to reflect  value for small scale usage. Fix h, height of the antenna and d, distance of the antenna? Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

19 Unresolved Issues – Matlab Code
Nov 2006 Unresolved Issues – Matlab Code CM1, CM3 and CM9 have multiple representations. How to deal? Matlab Code is not yet completely finalized due to New contribution in 478r0 for CM4 Updated contribution on Joint AOA-TOA in 06/471r0 for CM7 CM8? Derived from LOS Validation of the simulated channel by measurement results. How to deal with the improvement of the amplitude statistics, 454r0? Channel becomes “semi-statistical” How to integrate Matlab Packages discussed 0459r1 and 0468r0 and what is the timeline? Distribution of the Matlab Package. Distribute in terms mat file, Excel sheet and/or Matlab functions? Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

20 Nov 2006 Motion Motion by Ali Sadri, we shall consider circular polarized channel model for LOS office environment (CM7) for Channel Modeling purposes. Seconded by S. K. Yong Yes - 5 No - 15 Abstain -7 Motion failed. Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

21 Nov 2006 Motion Motion by Ali Sadri, we shall consider circular polarized channel model for LOS Residential environment (CM8) for Channel Modeling purposes. Seconded by S. K. Yong Yes - 5 No - 14 Abstain – 6 Motion failed Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

22 <month year> doc.: IEEE a Nov 2006 Future Plan Fine Tune Matlab code: Some last minutes changes to parameterization and new contributions on NLOS data. Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT <author>, <company>

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