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A Pre-Orientation Guide to Academic Advising B.A. Majors Office of Academic Services – Academic Advising Center LaCava 298 – 781.891.2803.

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Presentation on theme: "A Pre-Orientation Guide to Academic Advising B.A. Majors Office of Academic Services – Academic Advising Center LaCava 298 – 781.891.2803."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Pre-Orientation Guide to Academic Advising B.A. Majors Office of Academic Services – Academic Advising Center LaCava 298 – 781.891.2803

2 Congratulations! Congratulations on your decision to pursue your college education at Bentley University! The Undergraduate Academic Advising Center is here to assist you in making the most of your academic experience during your time at Bentley. Feel free to visit us in LaCava 298 if you have questions about majors, pursuing a minor, studying abroad, or anything else of an academic nature. As a college student, you are responsible for navigating your education, which includes knowing the requirements for your academic program. As such, this Pre-Orientation Advising Guide is meant to answer questions that you may have between the time you enroll and the time you arrive on campus for Orientation. We look forward to meeting you during your Orientation session, and it is our hope that this guide helps you gain a better understanding of Bentleys curriculum and what to expect when you come to Orientation.

3 The Basics At Bentley, you will take classes during the Fall and Spring semesters. The Fall semester runs from September – December, and the Spring semester runs from January – May. Classes are typically 3 credit hours each. The majority of students will enroll in 15 credit hours (5 classes) each semester. To be a full-time student, you must enroll in at least 12 credit hours each semester. To graduate, you must accumulate 122 credit hours. Over four years, this averages out to 15 credit hours each semester, except during two semesters when you will enroll in 16 credit hours (those semesters in which you are enrolled in First Year Seminar & your lab science) Most classes meet for 1 hour and 15 minutes, twice a week.

4 Bentley Curriculum (or, what courses do I need to take to earn my degree?) The Bentley curriculum is comprised of four areas: General Education Provides students the opportunity to take courses in a variety of disciplines. These courses help students become well-rounded professionals. Business Minor (15 credits) Provides students a solid foundation in business. Students gain a firm grounding in key areas of business including accounting, business information systems, finance, management, marketing, law, and statistics. (A business minor is required for all Bachelor of Arts degrees EXCEPT Liberal Arts.) Major Courses (24-30 credits) The courses required to fulfill a particular major; majors require 8 -10 courses. Modern Language Requirement Students pursuing a B.A. must demonstrate intermediate competence in a modern language. (Students pursuing an International Studies major who select French or Spanish must complete at least one course at the 300-level) Elective Courses Provide students with choices to round out and broaden their education. Students choose courses of interest in the areas of Business and Arts & Science

5 Bentley Curriculum (or, what courses do I need to take to earn my degree?) Course Abbreviations EC – Economics EXP – Expository Writing FS – First Year Seminar GB – General Business GLS – Global Studies HI – History IT – Information Technology LIT – Literature MA – Mathematics ML – Modern Language NASC – Natural Science with Lab NASE – Natural Science elective PH – Philosophy PS – Psychology SO – Sociology

6 Bentley Curriculum (or, what courses do I need to take to earn my degree?) A Degree Requirement Summary (DRS) provides an overview of the courses you will take while at Bentley. Click on the following links to be taken to the DRS for that particular major. History Global Studies Liberal Arts [Single or Interdisciplinary] Media and Culture Philosophy

7 Bentley Curriculum (or, what courses do I need to take to earn my degree?) General Education Requirements The General Education requirements are meant to provide you with a broad background in a variety of academic disciplines, helping you obtain a well-rounded education. You will take most of your General Education courses during your first and second years. During your first year at Bentley, you will want to make sure to complete the following requirements: IT 101, EXP I, MA I, MA II, and First Year Seminar. Courses in RED – Required for first-year students Courses in GREEN – Required for second-year students In the first semester/year, transfer students need to take courses in red or green that have not been awarded transfer credit.

8 Bentley Curriculum (or, what courses do I need to take to earn my degree?) Business Core Requirements Student obtaining B.A. degrees in Global Studies, History, or Media and Culture will need to complete the Business Studies Minor consisting of the above GB courses. Students obtaining a B.A. degree in Philosophy have their choice of the Business Studies Minor or another business minor. It will be important for students to work closely with their Academic Adviser when opting for a specific business minor. The B.A. in Liberal Studies does not require a business minor. Students the General Business (GB) courses sequentially… GB110, 112, 212 – in the first year GB213, 214, 215 – in the second year GB310, 320, 410 – in junior and senior years You will register for GB 110,112 & 212 during your first year.

9 Bentley Curriculum (or, what courses do I need to take to earn my degree?) Major Requirements A major consists of 8 or 10 required courses. Faculty members will serve as mentors and provide information about internships, career options, and networking opportunities. Students pursuing a B.A. in Liberal Arts will work closely with a faculty member to design their concentration. There are specific guidelines and regulations concerning the development of your arts and sciences concentration or major. Be sure to consult an academic adviser for more information. To find out what courses are required for a particular major, click on the following link: Information on Majors and Minors

10 Bentley Curriculum (or, what courses do I need to take to earn my degree?) Modern Language and Elective Requirements B.A. students are required to demonstrate intermediate competence in a Modern Language Electives provide you the opportunity to take courses of interest to you, outside of your major. If you are interested in pursuing a minor (a series of four courses in a particular discipline that supplements your major), the courses for your minor will count toward your elective requirements The number of electives you will fulfill is dependent on your major. Please talk with an Academic Adviser regarding the number of electives required for your particular major.

11 Exploring Majors! We recognize that while some of you may have an idea regarding what you want to major in, many of you are not yet sure. Thats okay! However, understanding various majors and their requirements is a good way to start thinking about a possible major, or exploring a major in which you are interested. The next page will provide you with instructions on how to access information about majors and minors available at Bentley. Bachelor of Science: Accountancy Computer Information Systems Corporate Finance and Accounting Economics/Finance Finance Information Design and Corporate Communication Information Systems Audit and Control Management Managerial Economics Marketing Mathematical Sciences - Actuarial Concentration Bachelor of Arts: History Global Studies Liberal Arts Media and Culture Philosophy Majors Available at Bentley

12 Exploring Majors! Click here to be taken to the Majors & Minors website. Spend a few minutes reviewing the various majors and minors available to students at Bentley. here Next, click on the link for a major that is of interest to you. Review the various requirements for the major. Then, choose the link at the top of the page that says DRS. This link will take you to the Degree Requirement Summary for that particular major. Spend some time reviewing this document, as it summarizes all of the requirements you will need to complete in order to graduate from Bentley. Repeat this process for other majors in which you are interested. TIP: Visit the Course Descriptions link to find specific information about each course. Course Descriptions link

13 What is the LSM? The Liberal Studies Major is an optional second major available to students pursuing a business major and for those bachelor of arts students who have a required business minor. The LSM allows you to leverage your required general education and elective courses to provide added value to your education – no additional courses necessary! Why should I pursue the LSM? Sharpen your competitive edge with prospective employers – show them that you are not only well-versed in the latest business practices and state-of-the-art technology, but that you can also think analytically and creatively. What are some examples of Liberal Studies Majors that are offered? A wide range of topics are offered – from Global Perspectives to Ethics & Social Responsibility. To view the complete list of LSMs offered and for more information, visit the following link: Liberal Studies Major Information Liberal Studies Major Information How do I find out more information or start planning for the LSM? Sometime during your first year at Bentley, schedule an appointment with an Academic Adviser in the Academic Advising Center (LaCava 298, 781.891.2803)

14 Planning Your Schedule During your first year at Bentley, you will want to make sure to complete the following requirements: IT 101, EXP I, MA I, MA II, and First Year Seminar. You are strongly encouraged to complete GB 110, 112 & 212 as this will allow you the option to pursue a minor in Business. You can find the course descriptions for these courses by visiting this link. link Academic Advisers will help you plan for your first semester at Bentley. IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER Most students will register for 16 credits – 15 credits plus the First Year Seminar (1 credit). Your placement in English courses will be determined based on SAT scores and prior course work. If you think you will receive AP, IB, or transfer credit for a course, DO NOT register for the course. If you anticipate that you will bring in credits, talk to an Academic Adviser.

15 Academic Resources at Bentley Academic Advising Center (located in LaCava 298) Meet with an Academic Adviser Academic Advisers are available to help you plan your schedule, choose a major, and assist you in planning your academic pursuits at Bentley. Find out information about tutoring and academic support services Visit the Undergraduate Academic Advising Center to find out about various workshops that can help you become a better student and discover support services if you are struggling. Meet with a Peer Adviser Peer Advisors are current Bentley students who can talk with you about majors, help with course selection, and refer you to relevant student organizations and other departmental resources. Cronin Office of International Education (located in Adamian 161) The International Education staff can help you find education abroad opportunities that are of interest to you. Career Services (located in LaCava 270) The Career Services staff can help you find internships, perfect your resume, and assist you in determining what career is right for you. Faculty Members Professors are a great resource for information about your chosen career field and the various career options available. They are also good resources for networking with professionals in the field.

16 Academic Advising Workbook The Undergraduate Academic Advising Center has created an advising workbook especially for Bentley students! The Academic Advising Workbook is your guide to all things academic at Bentley and includes information about majors, minors, the curriculum, International Education, and many useful planning tools. You will receive a copy of the Academic Advising Workbook when you arrive to campus in the spring, but can get a sneak peek now by visiting this link!link

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