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Week 7 Vocabulary.

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1 Week 7 Vocabulary

2 6th Grade Sub – Under Trans - Across

3 Subconscious Not fully aware; occurring below your level of thinking and awareness

4 Subdue To bring under control

5 Submarine A watercraft that stays under water

6 Subordinate A person who is under some else’s rank or importance

7 Subway A passageway under the ground

8 Transcontinental Across a continent

9 Transfer To move from one place to another

10 Translate To cut through any language barrier by changing one language to another

11 Translucent Perfectly clear, obvious; light shows clearly through

12 Transpire To occur or happen

13 7th Grade Spect – to look at Form - shape

14 Perspective One way of looking at things

15 Retrospect Contemplation or thinking of the past; the action of looking back at past events

16 Spectator A person who watches something

17 Prospect The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring

18 Aspect Something to be considered or looked over

19 Conform To behave or think in agreement with a rule or standard

20 Deformed Not having the normal or natural shape; misshapen

21 Format A structure, plan, or arrangement for how something is presented

22 Formation The action of being created; an arrangement of something

23 Reform To give another shape or appearance; to arrange again; to make over or improve

24 8th Grade Mem – recall Sign - mark

25 Commemorate To preserve, honor, or celebrate the memory of

26 Memoir An account of the author’s personal experiences

27 Memento Something kept as a reminder of a past event; a souvenir

28 Memorandum A note, reminder

29 Memorial Monument or statue built in memory of a person or event

30 Designate To appoint someone to a specific position

31 Insignia A distinguishing mark or token of something

32 Signal A gesture to call attention

33 Signature The name of a person written in a distinctive way

34 Significance The quality of being worthy of attention; importance

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