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Presentation on theme: "LAB 9 – INTRUSION DETECTION AND PREVENTION SYSTEMS"— Presentation transcript:

HANDS ON INSTALLING, CONFIGURING AND TESTING SNORT USING KALI LINUX Scope Download and install Configuration: Edit configuration file Configuring logs Create a custom rule with message Launching the attack Capture & review the log file with the alerts configured in the custom rule 1. Download and Install [All commands are highlighted in Red text] Access the terminal of the kali Linux apt-get install snort when it asks for the address range, retrieve the IP address using ifconfig on a separate terminal window check the subnet mask if its 16 bit or 24 bit and based on that give the ipaddress in the range Example: if ipaddress is and Subnet mask is [24 bit], then range in snort should be /24 Let the installation complete! At successful installation it will return to default prompt. 2. Edit Snort Configuration File and Rules Creation 2.1. Create a blank rules file to place your custom rules in, this is different than the default rules used by snort touch /etc/snort/rules/custom.rules 2.2. edit the Snort configuration file to add to snort the newly created custom.rules file vi /etc/snort/snort.conf 2.3. type /include $RULE_PATH (this command will take you the rule inclusion page in the vi editor) scroll down using pgdown or arrow keys till you reach the end of the include $RULE_PATH entries press ‘i’ key on keyboard edit the file in the vi editor 1

2 Reviewing the log file with attacks captured
after the last default entry in the include $RULE_PATH type include $RULE_PATH/custom.rules press ‘esc’ key on keyboard and then ‘wq’ to save and quit the snort configuration file 2.4. Creating a location for log files and verify if the log file are getting populated mkdir log snort – l ./log –b –c /etc/snort/snort.conf (this will start snort and run the live traffic on the computer and network against the rules in the snort.conf) ctrl+z cd log ls if the list command results with files such as ‘alert’ and ‘snort.log.<<randomnumbers>>’ then your snort is running and generating logs as well successfully rm* (Removes the contents of the log files) 2.5. Creating custom rule to detect icmp attack or ping attack vi /etc/snort/rules/custom.rules press ‘i’ to enter into insert mode alert icmp any any -> any any (msg: “Possible ping attack”; sid: ;) press ‘esc’ key and then ‘wq’ to save the custom.rules file 3. Launching the attack Launch the snort on the Kali Linux snort -l ./log -p -c /etc/snort/snort.conf From any other machine in the network ping the Kali Linux machine with unlimited number of packets Let the snort run for a minute for the capture to work and log file get populated 4. Reviewing the log file with attacks captured cd log ls leafpad alert The alert file should be populated with the alert message “Possible ping attack’ as configured in the custom rule file. 2


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