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Monday’s graph.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday’s graph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday’s graph

2 Tuesday’s Notes on next three slides




6 Thursday’s slides on next 5 slides.

7 Phosphorous stimulates the nitrogen-fixing behavior of the blue-green algae.
Phosphorus is the nutrient most likely to be the limiting factor in eutrophication (the process of a body of water becoming nutrient- rich). You can have a higher nitrate concentration without accelerating eutrophication.


9 Deforestation- The removal of large areas of forests for human purposes. Tropical Rainforest --About 130,000 km2 (size of LA) destroyed each year --Contains about 50% of all the species on Earth

10 Problems caused by deforestation:
Loss of habitat for plants and animals Soil erosion More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (because trees normally remove it).

11 Desertification- the development of desert-like conditions due to human activities and /or climate A region of land that undergoes desertification is no longer useful for food production.

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