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Biological Organization

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1 Biological Organization

2 Organizing Life SWEcol/Lecture%20Topics%20- %20Learning%20Goals%20&%20HW/3-Ecol1.jpg

3 Biosphere The Earth and all the environments inhabited by Life.

4 Ecosystems All the living organisms and nonliving components that life interacts with in a particular area.

5 Communities All the living organisms in a particular ecosystem

6 Population All the individuals of a single species within the community

7 Organism Each individual living thing

8 Organs and organ systems
A body part within the organism containing two or more tissues

9 Tissues A group of similar cells that work together and carry out a specific function

10 Cells Life’s fundamental unit of structure

11 Organelles A functioning group of biomolecules

12 Molecule A chemical structure containing two or more atoms

13 Atom The basic unit of matter

14 3 Minutes to Organize One person per group will grab a cup from the back. You and your partner have to organize the items in the cup.

15 Taxonomy The way we group biological organisms - based on shared characteristics Has changed over time

16 Brief History of Taxonomy
Aristotle – 350 BC – based on basic observations – two groups Plants – small, medium, large Animals – water, land, air

17 Brief History of Taxonomy
Carolus Linnaeus – 1753 – based on morphology and more solid science “Father of Taxonomy” Plants Animals

18 Brief History of Taxonomy
Ernst Haekel – 1866 Added protista single celled organisms that were plant like and animal like

19 Brief History of Taxonomy
Robert Whittaker – 1969 Five Kingdom System Monera Plantae Animalia Fungi Protista

20 Brief History of Taxonomy
Carl Woese – 1970’s to now 3 Domains, 6 kingdoms Bacteria Monera Archaea Plantaea Animalia Protista

21 More than Domains and Kingdoms
Mnemonic: Did King Phillip Cry Out “For Goodness Sakes!”?

22 Domain Three domains: Archaea Bacteria Eukarya

23 Next 5 Kingdom – 6 total Phylum Class Order Family
Plantaea, Animalia, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, Bacteria Phylum Class Order Family

24 The Name of an Organism Genus Species Binomial Nomenclature:
*Uses Latin words


26 Thought to be over 530 species with in the Primate Order

27 Insect Collection 8 different orders, 8 total insects
Some class time in the next two weeks Due Oct 3rd.

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