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Nazi Germany & The “final Solution” to the “Jewish question”

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1 Nazi Germany & The “final Solution” to the “Jewish question”
THE HOLOCAUST Nazi Germany & The “final Solution” to the “Jewish question”

the systematic destruction of a group of people based on their race, religion, or citizenship. murder, intolerable living conditions, sterilization methods HOLOCAUST The killing of 6 million European Jews and 10 million other ‘undesirable’ peoples during WWII. The distinguishing factor was its efficiency 



5 WHY? 3 Key points behind Hitler’s Motives
Jews were responsible for Germany’s WWI defeat to protect the purity of the “Master Race” Early years in anti-Semitic environment

6 WHY? 2 Schools of Thought:
Functionalist: Reached the conclusion that they needed to the kills the jews sometime during WW2. Intentionalists: Always the plan to kill the jews- built into the regime’s ideology. No order from Hitler that indicates when he decided to focus on killing Jews

7 1933 NAZIS boycott Jewish businesses Define Aryan “Master Race”
"Aryan“ -blonde, blue-eyed, and tall- Nordic Hermann Goering creates the GESTAPO secret police of Nazi Germany Responsible for state security authority to send individuals to concentration camps first concentration camps are built

8 1935- Nuremberg Race Laws Institutionalized the racial theories in the Nazi ideology Laws for the Protection of German Blood and Honour No relations between Jews and Germans Reich Citizenship Law Only Germans were eligible to be citizens the rest were subjects, without citizenship rights. 

9 1936 Olympic Games held in Berlin Jews treated better – briefly
Summer and Winter Games Jews treated better – briefly Summer Games First Live Televised Event

10 1937 Jews not allowed to teach Germans or be accountants or dentists
“Eternal Jew” exhibit opened in Germany promoted stereo-types of Jews and warned Germans Hitler holds a secret meeting and states his plans for acquiring "living space" for the German people

11 1938- KRISTALLNACHT “Night of Broken Glass”
Nazi official killed in Paris by a Jew Jewish homes, stores and synagogues attacked 91 Jews killed & authorities watch and did nothing Reported Live around the world damaged the image of Germany More sanctions on the Jews followed Start of the “Final Solution”

12 1939 The St. Louis ocean liner is turned away by Canada, USA, and Cuba
Captain trying to find home for 908 Jews on board 25% die in German camps Remaining Jewish-owned companies closed


14 1940 600,000 Jews relocate ALL European Jews to Madagascar
Polish Ghettos are sealed off 600,000 Jews “Madagascar Plan” proposed relocate ALL European Jews to Madagascar Many Jews would die Prevented by British Navy Idea shelved in exchange for “Final Solution”

15 Wannsee Conference Nazis officials seeking “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Question” attempt to exterminate all European Jews estimated 11 million people

16 FINAL SOLUTION “Now judgment has begun and it will reach its conclusion only when the knowledge of the Jews has been erased from the earth!” Nazi Newspaper 3 phases of the Nazi plan to carry out the “Final Solution”

17 Phase 1 = Shooting Jews rounded up and told they were to be relocated
taken to the woods and shot Bodies buried in mass graves

18 Phase 2 = Gas Vans told they were to be relocated in vans
exhaust was piped back into the van 700,000 Jews killed in Vans

19 Problems with Phases 1,2 1) both methods were taking to much time
2) gas and munitions were becoming scarce 3) soldiers involved were having psychological problems with what they were doing.

20 Phase 3 = The Camps Speed up the “Final Solution”


22 CONCENTRATION CAMPS prisoners used for forced labor
prisoners usually lasted less than 1/2 year communists, homosexuals, criminals, and social-democrats

23 RAVENSBRUCK Camp for women only, some children
Small male camp, prisoners built & ran gas chamber 50,000 killed 24,000 prisoners sent on Death march before camp fell to allies

24 THERESIENSTADT Most “humane” camp well connected Jews and war veterans
Jews married to Aryans could pay to go to this camp Red Cross inspected this camp Nazi lied and covered up what was really happening

25 EXTERMINATION CAMPS concept started with killing of mentally and physically disabled most located in Poland Started as concentration camps added gas chambers also killed via extreme work conditions or manual killing After Jews relocated to deaths Camps via train after being told of resettlement 3.2 Million Jews killed in Death camps


27 AUSCHWITZ 4 gas chambers/crematories mass killings with Zyklon B gas
recorded 12,000 kills in one day : 1.1 million killed


29 ZYKLON-B Gas used to kill vermin
Inexpensive compared to Carbon Monoxide Easier to transport Dropped from ceilings in shower-like facilities

30 MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS Sterilization of men and women
endurance of pain to high and low temperatures and pressure Injected prisoners with diseases to look for a cure experiments on twins to increase number of multiple births to Aryan women

31 OPERATION REINHARD TREBLINKA Deadliest Phase of Final Solution
March 1942-November 1943 Prisoners dead within 2 hours or arrival Total of 1,700,000 Jews killed TREBLINKA Disguised as a Train Station 10 GAS CHAMBERS Bodies were burned in open pits killed in 15 months


33 “Special Action 1005” Nazis knew they couldn’t hold borders
attempted to dismantle the camps and destroy all records Used prisoners to dig up and burn the bodies Some camps were liberated by Soviet troops “Special Action 1005”


35 The end WW2 ended in Europe- May 8, 1945
Holocaust survivors moved to Displaced Persons Camps run by the allies 1948 to 1951: 700,000 Jews move to Israel Other Jews move to the USA, Canada and other nations last Displaced Persons Camp closed in 1957


37 THE NUREMBERG TRIALS Nazis tried at the Nuremburg Trials
Judges : Great Britain, France, USSR, and the USA 12 Nazis sentenced to death Most admitted to crimes but claimed that they were “following orders”

38 THE NUREMBERG TRIALS Adolf Hitler committed suicide to avoid capture
Many Nazis fled to other countries Nazi Scientists found work in USA & USSR Nazi Hunters tracked & Brought Nazis to justice Most Former Nazis were dead by early 2000s

39 “The Holocaust is not only a tragedy of the of the Jewish people, it is a failure of humanity as a whole.”

40 “To forget the Holocaust is to kill twice.”

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