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What is Physical Science?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Physical Science?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Physical Science?
Physical Science is the study of the things around you. It has to do with matter and energy.

2 What is Matter? Can you think of examples of matter?
Matter is anything that takes up space

3 All matter has Mass What IS mass?
Mass is the amount of material that an object has.

4 Two areas of physical Science
Chemistry Physical Science

5 Physics The study of how energy acts with matter

6 chemistry The study of matter and how it changes

7 Tools of Physical Scientists
Scientists answer questions by doing experiments To do experiments/observations, scientists need tools

8 In your notes, try to name each of these scientific tools and what you think they do.

9 Metric System Basics

10 Metric System The metric system is based on base units that are used for each kind of measurement Length = meter Volume = liter Weight (Mass) = grams We add prefixes to base units to measure larger and smaller things Prefixes that make them smaller or part of one base unit: Milli -- 1/100th Centi -- 1/100th Deci -- 1/10th Prefixes that make them larger than one base unit: Deka – 10 Hecto – 100 Kilo

11 Metric System Prefixes + base units make up the metric units Examples:
Centi + meter = Centimeter Kilo + liter = Kiloliter

12 Metric System Here is a more visual way to chart how we use prefixes and bases: kilo hecto deka Base Units meter gram liter deci centi milli

13 Metric System So if you needed to measure length you would choose meter as your base unit

14 Metric System But what if you need to measure a longer distance, like from your house to school? Let’s say you live approximately 10 miles from school 10 miles = meters 16093 is a big number, but what if you could add a prefix onto the base unit to make it easier to manage: 16093 meters = kilometers (or 16.1 if rounded to 1 decimal place)

15 Metric System Metric prefixes are based on multiples of 10.
From each prefix every “step” is either: 10 times larger or 10 times smaller For example Centimeters are 10 times larger than millimeters 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters kilo hecto deka Base Units meter gram liter deci centi milli

16 Metric System An easy way to move within the metric system is by moving the decimal point one place for each “step” desired Example: change meters to centimeters 1.00 meter = 10.0 decimeters = centimeters kilo hecto deka Meter deci centi milli

17 Metric System If you move to the left in the diagram, move the decimal to the left If you move to the right in the diagram, move the decimal to the right kilo hecto deka meter liter gram deci centi milli

18 Metric System Summary Base units in the metric system are meter, liter, gram Metric system is based on multiples of 10 For conversions within the metric system, each “step” is 1 decimal place to the right or left kilo hecto deca meter liter gram deci centi milli

19 Formulas for Area & Perimeter

20 Perimeter Any shape’s “perimeter” is the outside of the shape…like a fence around a yard. To calculate the perimeter of any shape, just add up the lengths of all sides

21 Perimeter Triangles have 3 sides…add up each side’s length. 8 8
8+8+8=24 The Perimeter is 24 8

22 What is the perimeter of this square?
12 12 12 =48 12

23 Helpful hints Squares ALL sides are equal…so if they give you one side, you know ALL the sides Length=the Largest side If numbers are left out, they are equal to their opposite side. For example, if you see a number at the bottom of a rectangle then the top of the rectangle is going to be equal to the measurement’s bottom.

24 Other shapes Just add up EACH segment 10
8 sides, each side 10 so =80

25 Area Area is the ENTIRE INSIDE of a shape
It is always measured in “squares” (cm2, m2)

26 Area of Squares/Rectangles
AREA =Length x Width 2 Length(2) xWidth(2) = 4 square units

27 Area What is the area of the rectangle below? 3cm 9cm


29 Volume= Length X Width X Height
. Volume works with all three dimensions of an object (length, width, and height) and measures the space that an object takes up. Volume= Length X Width X Height

30 Calculate the volume of this prism
6cm 8cm 5cm The volume is 240cm3

31 Calculate the volume of this prism
5cm cm 3cm The volume is 180cm3

32 Liquid Volume & Volume of Irregular objects

33 Measuring Volume We will be using graduated cylinders to find the volume of liquids and other objects. Read the measurement based on the bottom of the meniscus or curve. When using a real cylinder, make sure you are eye-level with the level of the water. What is the volume of water in the cylinder? _____mL What causes the meniscus? A concave meniscus occurs when the molecules of the liquid attract those of the container. The glass attracts the water on the sides. Top Image: Bottom Image:

34 Measuring Liquid Volume
What is the volume of water in each cylinder? Images created at A B C Pay attention to the scales for each cylinder.

35 Measuring Volume of Irregular Objects
We can measure the volume of regular object using the formula length x width x height. We can measure the volume of irregular object using water displacement. Amount of H2O with object = ______ About of H2O without object = ______ Difference = Volume = ______ Click here for an online activity about volume. Choose Lessons  Volume & Displacement

36 Density

37 Density Density is a physical property of matter that describes how closely packed together the atoms of an element or molecules of a compound are. The more closely packed together they are, the more dense the object. Hence, it can be helpful to know the densities

38 Density Density involves mass AND volume of an object!
Mass is the amount of matter contained in an object and is commonly measured in units of grams (g). Volume is the amount of space taken up by an object Units used for volume: cubic centimeters (cm3) for solids milliliters (mL) for liquids FYI 1cm3 = 1 mL.

39 Density = Mass/Volume Formula for density = mass divided by volume
Density is a property of matter that is defined as the ratio of an object's mass to its volume. units for density: Solids: grams per milliliters (g/ml) Liquids: grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). Watch Video Clip about density, mass, volume, and matter:

40 Density of Some Common Substances
Density (g/cm3) Air 0.0013 Feathers 0.0025 Wood(Oak) Ice  0.92  Water  1.00 Bricks  1.84 Aluminum  2.70 Steel  7.80 Silver  10.50 Gold  19.30  Density can be confusing. For example, many items that we commonly think of as "light" or "heavy" do not have different masses, but they do have different densities. Video clip: Science 360: Density & Sports

41 Example Water’s density = 1.0 g/mL: If object’s density is more than that, it will sink in water, if an object’s density is less than that, it will float in water If an object’s density = water, it will be suspended in water.

42 Liquids and gases Density applies not only to solids, but liquids and gases Example: Hot air rises because it’s less dense than the cool air Example: Oil floats on top of water

43 Solving For Density 1. A student determines that a piece of an unknown material has a mass of g and a volume of 7.57 cm3. What is the density of the material, rounded to the nearest hundredth? g divided by 7.57cm3 Density = g/cm3

44 Density Will this object sink or float in water?
                       D = 0.77 g/cm3    Will this object sink or float in water? Float—its density is less than 1.0 g/mL Is this a solid or a liquid? Solid

45 Solve on your own! Mass = 16 g, Volume = 13.5 mL, Density = ?
Does it sink or float in water? Is it a solid or liquid? Mass = 45 g, Volume = 6.7 cm3, Density = ? Does it sink or float in water? Is it a solid or liquid? Mass = 15.9 g, Volume = 4.3 mL, Density = ?

46 Buoyancy

47 Buoyancy The buoyant force acts in the direction opposite to the force of gravity, so it makes an object feel lighter Buoyant Force – upward force exerted by a fluid on a submerged object

48 Buoyancy Archimedes’ principle states that the buoyant force acting on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the fluid the object displaces

49 Floating and Sinking If the weight of the object is greater than the buoyant force – then the object will sink If the weight of the object is less than the buoyant force then the object will float

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