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Presentation on theme: "İNGİLİZCE Öğr. Gör. Banu CENGİZ edu"— Presentation transcript:

1 İNGİLİZCE Öğr. Gör. Banu CENGİZ bcengiz@dicle. edu
İNGİLİZCE Öğr. Gör. Banu CENGİZ Dicle Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu


3 UNIT 13 INTRODUCTION CONTENTS (KONULAR) 1) Using can/can’t statements
2) Questions and short answers 3) Summary ( Özet) 4) References ( Faydalanılan ve Önerilen Kaynaklar)

4 13.1 Using Can/Can’t ability can possibility permission

5 13.1 Using Can/Can’t Mark has a talent for music.
He can play the piano very well. (b) I have enough money. I can buy a new car. The children are allowed to play in the garden. They can play in the garden.

6 Can Does not change whether we use
it with a singular or plural subjects

7 13.1 Using Can/Can’t I You We They can ride a bicycle. He She It

8 (d) CORRECT: Alice can swim.
Can simple form of main verb (e) INCORRECT: Alice can to swim. infinitive Can with to (f) INCORRECT: Alice can swims. Can main verb + final ‘s’

9 13.1 Using Can/Can’t NEGATIVE: CONTRACTION: John can not play tennis.
John can’t play tennis. NEGATIVE: Can + not = can not or cannot CONTRACTION: Can + not = can’t

10 13.1 Using Can/Can’t I You we They can’t drive a car. He She It

11 13.1 Let’s Practice Rabbits _______ jump and run fast. Rabbits _______ swim.

12 13.1 Let’s Practice Rabbits can jump and run fast. Rabbits can’t swim.

13 13.1 Let’s Practice Sue _______ play golf very well. Sue _______ play tennis very well.

14 13.1 Let’s Practice Sue can play golf very well. Sue can’t play tennis very well.

15 13.1 Let’s Practice Micheal _______ drive a car very fast. Micheal _______ drive a motorbike very fast.

16 13.1 Let’s Practice Micheal can drive a car very fast. Micheal can’t drive a motorbike very fast.

17 Let’s Practice Susan ______ heal the patients. Susan ______ fix a car.

18 13.1 Let’s Practice Susan can heal the patients. Susan can’t fix a car.

19 13.1 Pronunciation of Can/Can’t
Susan can heal the patients. can – pronounced “kun” / kən / (b) James can’t heal the patients. can’t - pronounced as “ant” /kænt/

13.2 Using Can: Questions Maria can speak French. Can you speak French? CAN + SUBJECT + MAIN VERB

21 13.2 Using Can : Question I You We Can They play soccer? He She It

22 13.2 Let’s Practice Examples: (a) Can you speak French? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. (b) Can George draw pictures? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.

23 13.2 Using Question Words QUESTION + CAN + SUBJECT + MAIN WORD VERB
Examples: (a) Where can you buy meat? At the butcher’s.

24 13.2 Using Question Words (b) Who can speak Japanese? Tina can. (c)How many languages can you speak? Two – Chinese and French.

25 13.2 Let’s Practice Question: Can a tiger run very fast?
A tiger can run very fast. Question: Can a tiger run very fast? Answer: Yes, it can.

26 13.2 Let’s Practice A four-month old baby can’t eat meat. Question:Can a four-month old baby eat? Answer: No, it can’t.

27 13.2 Let’s Practice Jane can type fast and very well. Question:Can Jane type fast and very well? Answer: Yes, she can.

28 Exercises for “can” and “can’t”

29 Complete the sentences with can or can’t one of. the verbs
Complete the sentences with can or can’t one of the verbs. (come / see / hear / speak) 1) I’m sorry, but I ___________ to your party next Monday. 2) You are speaking very quietly. I ____________ you. 3) I like this room. You __________ the mountains from the window. 4) She is very clever. She _________ five languages.

30 ANSWERS 1) can’t come 2) can’t hear 3) can see 4) can speak

31 Fill in the blanks with can or can’t
1) Animals _______ think, but humans ________. 2) Fish _______ swim, but they ________ fly. 3) Birds _______ fly, and they ________sing, too. 4) A six-month old baby ________ walk, but it_____ crawl. 5) Bob is only ten, so he _______ ride a motorbike, but he ______ ride a bike.

32 ANSWERS can’t, can can, can’t

33 Choose the actions and write
Actions: write, draw, swim, ride, kick, climb, run, read. 1) ________ 2)_________ 3)_________ 4)________

34 Choose the actions and write
5)__________ 6) __________ 7) _________ 8)________

35 ANSWERS swim ride climb write kick read draw run

36 Look at the example and write the sentences
1) YES:He can ride a bike. 2) NO:_________________.

37 Look at the example and write the sentences
3) NO:________________. 4) YES:________________.

38 Look at the example and write the sentences
5) YES:________________. 6) NO:_________________.

39 Look at the example and write the sentences
7) NO:_________________. 8) YES:_________________.

40 ANSWERS 2) He can’t juggle. 3) He can’t swim. 4) He can draw a picture. 5) He can kick the ball. 6) He can’t fly. 7) He can’t read. 8) He can run.

41 Choose the correct answer
1)Can you drive? a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I can. 2) Can I go now? a) Yes, you can. b) Yes, you are. 3) Can this computer do my homework? a) No, you can't. b) No, it can't.

42 Choose the correct answer
4) Can you help me? a) Yes, you are. b) Yes, I can. 5) Can I help you? a) Yes, please. b) Yes, I can. 6) Can I go to the toilette? a) No, you can't. b) Yes, I can.

43 Choose the correct answer
7) Can Sheila stay at home? a) Yes, she does. b) Yes, she can. 8) Can I go to the cinema? a) No, you can't. b) No, you don't.

44 ANSWERS 1) b 2) a 3) b 4) a 5) b 6) a 7) b 8) a

45 Fill in the blanks with can or can’t
1) Where________ I see a good rock concert? 2) Can Lisa speak French? No, she ________. 3) What ________ you do? 4) Can Lucy drive? Yes, she ________. 5) Where ________ I buy a new camera?

46 Fill in the blanks with can or can’t
6) ________ you read in Portuguese? Yes, I can. 7) Can I invite my friends? Yes, they ________ come. 8)________ you help me, please? 9) ________ you play the piano? 10) I _______ find my keys. Where are they?

47 ANSWERS 1) can 6) can 2) can’t 7) can 3) can 8) can 4) can 9) can 5) can 10) can’t

48 13.3 Summary (Özet) Bu ünitede ‘can’ in tanımı ile olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanımı üzerinde duruldu. ‘Can / Can’t’ konu başlığı altında ‘can’ in cümle içindeki yeri ; özne ve yüklem arasındaki konumu; olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanımı ve cümlelere kattığı anlam üzerinde duruldu. Bunun yanısıra, ‘can’ i olumlu ve olumsuz cümle içerisinde kullanabilmeyi, ‘can’ ile soru sorma ve kısa yanıt verme alıştırmaları yapıldı.

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