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Asher Wilkinson New Zealand 2018

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1 Asher Wilkinson New Zealand 2018
4. Making Quark Review Asher Wilkinson New Zealand 2018 First, I would like to thank both the reporter and the opponent for their presentations anfd disscussions

2 The Problem Quark, cottage cheese, and similar varieties of white acid-set cheese can be produced from milk. Investigate this process experimentally and study the properties of the resulting product. The problem said that there are multiple forms of white acid set cheese and instructed to make cheese and study the product

3 The Report Didn’t explain why cheese making process happens
Explained whey and curd Explained what milk is made, Proteins ect. Tried different methods Electrophorese Looked at different calcium and protein in homemade milk compared to store bought milk. A lot of data for milk properties, however presented without axis labels Not a lot of data for making quark – didn’t answer question Conclusion: Home milk is better for making cottage cheese She didn’t answer the question as she didn’t not study the properties of the resulting product (cheese) which the questions states.

4 The opposition Praised them for explaining milk content/properties, and process Brought up how they did not look at casein, thought it was an important part to coagulation

5 Points discussed

6 Casein Opponent Reporter
Why didn’t you look into this and its effect on cheese making All ready discussed as they found casein by finding protein Our opinion: agree with opponent, casein should have been talked about in more depth, understood better after questions

7 How does temperature and pH effect cheese making
Opponent Reporter How would this effect cheese making It wouldn’t. is not an important part Our opinion: agree with opponent, the reporter defiantly should have looked into it as it is important

8 Physical properties Opponent Reporter
Did you study the physical properties of cheese I looked at chemical properties Our opinion: reporter should have looked at physical properties as it was part of the problem.

9 Points missed Axis labels Cheese product
Opponent didn’t notice the axis labels that were unclear on all here data Oppenent should have pushe harder about lack of product as it was clearly stated in the problem


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