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Nutrition. Dr. K. Sivapalan. 1/10/2019 topic.

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1 Nutrition. Dr. K. Sivapalan. 1/10/2019 topic

2 Food What people eat is not calories but food
Consideration of fads, flavors, and variations of appetite can make nonsense of the dietician's theories. 1/10/2019 topic

3 Functions of food Satisfying hunger Filling stomach
Taste and flavor satisfaction Growth and repair Energy Raw material for synthesis of chemicals for body functions Socialization Nutrition

4 Characteristics of food
Acceptability, Palatability, Digestibility, Absorbability, Nutrition

5 Balanced diet It contains variety of foods in such quantities to meet all the needs of the person for maintaining vitality, health, general well being and also extra for short periods of leanness In terms of energy, % protein, % fat and the balance carbohydrate. Adequate fibers and micronutrients. Nutrition

6 Carbohydrate Starch in cereals and yams. Glycogen in muscle and liver.
Sugars- risk of quick rise of blood glucose Nutrition

7 Fat. Saturated fats: Unsaturated fats:
Dietary Synthesized from excess food. Unsaturated fats: Some plants and deep sea fish. Cannot be synthesized in the body- essential fatty acids. 5 ml/day. Danger in excess amounts. Hydrogenated fatty substances bad for health. Nutrition

8 Protein. All proteins are comprised of 21 amino acids.
Nine amino acids must be consumed as they are – essential amino acids. Others can be converted from one to another. All proteins in the diet are digested and absorbed as amino acids. Body proteins are synthesized from amino acids. Even if one essential amino acid is deficient in diet, other amino acids cannot be used and all amino acids are used for energy or converted to fat. Nutrition

9 Animal Protein Animal proteins contain essential amino acids in correct proportion. Animal proteins are considered to be high quality proteins because of presence of essential amino acids in correct proportion. Milk, egg white, muscle, fish are sources. Associated saturated fat in animal tissue and egg limit the consumption for healthy reasons. [economy] Nutrition

10 Plant Proteins Composition of plant proteins are not suitable to animal tissue formation because the essential amino acids are not in correct proportion. Rice contains about 7 to 10 % protein and wheat contains about 10 to 12 % protein. This gives large amount of protein but not usable on their own. Nutrition

11 Supplementary Protein.
Pulses contain large amount of protein. Proportion of essential amino acids is different. What is less in rice is abundant in pulses. Combination of pulses and rice gives composition equivalant to animal protein. Wheat with milk also equals the same. Wheat with pulses also come closer to animal protein quality. Nutrition

12 Vitamins A- deep fish oils, carotene from leaves D- sunlight
E- vegetable oils K- green leafy vegetables B- bran, leaves Vitamin B12- animal source not in plants. C fresh vegetables and fruits Nutrition

13 Minerals. Iron- Calcium- Iodine. muscle, blood, liver- not accessible.
Leaves, pulses not absorbable. Calcium- Water Sprats, Bones Milk Iodine. Nutrition

14 Fibre. Bran, vegetables- natural foods Needed for, GIT function.
Prevention of intestinal cancer Reduce risk of DM Regular emptying of colon. Nutrition

15 Nutrition for hospital patient
Cannot eat, should not eat, will not eat, cannot eat adequately- 3 to 5 days. Parenteral feeding Gastric tube feeding Liquid diet. Nutrition

16 Chronically ill patient
Diet- high fiber, limited energy Anorexia- mainly energy suplement and vitamins. Nutrition

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