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IDID A2H© Identification of Intellectual Disabilities Framework (Children, Young People and Adults) <ADD PRESENTER NAME> Presentation Author: Dr Mark.

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Presentation on theme: "IDID A2H© Identification of Intellectual Disabilities Framework (Children, Young People and Adults) <ADD PRESENTER NAME> Presentation Author: Dr Mark."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDID A2H© Identification of Intellectual Disabilities Framework (Children, Young People and Adults) <ADD PRESENTER NAME> Presentation Author: Dr Mark Lovell Consultant Child and Adolescent Learning Disability Psychiatrist Middlesbrough LDCAMHS July 2017 This powerpoint presentation is free to use and reproduce for professionals presenting about the identification of Intellectual Disabilities. It is designed to supplement the use of the IDID A2H© framework. It remains the intellectual property of Dr Mark Lovell. Any reproduction or use for commercial purposes will require permission. Please contact For additional content to supplement the slides, please refer to the IDID A2H© for detail. Add presenter details to this slide

2 What is an Intellectual Disability?
IQ 70 or below (DSM 5), 69 or below (ICD-10) Significant difficulties with adaptive behaviours Levels- mild, moderate, severe, profound A.k.a. Learning Disability Overlaps with Learning Difficulty (mod-severe and below) - educational term Overlaps with global developmental delay –paediatric term Caution: US learning disability includes specific learning difficulties eg dyslexia

3 The IDID A2H© A framework for considering whether a child, young person or adult has an Intellectual Disability Not diagnostic in its own right Used to assist in decision making Long and short versions, evidence framework and parent/carer leaflet.

4 Academic What are expected attainment levels for their age (NB range)?
What is their current/past academic attainment?Levels, exams Do they have a specific learning difficulty? Eg dyslexia, dyscalculia Information from educational establishment (past and current) Any specific academic skill test results? Do/did they have a statement of educational need or EHCP? What for?

5 Behaviours of everyday living
Are there any specific standardised test results? eg ABAS, ABS, Vineland Parental/carer report Educational report

6 Cognitive assessments
Are there any results from standardised cognitive tests? Eg WNV, WIPPSI, WISC, WAIS, BAS, kbit2 Are there any results from more specific tests? Eg WRAML Has a diagnosis been made already? Were results interpretable?

7 Development Have any standardised tests already been done?eg SOGS, Denver2, CELF, BPVS, Baileys etc Information from Paediatrics, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Health Visitor, GP, Portage? Are there any existing diagnoses of specific or global developmental delays?

8 Development continued
Speech, language and communication Gross motor Fine motor Social skills Play skills Behaviour Sensory

9 Environment Information about home setting including parenting style, stability of placement Information about school setting, specialist provision, school attendance and peer group Is/was the child looked after or adopted? Information from social care including safeguarding, VEMT Past experiences

10 Factors Mental Health Behavioural conditions eg ASD, ADHD
Physical health eg epilepsy, head injury, FASD, hearing, eyesight Genetic conditions Attachment Past/present abuse

11 General Impression With the collected information is it likely the child/adult has normal intelligence, learning difficulties or an intellectual disability? Can anything else explain the child/adult’s presentation? Do they have any co-morbidities? What are their strengths and difficulties?

12 How to meet their needs Generate a needs based plan

13 IDID A2H© resources IDID A2H© IDID A2H© : short version
IDID A2H© : evidence framework IDID A2H© : Parent/carer version

14 Any questions? Thank you for listening
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