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Click here for info on web crawlers!

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Presentation on theme: "Click here for info on web crawlers!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Click here for info on web crawlers!
Click here for how to use the search engine! Click here for info on web crawlers! Engines Boolean logic Click here to find out what Boolean logic is! Click here to find out what Domain names and URLs are! Click here for how to spot a hoax website

2 Web Crawlers Web crawlers are when you write something in the search bar. So if you type ‘how many types of spiders is there’ the spiders would crawl all over the web and search any page that has the key words in. When your searching on Google your not actually searching the whole entire web ( Or World Wide Web ) your just searching Google’s search index. They search in the links of the link that you chose. They have different algorithms to chose the best one. The web crawlers get the links of links of links of links of links of links. They answer questions like how many times does it say the words? Is it in the title? Is there antonyms of the word? This is all done in about half a second!

3 How to use the internet. First you chose a search engine. You don’t have to put words like ‘the in of’ because they are ignored. You just simply click the search bar and type in what you want for example you could search in ‘Pusheen in a Burrito’ you don’t need to put the ‘in and a’ because usually they mean any thing in particular. Punctuation ~ ? ! £ $ % & * ( ) etc is ignored. But conductors (“” + = ) are used so if you were to search vimeo + panda.

4 Boolean Logic Boolean logic can either narrow or expand the amount of pages you get. Boolean logic is and, or. Or expands the amount of pages because if you put sharks or rays it comes up with pages that have the word sharks as well as rays and both together. But if you put and it comes it just pages that only have the two words in sharks and rays. It must have both words sharks and rays.

5 Domain Names and URLs Domain names are the last few letters on a website link. There is a advertising site first on the search. They are first because they may try to trick you. So the RSPCA for example would have a donate site. It will have a yellow box saying ‘Ad’. It’s NOT the official site as the RSPCA has a domain. URL abbreviation is ‘Uniform Resource Locator’. This is how reliable websites are. Sometimes you can’t trust the internet.

6 Hoax and Spoof Look out for these websites they are fake. If you are booking something like a holiday that nobody that you trust has ever mentioned, check it for copyright and search it and be careful with links you click. Make sure before giving and officially paying! You could lose something very important or worse! Someone could hack into your account and get all your money. People make them as jokes and sometimes don’t accept money. But some are scams where you lose masses amount of money. So beware. If you are still not satisfied, go on google maps and search. Some things aren’t reliable. This is an example of a hoax.

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