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In-medium properties of the omega meson from a measurement of

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1 In-medium properties of the omega meson from a measurement of
the excitation function in photoproduction Boris Lemmer and Volker Metag for the A2 collaboration II. Physikalisches Institut collaboration meeting, Mainz, March 8-10, 2010

2 V. Bernard and U.-G. Meißner
model predictions for in-medium masses of mesons V. Bernard and U.-G. Meißner NPA 489 (1988) 647 NJL-model mass degeneracy of chiral partners expected at high baryon densities for rB: 1.) lowering of in-medium mass ) broadening of resonance F. Klingl et al. NPA 610 (1997) 297 NPA 650 (1999) 299 splitting of ω meson strength due to coupling to S11 and D13 resonances P. Mühlich et al., NPA 780 (2006) 187

3 Experimental information on in-medium properties of mesons
1.) analysis of meson line shape on a nuclear target in comparison to a reference measurement on LH2 3 approaches: M. Nanova limited sensitivity; contributions from high density suppressed ~1/2 2.) in-medium width from measurement of the transparency ratio M. Kotulla et al., PRL 100 (2008) K. Gallmeister et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2008) 283 3.) sensitivity to different in-medium modification scenarios of the excitation function near the photo-production threshold Ca

4 K+ and K- mesons in the nuclear medium
theoretical predictions: D. B. Kaplan and A. E. Nelson PLB 175 (1986) 57 J. Schaffner-Bielich et al. Nucl. Phys. A 625 (1997) 325 free hadron: hadron in medium of baryon density : concept of an effective mass

5 Kaons in the nuclear medium
K+ and K--production in nucleon-nucleon and nucleus-nucleus collisions KaoS-collaboration Ni + Ni  K+, K- + X elementary reactions energy above threshold [GeV] MK/<Apart>  [b] energy above threshold [GeV] for the same energy above threshold  enhanced K--yield in nucleus-nucleus collisions  evidence for K-mass modification in dense matter

6 Crystal Ball /TAPS set up in Mainz
Crystal Ball: 672 NaI modules 200 <  < 1600 TAPS: 384 BaF2 modules 10 <  < 200 photon beam Ee= 1604 MeV in this experiment: 700 MeV < E < 1400 MeV data taken in April, June, and September 2008

7 0; selection of prompt -rays
Time cuts: prompt coincidences TAPS  CB; TAPS  tagger; CB  tagger

8 Excitation function for  photoproduction near threshold
 + C   + X; 0

9 Excitation function for  photoproduction near threshold
 + Nb   + X; 0;

10 Comparison of measured excitation function with
GiBUU calculations Boris Lemmer, Stefan Friedrich, Janus Weil preliminary data disfavour „broadening + mass shift“ scenario and favour „Fermi motion + collisional broadening“ scenario

11 Summary and conclusions
information on in-medium properties of the  meson difficult to extract from an analysis of the  lineshape; contributions from higher densities suppressed by 1/2 ;  sensitivity shifted to the surface region of the nucleus in-medium broadening of the  meson to deduced from measurement of the transparency ratio; i.e. the  is broadened by a factor 16 relative to its vacuum width excitation function for photo production near threshold sensitive to different in-medium modifcation scenarios  photoproduction cross sections on C, Nb deduced from data taken at MAMIC for E= 900 – 1400 MeV comparison of data with GiBUU simulations favours a broadening but not an additional mass shift ot the  meson in a nuclear medium

12 Sensitivity to in-medium signal
In low density approximation: Strength function parametrized by Breit Wigner shape for cases of strong in-medium broadening (, ) it is in principle difficult to observe in-medium shape changes; for details see: J. Lehr and U. Mosel, Phys. Rev.C 64 (2001)042202 S. Leupold, V. Metag, U. Mosel, arXiv: 1/  1/2 for a large in-medium broadening of the meson as observed for the  meson: (M. Kotulla et al., PRL 100 (2008) )  contributions from higher densities suppressed by order of 1/2

13 experimental approach:
hadron decay in the medium: reconstruction of invariant mass from 4-momenta of decay products: compare with listed in PDG 1.3 fm () ; 23 fm () ; 46 fm () ensure that decays occur in the medium:  select shortlived mesons: decay length s= c for  s  cut on low meson momenta for  and  mesons avoid distortion of 4-momentum vectors by final state interactions  dilepton spectroscopy: r, w, f  e+e- experimentally observed mass distribution = convolution of spectral function with branching ratio into channel being studied F. Eichstaedt et al., Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 168 (2007) 495

14 Information on in-medium properties of mesons
3 approaches: M. Nanova 1.) analysis of meson line shape on a nuclear target in comparison to a reference measurement on LH2 limited sensitivity; contributions from high density suppressed ~1/2 2.) in-medium width from measurement of the transparency ratio P. Mühlich (PhD-thesis, Giessen 2006) K. Gallmeister et al. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2008) 283 Ca 3.) sensitivity to different in-medium modification scenarios of the excitation function near the photo-production threshold

15 Sensitivity to in-medium signal
In low density approximation: Strength function parametrized by Breit Wigner shape for cases of strong in-medium broadening (, ) it is in principle difficult to observe in-medium shape changes; for details see: J. Lehr and U. Mosel, Phys. Rev.C 64 (2001)042202 S. Leupold, V. Metag, U. Mosel, arXiv: 1/  1/2 for a large in-medium broadening of the meson as observed for the  meson: (M. Kotulla et al., PRL 100 (2008) )  contributions from higher densities suppressed by order of 1/2

16 Enhanced  yield for dropping mass scenario
Measurement of ω excitation function additional test for ω broadening and/or mass shift scenario Gi-BUU simulations: P. Mühlich (PhD-thesis, Giessen 2006) K. Gallmeister et al. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2008) 283 Ca Enhanced  yield for dropping mass scenario below production threshold on free nucleon

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