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Diffraction at HERA Alice Valkárová Charles University, Prague
Meeting Yerevan 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Content factorisation and DPDFs factorisation tests
HERA and diffraction factorisation and DPDFs factorisation tests longitudinal part of DPDF forward jets in diffraction AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
HERA collider experiments
27.5 GeV electrons/positrons on 920 GeV protons →√s=318 GeV two experiments: H1 and ZEUS HERA I: 16 pb-1 e-p, 120 pb–1 e+p HERA II: ∼ 550 pb-1 closed July 2007, still lot of excellent data to analyse…… DIS: Probe structure of proton → F2 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
H1 data Lower energies of the proton, special runs to establish
longitudinal part of PDF and DPDF. AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
H1 detector AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Deep inelastic scattering: Neutral Current
AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Diffraction 10% of DIS events at HERA are of diffractive type
colour singlet exchange – rapidity gap AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Introduction – why to study diffraction?
To understand the nature of diffraction, high energy limit of QCD. Diffraction is a significant fraction of the inclusive cross section. Can pQCD be used to describe diffraction? Can we think of diffraction in terms of a factorisable structure function and a hard scattering process (QCD factorisation)? If so, what are the parton distributions (DPDFs) of the structure functions…. Practical motivation: to study factorisation properties of diffraction – try to transport to hh scattering (e.g.predict diffractive Higgs production at LHC) AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Diffraction and diffraction kinematics
Two kinematic regions of diffractive events: Q2~0 → photoproduction Q2>>0 → deep inelastic scattering (DIS) e‘ W Q2 e MX xIP p p‘ momentum fraction of color singlet exchange My t My =mp proton stays intact, needs detector setup to detect protons My › mp proton dissociates, contribution should be understood fraction of exchange momentum, coupling to γ 4-momentum transfer squared AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 9
Methods of diffractive ev.selection
Proton spectrometers ZEUS: LPS ( ) H1: FPS ( ) VFPS ( ) t measurement access to high xIP range free of p-dissociation background at low xIP small acceptance low statistics ☠ Large Rapidity Gap, H1, ZEUS: require no activity beyond ηmax t not measured, very good acceptance at low xIP p-diss background about 20% ☠ Different systematics – non-trivial to compare! Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 10 10
Diffractive cross section
at low y → diffractive reduced cross section if Longitudinal part of diffractive structure funcion Integrate over t when proton is not measured → σRD(3)(β,Q2,xP) AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Two types of factorisation
QCD factorisation holds for inclusive and non-inclusive processes: photon is point-like (Q2 is high enough) higher twist corrections are negligible (Mx is high enough) QCD factorisation theoretically proven for DIS (Collins 1998) → DPDFs – obey DGLAP, universal for diff. ep DIS (inclusive,dijet,charm) → universal hard scattering cross section (same as in inclusive DIS) It allows the extraction of DPDFs from the (DIS) data H1 and ZEUS –QCD fits assuming Regge factorisation for DPDF conjecture, e.g. Resolved Pomeron Model by Ingelman, Schlein pomeron flux factor pomeron PDF Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 12
QCD and diffraction 2 steps process:
parametrise the IP flux (xIP,t) & factorise it (hypothesis) fit diffractive PDfs (β,Q2) AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
f(xIP) from data AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Soft pomeron, Regge model
Regge model: analytic model of HADRONIC scattering Exchange of collective states: linear trajectories in the spin- energy (α,t) plane, σpp IP IR αj(t)= αj(0)+α´j(t) (j=IR,IP,..) In γ*p→XY virtual photon resolves structure of exchanged object dominant contribution looks similar to soft pomeron, we can extract Regge trajectory AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
xIP dependence for two t values
Reduced cross section measured for the first time at two t values Low xIP and high β, decrease with increasing xIP →IP-like behaviour High xIP and low β, increase with increasing xIP → IR-like behaviour Lines – results of Regge fit Regge fit, IP+IR Not soft pomeron, different multi-pomeron absorption effects? AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
f(xIP) from data AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Proton tagged data – t dependence
Fitting to e-bt → b ~6-7GeV-2 independent of β, Q2 Almost no xIP dependence → AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Proton vertex factorisation
Regge fit in different Q2 bins, no strong evidence for αIP(0) dependence Variables (xIP,t) describing proton vertex factorise from those at photon vertex (Q2,β) to good approximation. Q2 and β dependence interpreted in terms of Diffractive Parton Densities (DPDF) → measurement of partonic structure of exchange, NLO QCD fits AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Diffractive PDfs f(β,Q2)
AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
DPDF functions H1 dijet DIS measurement: H1 fit Jets
Low sensitivity of fits to inclusive cross section to gluon PDF especially at large zIP → use jets to combined fits! H1 dijet DIS measurement: H1 fit Jets AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
DPDF functions New QCD fit of ZEUS ZEUS fit SJ uses inclusive & DIS
dijet data Not very different from H1 fit jets… AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Gluon fraction AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Comparison of H1 and ZEUS DPDFs
Differences in H1/ZEUS fits: Q2>8.5 GeV2 / Q2>5 GeV2 My< 1.6 GeV / My< mp, scaling by 0.81 Reflects the consistency between H1 and ZEUS data AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Comparison between methods
Are „rapidity gap“ and „forward proton“ methods compatible? LRG selection contains about 20% events of proton diss. no significant dependence on any variable well controlled, precise measurements ratio ZEUS, LPS/LRG = 0.76 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.02 0.05 Precise knowledge and corrections for proton dissociation background - key point in H1- ZEUS data comparison H1, LRG/FPS = 1.18 0.01 0.06 0.10 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Comparison H1 FPS & ZEUS LPS
The cleanest comparison, all available data used by both collaborations, H1 HERA II 20 times improved statistics, higher Q2 Fair agreement, normalisation uncertainty → LPS~10%, FPS ~6% AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
H1 & ZEUS inclusive diffraction,LRG
Q2 (GeV2) Q2 (GeV2) Good agreement between H1 and ZEUS in most of the phase space, (except low Q2), ZEUS scaled by 0.87, covered by normalisation uncertainty AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Complete H1 data set Combined FPS,VFPS and LRG results. 10.1.2019
AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
FLD extraction AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
FLD extraction The linear fits to Rosenbluths plots for two highest bins are shown, allowing two new measurements at low Q2 to be made. AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Longitudinal part of DPDF
A new measurement in low Q2 together with previously measured FLD at medium Q2. The data measured at the energy of protons: 920,820,575 and 460 GeV. The measurement is consistent with the extrapolated fit B. AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Photoproduction, γp, Q2→0 In LO! direct resolved
Similarity with hadron-hadron collisions xγ - fraction of photon’s momentum in hard subprocess direct resolved hadron –like component photon fluctuates into hadronic system, which takes part in hadronic scattering xγ<0.2 (at parton level) point –like component of resolved photon dominates in the region of 0.2<xγ<1 direct photoproduction photon directly involved in hard scattering xγ=1 (at parton level) AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 32
Tests of QCD factorisation
Basic strategy: measure a particular diffractive final state compare the measurement with NLO calculation using DPDFs previously extracted What kind of final states? processes with a hard scale sensitive to gluons (gluons contribute by up to 80% to the DPDFs, mainly for high zIIP) Dijets and D* in DIS/photoproduction are the best candidates! Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 33
Factorisation in hadron-hadron collisions
Exporting DPDFs from HERA to Tevatron does not work S2= σ (data) σ (theory) suppression factor Factorisation broken by β-dependent factor ~ 10, S2 ~ 0.1. Succesfully explained by terms of rescattering and absorption (see Kaidalov,Khoze,Martin,Ryskin:Phys.Lett.B567 (2003),61) KKMR predicted suppression factor for HERA resolved photoproduction S2 ~ 0.34 In 2010 new theoretical prediction by KKMR: (European Journal of Physics 66,373 (2010)) Suppression 0.34 is present only for hadronic part of photon PDF, (dominant for xγ<0.2 ), for point-like component which is dominant in our phase space – suppression: quarks GRV 0.75(0.71) ETjet1 >7.5 (5.) gluons GRV 0.58(0.53) GeV AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 34
What we learned from HERA data?
DIS dijets – factorisation theoretically predicted. Both H1 and ZEUS confirmed experimentally and used for QCD fits („H1 fit jets“, „ZEUS fit SJ“). D* in DIS & photoproduction- data within large errors not in contradiction with factorisation New ZEUS fits compared to published DIS D* data. (Nucl.Phys. B672 (2003),3.) (Nucl.Phys. B831 (2010), 1) Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 35
What we learned from HERA data?
Photoproduction dijets – factorisation not predicted theoretically, experimentally not fully understood…. different conclusions made by H1 and ZEUS, H1 observed suppression about , ZEUS negligible suppression (in different phase space, e.g.larger ET of jets.) ETjet1 > 7.5 GeV, ETjet2 > 5 GeV Published ZEUS dijet photoproduction data (Eur.Phys.J.C 55 (2008),177) compared to NLO with „H1 fit Jets“ and „ZEUS fit SJ“ AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Dijet photoproduction
H1 data DESY (2010) Data compared to RAPGAP MC and NLO GRV photon structure function NLO calculations – Frixione/Ridolfi 3 sets of DPDFs H fit B using inclusive data H fit jets ZEUS SJ fit using DIS dijets zIIP < 0.8 Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 37
Dijets in photoproduction
SS NLO with „H1 fit B“ larger cross section than data. Shapes of distributions are described. RAPGAP describes data satisfactorily. Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 38
Shapes of distributions are described
succesfully, (with the exception of Etjet1), global suppression of about 0.6 observed…. DPDF uncertainty Scale variation uncertainty Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 39
New ZEUS fit-comparison with old data
Published data: EPJ C55 (2008) 177 Very good description → no evidence for suppression for ZEUS combined fit and H1 fit jets → ISP ~ 1….. AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Double differential cross sections
Clear evidence for decrease of resolved component with increasing Et The suppression in resolved enriched region of xγ may be Et dependent. (suppression less for higher Et.) ZEUS ZEUS photoproduction dijets Nucl.Phys. B831 (2010), 1 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 41
Double differential cross sections
Shapes of distributions described by NLO well. Gap survival probabability is insensitive to the presence or nature of remnant (either the photon or diffractive exchange) AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Ratio data/theory – 3 DPDFs
„H1 fit jets“ and „ZEUS fit SJ“ give similar agreement in shape. „ZEUS fit SJ“ gives larger prediction by about 15-20 % than „H1 fit B“. Differences are covered by theor. uncertainties. Global suppression: O.58 for „H1 fit B“ 0.64 for „H1 fit jets“ 0.70 for „ZEUS fit SJ“ Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 43
Comparison with KKMR models
NLO calculations Model KKMR 2003: resolved part suppressed by 0.34. Model KKMR 2010: quarks suppressed by 0.71 gluons suppressed by 0.53 Model KKMR 2010 agrees with H1 data better than model 2003 but shape description is still better with global suppression. Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 44
Ratio diffractive to inclusive
Proposed by Kaidalov et al. Phys.Lett B567 (2003) 61 Full or partial cancellation of PDF uncertainties, scales….. Distribution of xγ sensitive to gap survival. H1 - measured in same kinematic range with same method as diffractive cross sections Acceptance corrections – PYTHIA Problem → describes low Et inclusive data with inclusion of multiple interactions only, large hadronisation corrections! Such a low Et jets also not properly described by NLO – see eg. H1 inclusive jet paper (EPJ C 129 (2003) 497) AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Ratio diffractive to inclusive
Ep=820 GeV Ep=930 GeV zIP < 0.8 comparison to MC models - RAPGAP/PYTHIA very different phase space for incl.& diffractive large sensitivity to multiple interactions (MI) for inclusive dijets better agreement of data ratio with PYTHIA MI due to these facts - interpretation difficult AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Diffractive forward jets
Jets measured in H1, protons in Forward Proton Spectrometer Direct and accurate measurement of diffractive variables, free of proton diss.background, small acceptance – low statistics Data compared to NLOJET++ with H1 fit B, hadronization uncertainties about 8% Cuts: AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Comparison to previous analysis
Diffractive dijet analysis with LRG – JHEP 0710:042 Data scaled by 1.23 (no proton dissociation background) Very good consistency, phase space extension in xIP by factor 3 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
Diffractive forward jets
Within error, the NLO describes data well. RAPGAP describes the shape but not normalisation AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010
DPDFs measured by H1 and ZEUS using assumption of Regge factorisation (inclusive and DIS dijet measurement). DIS dijets, D* in DIS & photoproduction – factorisation holds. Dijets in photoproduction: conclusions about factorisation using H1 and ZEUS data (with the identical DPDFs) are different…. H1 – data suppressed by global factor (depending on DPDF). ZEUS – compatible with no suppression possible explanation suppression is decreasing with increasing ET of the jets. Longitudinal part of DPDF measured, measurement consistent with H1 fit B. Forward jets in DIS measured in new kinematic region, NLO describe data well. Low x workshop, Kavala 2010 AFP meeting, Yerevan 2010 50
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