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The Rule of “72” Presented by: Regis P Sauger

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1 The Rule of “72” Presented by: Regis P Sauger
A Life Lesson The Rule of “72” Presented by: Regis P Sauger

2 Never Taught in School. Why? Learn NOW
Now, I will reveal a “secret” about money that I have known for many years. I learned if from the “race track” bookies when I was very young. Your math teach never knew this secret, so how could you learn? You had to share my experiences. I hung around with “bookies” “jockeys” “touts” “gamblers” because they could figure the odds in their head and WIN.

3 Here It Is! If, “Mom” had $10,000 and she put it into a savings account at the local bank, what would she earn in interest? Maybe .04% So, over a one year span that $10,000 would earn a big fat $400.00 She was delighted because her money was safe (she thought) That $ equated to .04% REMEMBER THIS! The “American” Bank Rip-Off. While your “Mom” was getting .04% they loaned that money to you in the form of a credit card and got you to pay .36%. Now, go ahead and divide both interest rates into “72”. .04% into “72” = 18. That’s right it takes (18) years for Mom’s money to double. Now divide .36% into “72”. Are you sick? It only takes “2” years for the bank to double their profit on YOUR money. REMEMBER, the Banks put up NO money. IT is all yours and Mom’s.

4 It is Your Choice. Keep on paying high interest rates or spend a little of your time to educate yourself and get “Out of Credit Prison”

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