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Fact and opinion To be able to distinguish between a FACT and an OPINION. To recognise a fact or an opinion within a piece of writing. At the end of this.

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Presentation on theme: "Fact and opinion To be able to distinguish between a FACT and an OPINION. To recognise a fact or an opinion within a piece of writing. At the end of this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fact and opinion To be able to distinguish between a FACT and an OPINION. To recognise a fact or an opinion within a piece of writing. At the end of this lesson I should be able to present a persuasive argument.

2 What is a fact? A fact is something that is known to be true.
It is something that is based on the truth and can be backed up. Something that can be shown to be true, to exist, or to have happened.

3 WHAT IS AN OPINION? An opinion is a personal view.
It is the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment. It can also be an expert assessment of something (e.g.  I told the doctor I wanted a second opinion). It can also be the view or views held by most people or by a large number of people.

4 0800 616 848 or pop into your local branch.
FACT AND OPINION. Definite facts do not often appear in written texts, even those labelled ‘non-fiction’. Look at this simple advertisement for a credit card. More than just a bank. Everyone needs to escape sometimes, and with a Nat West credit card, the world’s your oyster. It’s accepted at over 14 million outlets worldwide, which makes it the ideal getaway card.. For details, call or pop into your local branch.

5 0800 616 848 or pop into your local branch.
FACT AND OPINION. The only facts in it are the (approximate) number of outlets and the phone number. All the rest is opinion (even ‘your local branch’ might be a long way to people who live in the country). This is designed to make the reader think that it is important to own one of these cards. More than just a bank. Everyone needs to escape sometimes, and with a Nat West credit card, the world’s your oyster. It’s accepted at over 14 million outlets worldwide, which makes it the ideal getaway card.. For details, call or pop into your local branch.

6 FACT AND OPINION. Can you give facts and opinions?
Write down two facts about a pop group. Write down two opinions about a pop group. Write down two facts about school. Write down two opinions about school. Write down two facts about your favourite food. Write down two opinions about your favourite food. Give one opinion and one fact about someone that matters to you.

7 FACT AND OPINION. Read the following passage:
Write down three facts about the car. Write down two of the owner’s opinion about the car. I’ve got a new car. It is blue. I think it is fantastic! It goes very fast and makes me feel special. People will think I’m really cool driving this car. I worked hard and saved up a lot of money to buy it.

8 FACT AND OPINION. Read this passage:
Write down three of the speaker’s opinions about Madonna. Write down three facts mentioned about Madonna. I don’t like Madonna (born Madonna Louise Ciccone, who was the third of six children in a Catholic family). I think she is ugly. She may be the most famous female pop star in the world and have sold more records than any other woman, but that doesn’t make her special. She studied dance at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, but she is not a good dancer. Her album, Like A Prayer (1989) was so bad most people hated it. I think she should give up singing and making albums and look after her four children. Lourdes, Rocco, David and Mercy .

9 FACT AND OPINION. Writing to persuade and argue.
There are many forms of persuasive writing; some are more obvious than others. Leaflets and advertisements, are often designed to persuade the reader to buy something, and therefore the persuasive devices are quite easily identified. Most persuasive texts use some or all of the following devices: Emotive language - Is the use of words and phrases that evoke an emotional response. Repetition – Helps to: reinforce the main points of your speech, build up a rhythm and remind your audience of the main points. Rhetorical questions – Doesn’t require an answer. Presenting opinions as facts – The writer has to use facts persuasively: e.g. one in seven children now suffer from asthma. The word ‘now’ suggests that things are getting worse.

10 FACT AND OPINION. Writing to persuade and argue.
Persuasive speeches Speeches are very important in our society and can be a very powerful way of persuading our listeners to change their views. The way you deliver a speech is very important, in order to deliver a powerful and persuasive speech you need to write it first. Persuasive arguments An argument is a form of persuasion. If you have an argument with someone, it is because you disagree about something. To win an argument, you must persuade your opponent that your point of view is correct. A piece of persuasive argument is usually quite formal.

11 FACT AND OPINION. Writing to persuade and argue.
PLAN First you need to plan the main points of your argument. The table below shows the points for and against mobile phones. Each point ‘against’ could be the main point of a paragraph in your argument. You can use the ‘for’ points to anticipate and answer any counter-arguments. Task: Write a speech to your mum or dad persuading them to buy you a mobile phone. Before you begin, you should decide on the best order for these points. Think about how they link the different strands of your argument together. for Against Useful in an emergency. Can be dangerous in hospital Can help parents and kids keep in touch. Can cause accidents while driving Gives kids freedom A nuisance in public places Can control costs (pay as you go) Distract/disrupt lessons Flexible – e.g. text messaging Mugging of children has increased Can help with school work (access to the internet) Can be used as another medium of bulling

12 FACT AND OPINION. Writing to persuade and argue.
A persuasive introduction Opening statement – establishes the idea of change. Rhetorical question – used for emphasis. Repetition – also used to emphasise. Persuasion – Please consider….. There are many good reasons….. Firstly….. Secondly…. Thirdly…… You may feel that…… Lastly …… Linking the points in your argument Further more Another reason for this Not only On the other hand Despite the fact that However Never the less

13 FACT AND OPINION. Writing to persuade and argue.
Use evidence to support your argument. If you have facts or data use it to back up your argument. Think carefully how to use them. e.g. 51% is better than over 50% 1 in 8 sounds better than 12% Mobile phone writing frame: persuasion. Please will you consider……………explain what you want to happen. I think that there are many good reasons why you could……… Firstly……….. – now give your best reason An example of this……….- now give a good example to back up your argument Secondly……..- now give your second best reason Thirdly…..- now give your third best reason You may feel that….- now give a reason against mobile phones….but I can promise you that……. Lastly, I would like to add….- give another good reason

14 FACT AND OPINION. Writing to persuade and argue.
TASK REMEMBER – in order for a speech to be effective and in addition to being well written, it must be delivered in a persuasive and powerful way. Vary the pace and your tone of voice. Think about how to deliver each section of the speech. Emphasis – think about particular words and phrases that may require more emphasis. Gestures are a way in which you can give more emphasis to your words through hand gestures and facial expressions. Now read out your speech.

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