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Pepperfry – Becoming profitable within the next 18 months

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1 Pepperfry – Becoming profitable within the next 18 months
University of Muenster Consulting U M C Anna Theile, Max Noever, Erich Daniel, Simon Jeurissen Pepperfry – Becoming profitable within the next 18 months Presenting to Murty and Shah

2 University of Muenster Consulting
Your Agenda Management Summary Analysis Alternatives/Recommendation Implementation Financials/Conclusion 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

3 University of Muenster Consulting
Problem Statement Solid revenue growth over the past six years, but inability to generate profits due to high costs and low margins in the volume business Growing online furniture market attracting large new competitors Goal: Become EBITDA-profitable in the next months Situation Focus on furniture category to decrease complexity Extend franchise business to more than 70 concept stores Actions Increase gross margin by 2.5 percentage points Become profitable by 2020 Outcome 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

4 University of Muenster Consulting
Key issues Historically limited sales channels and target group But: High awareness among target groups due to effective digital and offline marketing High cost of category management Dependency on high utilization levels in logistics to benefit from economies of scale Internal issues Different attitudes and states of mind among different parts of the population Transport distribution in India is highly difficult due to insufficient infrastructure, especially in rural areas Uncertainty about the impact of new competitors such as IKEA External issues Unprofitable growth! 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

5 Pepperfry’s market environment
Mixed: Large competitors (IKEA) entering the market, but high hurdles to enter Pepperfry’s niche Threat of New Entrants Industry Rivalry Many competitors in furniture and furnishing market, but overall good position of Pepperfry Supplier Power Buyer Power Furniture: Many possible suppliers, therefore low power of the individual Utilities and decor: Rather high in light of growing competition and absence of home brands Long-haul logistics: Low after contract has been auctioned, but high dependency Rather low due to growing target group and already competitive prices Threat of Substitutes Rather low, as Pepperfry’s business model cannot easily be replaced (niche strategy) But: Potential threat in future 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

6 Assumptions for the Development of Alternatives
Due to rather fix margins, costs are treated as a percentage of revenue. 1 Overall internet literacy and e-commerce affinity in India will continue to increase over the next five years. 2 India’s macroeconomic development continues to advance, resulting in a growing middle class. 3 There are enough potential franchisees to meet Pepperfry’s goals regarding the opening of offline stores. 4 Supplier power is assumed to remain at the current level for the next five years. 5 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

7 Strategic Alternatives for Pepperfry
1. “Go rural!” Build an online furniture & furnishing market in non-metropolitain areas Focus on a broader target group Continue to build franchise business and open offline studios in rural areas Gradually expand across regions in India Focus on high-margin furniture business and home brands in the long run 2. “Go specialized!” Focus on decor and utilities segments Leverage changing state of mind regarding home decoration Leverage changing state of mind regarding the acceptance of e- commerce Build home brands in decor and utilities to become more independent from large brands 3. “Go future!” Leverage the trend towards furniture rental in the short-to medium term Become a pioneer in the sharing economy Start in large metropolitain areas Focus on a younger target group ( years) 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

8 Evaluation of Alternatives
# “Go rural!” Criteria Profit potential Market positioning Supplier dependency Uncertainties 1 2 “Go specialized!” 3 “Go future!” Highly important criteria Less important criteria Positive implication(s) Mixed or uncertain implication (s) Negative implications 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

9 Decision on a Strategic Alternative
# “Go rural!” Criteria Profit potential Market positioning Supplier dependency Uncertainties 1 2 “Go specialized!” 3 “Go future!” Base Pepperfry’s five-year business plan on the “Go rural!” strategy. 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

10 Timeline Go live Go live 2 2023 Find new Zones
Find and school franchise partners Find new Zones (Wave 2) Find and school franchise partners Development of product portfolio and store concept for rural areas Run first rural stores and gain experience 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Build Storage Room Slightly change store product portfolios towards furniture Start preparations for possible IPO Negotiate with logistic partners Find adequate area for stores and rent 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

11 Risks and Contingencies
A) Building storage room may need a lot of capital and running cost  Instead of building rent storage rooms B) High dependency on logistic carrier may cause problems  Negotiations of long term contracts C) Last Mile Delivery may fail in rural areas  Set collective points in center of rural areas D) Inhabitants of Rural Areas may not have access to Internet  Grant mobile devices and access to internet at stores B Impact C A Probability 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

12 Keep Focus on Furniture Category
Décor (40%) Furniture (60%) Category Gross Margin Pepperfry’s goal 30% - 50% 45% - 55% Overall Gross Margin 2021 46% 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

13 Keep Focus on Furniture Category
Décor (40%) Furniture (60%) Category Gross Margin Pepperfry’s goal 30% - 50% 45% - 55% Overall Gross Margin 2021 46% Décor (30%) Furniture (70%) Our suggestion Category Gross Margin 30% - 50% 50% - 60% Overall Gross Margin 2021 50.8% Assumption: House brand margin 10% higher, increase to 50% of GMV 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

14 University of Muenster Consulting
Financial Forecast all figures in million USD 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Revenue without 28.6 38.7 63.9 105.4 173.8 286.8 473.3 780.9 Revenue with 67.7 118.5 207.4 363.0 635.2 1111.6 Gross Profit without 12.9 17.4 28.7 47.4 78.2 129.1 213.0 351.4 Gross Profit with 14.5 19.7 34.4 60.2 184.4 322.7 564.7 Difference 1.7 2.2 5.7 12.8 27.1 55.3 109.7 213.3 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

15 Problem Statement Situation Actions Monday Morning Actions
Solid revenue growth over the past six years, but inability to generate profits due to high costs and low margins in the volume business Growing online furniture market attracting large new competitors Goal: Become EBITDA-profitable in the next months Situation Focus on furniture category to decrease complexity Extend franchise business to more than 70 concept stores Actions Set up a project team to start looking for potential franchise areas Plan an executive meeting to communicate strategic plans for’s way into profitability Monday Morning Actions 1/10/2019 University of Muenster Consulting

16 Thank you Pepperfry – Becoming profitable within the next 18 months
University of Muenster Consulting U M C Anna Theile, Max Noever, Erich Daniel, Simon Jeurissen Pepperfry – Becoming profitable within the next 18 months Thank you

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