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Catherine Foley Director of Digital Archive and Library Projects MATRIX, Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at MSU Mid-Michigan Digital.

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Presentation on theme: "Catherine Foley Director of Digital Archive and Library Projects MATRIX, Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at MSU Mid-Michigan Digital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catherine Foley Director of Digital Archive and Library Projects MATRIX, Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at MSU Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners Meeting August 2, 2013

2 Digital collection management system used to:
What is KORA…. Digital collection management system used to: Create & maintain digital repositories & libraries Store multi-media collections Curate online exhibits

3 We use KORA for all MATRIX digital library projects including, the reformatted videotape collection of the American Black Journal, a Detroit Public Television weekly current events program started in 1968,

4 We use it for the documents and images of the MSU Archives Civil War Collections

5 KORA is the repository behind the Quilt Index, an expansive database of quilt images and metadata describing nearly 70,000 quilts from 40 contributing organizations

6 And we use KORA to store and deliver materials in South Africa: Overcoming Apartheid, Building Democracy an established online educational resource about one of the most significant freedom struggles of the second half of the twentieth century. This curriculum is organized around eight chronological units, ten thematic essays, and 27 multimedia resource pages that bring together primary and secondary materials to enable students to learn more about South Africa’s transition to democracy.

7 ARCHITECTURE Open Source GNU General Public License LAMP system
Linux/UNIX (operating system) Apache (web server) MYSQL or greater (DMS) PHP5.1.3 or greater (web programming language) Now that you know about what Matrix uses KORA for, I’ll tell you about KORA features…

8 METADATA Flexible metadata setup: any metadata scheme
Metadata schemes can vary across repositories within in same KORA install Unlimited number of schemes and elements possible KORA is flexible enough to accommodate any metadata scheme . For example, the Civil War Collections here at MSU uses 4 metadata schemes, the largest of which has approximately 30 fields. The Quilt Index, on the other hand has more than 100 metadata elements to describe everything from quilt patterns and stitch type to fabric and color variations.

9 ASSOCIATION Powerful associator tool allows linkages between objects/records in the repository Associator tool functions within repositories and across all repositories in same KORA install

10 The associator tool allows the creation of engaging user experiences on the web.
Multi-Media Resources in Overcoming Apartheid are complex digital objects created by associating audio interviews, videos, images, and a contextualizing summary to create a thematic rich media exhibit.

11 SEARCH Robust searching within repositories
Federated searching across repositories in same KORA install

12 DATA PORTABILITY Export data (entire sets or specific subsets) as structured XML Import structured XML (zipped file, individual file or multiple files in folder) User determines how imported data is mapped to existing metadata schemes

13 DATA PUBLICATION Build outward facing websites with PHP hooks (requires custom programming) OAI-PMH functionality to expose structured metadata and promote repository interoperability We are also developing a WordPress plug-in for KORA that will allow users to immediately publish KORA collections to the web with a WordPress template.

14 ROAD MAP Plug-in based architecture to reduce software bloat, encourage open source dev & grow features Database agnostic (independence from MYSQL) Re-architecting to better accommodate larger datasets and facilitate faster searching User experience changes the allow customization and improve usability Mobile tools The core of the platform would include essential features and customization would happen with plug-ins. For example if you don’t want to or don’t have the resources to program a custom front facing website, you could use the WordPress plug-in to allow for the immediate publication of your KORA collections.

15 A QUICK LOOK AT KORA When you determine the metadata you want, add the element to KORA with a few simple clicks. Create a label/name Select a data type for the field (URL, file upload, date) Decide if the element is required A great strength of KORA is that just about anyone can create these repositories and then manage them. You do not need programming chops to do this. All you need is a plan, and by that I mean a well-thought out and hopefully standards-based out metadata scheme, an internet connection, and web browser.

16 Interface for adding a new metadata element to KORA

17 A QUICK LOOK AT KORA KORA generates… Storage structures
Validation requirements Data entry form

18 Sample KORA data entry form

19 To find out more visit:

20 Catherine Foley

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