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RESEARCH: How are students doing in our schools?

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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH: How are students doing in our schools?"— Presentation transcript:

1 RESEARCH: How are students doing in our schools?
Professor William F. Tate of the Washington University in St. Louis in a keynote address on 9 August entitled, “Literacy and Democracy: A Cost-Benefit Perspective” shared the following observations:

2 High School Graduation Rates USA’s 50 Largest Districts, lowest to highest
Rate District Rank by Size 21.7 Detroit 11 38.5 Baltimore 30 38.9 New York 1 43.1 Milwaukee 28 43.8 Cleveland 44 44.2 Los Angeles 2 45.3 Miami-Dade 4 46.3 Dallas 13

3 Work-life Earning Estimate
Synthetic Work-life Estimates for Full-time by Educational Attainment (in 1999 dollars) [Day & Newberger, 2002] Work-life Earning Estimate Annual Avg. Earnings Work-life Impact Annual Impact Not a H. S. grad $950,000 (25,297) $23,752 H. S. grad $1,226,570 (14,583) $30,664 $276,470 $6,911 Some college $1,494,990 (29,240) $37,374 $544,890 $13,622 Associate $1,563,705 (46,903) $39,039 $613,605 $15,340 Bachelor $2,140,860 (35,559) $53,521 $1,190,760 $29,279

4 James Heckman 2000 Nobel Prize-winning Economist
“If we don't provide disadvantaged young children with the proper environments to foster cognitive and noncognitive skills, we'll create a class of people without such skills, without motivation, without the ability to contribute to the larger society nearly as much as they could if they'd been properly nurtured from an early age. The most economically efficient way to remediate the disadvantage caused by adverse family environments is to invest in children when they are young. Neglecting the early years creates an underclass that is arguably growing in the United States. The family is the major source of human inequality in American society.”

5 Urban Literacy Challenges & Issues
Poverty Related Issues High Student Mobility Language Development Deficits Nutrition & Health Issues Attendance Problems Access to resources School District Challenges Leadership Capacity (Superintendents, Principals) Teacher Longevity Accountability Stress (NCLB) Supt. Turnover “Program of the Month” Solutions Community Perceptions & Flight (Economic/Re-segregation)

6 “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis of Assisi

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