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Engaging Students through Interactive Lectures

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1 Engaging Students through Interactive Lectures
Gregory Hancock, College of William and Mary Overview example execution of think-pair-share how to construct think-pair-share exercises benefits and drawbacks critical suggestions for success

2 Satellite measurements of ozone concentration above Antarctica, 1979-1992

3 Executing think-pair-share exercises
Locate appropriate places in lecture for think-pair-share Ask each person to consider question(s) Form groups to discuss (2-3 students) Solicit group responses as a class Students evaluate responses Clarify incorrect answers or misconceptions

4 Global sea level over the last century

5 Global sea level over the last century
A) What is the direction of sea level change? B) What is the rate of sea level change?

6 Some data from Juneau, Alaska, to ponder….
Source: NOAA Tides and Currents webpage

7 Some data from Juneau, Alaska, to ponder….
A) What is the direction of sea level change? B) What is the rate of sea level change? Source: NOAA Tides and Currents webpage

8 Benefits of think-pair-share
Simple, effective way to engage students Provides time for everyone to develop answers, and more students can be right Students talk science Stimulates additional questions Doesn’t take much additional prep time (in fact, might save you some…)

9 Drawbacks of think-pair-share
Requires more class time than straight lecture (?) Professor must give up a bit of control (?) Exercise may fall flat

10 Suggestions for think-pair-share success
Don’t tell them you’re using a fancy teaching technique you learned at a workshop Make it part of the routine, but don’t overdo Avoid trivial or overly complicated exercises Plan questions and select materials carefully Eavesdrop to evaluate progress Collect answers from time to time

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