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3 FORCE A force is a push or a pull or both. A force cannot be seen but we can feel and observe the effects of the force. PULL PUSH A force to move an object away from our bodies A pull is when we apply a force to move an object towards our body COMBINATION OF PUSH AND PULL - playing a guitar - scrubbing the floor - sawing wood - rowing a boat


5 Stretch a rubber band Press a sponge Squeeze a spring After After After An object that will return to its original shape and size after being squeezed, pressed, twisted and stretched is elastic

6 Drop a glass Tear a piece of paper Crush an empty can After After After An object that will not return to its original shape and size after being squeezed, pressed, twisted and stretched is inelastic

A solid cannot be compressed or stretched!! EXPLANATION The shape of a solid object changes when a force is applied to it whether it’s temporarily or permanently Example: crushing a can – changes the shape permanently

8 when a force is applied in
the opposite direction (or different direction), the moving object will change its moving direction

9 An object will move faster when
a force is applied It moves in the same direction as the applied force Misconception? A force is needed to keep an object moving with a constant speed Explanation: You do not need forces to move at a steady speed but if you keep the same speed yet change direction, like a moon around a planet, then you have a force acting on you anyway

10 A stationary ball will move when it is
kicked Moves in the same direction as the applied force The moving ball will stop when an equal force is applied in the opposite direction of its motion

11 Force is a property of an object. An object has force
and when it runs out of force it stops moving EXPLANATION Newton 1st Law an object at rest or in motion will remain in that state unless an external force is applied to the object

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