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From GLM to HLM Working with Continuous Outcomes

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1 From GLM to HLM Working with Continuous Outcomes
EPSY 5245 Michael C. Rodriguez

2 Continuous Variables Review statistical procedures for continuous variables Consider options on Variables Chart Generalize options under the GLM approach

3 Statistical Paradigm Model Building Estimation of Parameters
Testing Fit of the Model

4 Model Building Theory Model Specification Measurement Data Collection

5 Estimation of Parameters
Conceptualizing Relevant Factors A General Approach to Data Analysis GLM Model Assumptions

6 General Approach to Data Analysis
Univariate & bivariate descriptive analyses Specifying the model Testing interaction terms Removing insignificant terms Examining outliers Checking assumptions

7 General Linear Model Assumptions
STRUCTURAL Independent observations Linear relationships Variable independence Errorless measurement Correct specification STOCHASTIC Independence Normality Mean of zero Homogeneity of variance Independence from explanatory variables

8 Testing Model-Data Fit
Parsimony Indicators Correlation Simple Regression Multiple Regression Controlling Type-I error

9 Common Problems in the analysis of clustered (nested) data
The “unit of analysis” problem – misestimated precision Testing hypotheses about effects occurring at each level and across levels Problems related to measurement of change or growth

10 Estimation Requirements
Estimation of parameters requires some distributional assumptions. One requires the error term (the part of the outcome that is not explained by observed factors) to be independent and identically distributed. This is in contrast with the idea that people exist within meaningful relationships in organizations. Frank, K. (1998). Quantitative methods for studying social contexts. Review of Research in Education, 23,

11 The Notation of Regression
𝑌 𝑖 = β 0 + β 1 𝑋 1𝑖 + β 2 𝑋 2𝑖 +…+ β 𝑄 𝑋 𝑄𝑖 + ε 𝑖 𝑌 𝑖 = β β 1 𝑋 1𝑖 + ε 𝑖 or

12 What’s in a name… Sociology: Multilevel Models
Biometrics: Mixed-Effects Models or Random-Effects Models Econometrics: Random-Coefficient Regression Models Statistics: Covariance Components Models

13 When to use HLM Nested data: Dependent observations
Do children of different gender, race, or exposure to different reading programs grow at the same rate in reading? Is the relationship between social status and achievement the same in schools of different size or sector (public v. catholic)?

14 Building Models in HLM Level One Within Units Level Two Between Units

15 Examples of Multiple Levels
Students Classrooms Schools Teachers School Districts Children Families Neighborhoods Cities Nurses Wards/Units Hospitals Workers US-Based Firms Multinational Firms Juvenile Delinquents Social Workers Social Service Agencies Longitudinal Scores

16 Advantages of HLM Adjusting for nonindependence of observations within subjects Larger framework for real-life problems Unbalanced designs and missing data are accommodated

17 Alternatives to HLM Individual level Group level Just use regression

18 What do we gain through HLM?
Improved estimation of effects within individual units. Example: Developing an improved estimate of a regression model for an individual school by borrowing strength from the fact that similar relationships exist for other schools.

19 What do we gain through HLM?
Formulation and testing of hypotheses about cross-level effects. Example: How school size might be related to the magnitude of the relationship between social class and academic achievement within schools.

20 What do we gain through HLM?
Partitioning variance and covariance components among levels. Example: Decomposing the correlation among a set of student-level variables into within- and between-school components. How much of the variance is within or between schools?

21 A relationship between 8th grade and 11th grade performance?
Goldstein (1999).

22 Accounting for school Goldstein (1999).

23 When school is a meaningful organizational unit, relations may be a function of the unit.
Achievement Socioeconomic Status

24 Example Model β 0𝑗 = γ 00 + γ 01 𝐶𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑐 𝑗 + 𝑢 0𝑗 β 1𝑗 = γ 10 + γ 11 𝐶𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑐 𝑗 + 𝑢 1𝑗

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