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The best English class you will ever take!

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Presentation on theme: "The best English class you will ever take!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The best English class you will ever take!
Welcome to English 11 The best English class you will ever take!

2 The Course English 11 is British Literature
We will read epics, stories, legends, poems, plays, essays and nonfiction. We will also practice for the ACT with online tools and persuasive writing activities, as well as functional and general grammar. First quarter will focus on Beowulf and King Arthur, Second Quarter will focus on The Canterbury Tales, Third Quarter will focus on Hamlet and Fourth Quarter will focus on short stories and poems.

3 The Rules Respect- it is a two way street.
Cell phones are allowed during appropriate times during class. I will let you know when these are. In general, if you are using your phone, ask yourself “Am I being rude?” and if the answer is yes, stop using it! Treat my stuff nicely, please. Most of the materials in the room are paid for out of my pocket, so don’t destroy things or take things with you 

4 The Materials You are NOT required to buy ANYTHING for this class.
You will be required to organize and keep track of in-class assignments (your notebook) but how you do that is up to you. Helpful things to have: Binder/Folder Notebook/Paper Highlighter/markers Flash drive Google account for Gmail and Google Drive

5 The Work In-class notes, activities, reading questions and small assignments will be kept in a notebook- you will receive a checklist to keep track of everything for each quarter. At the end of the quarter, you will check in your complete notebook for a grade. We will do all sorts of different things in this class to assess your learning and your growth, including: Paragraph Responses Persuasive/Analysis/Synthesis Essays Creative Writing Speeches Research Projects Coloring!

6 The Grades You will be most heavily graded on the writing and projects that you produce. There will be no quizzes or tests- you will demonstrate your learning and knowledge through your writing. You will take a two-part midterm and a two-part final for your exam. It is VERY HARD to fail but also difficult to achieve an A.

7 Important Info Plagiarism is a tricky issue, whether it is purposeful or accidental. Purposefully plagiarizing is a Big Deal- meaning you could end up with a ZERO, a referral, or a parent meeting. JUST DON’T DO IT. YOU WILL GET CAUGHT. YOU ARE SMARTER THAN THAT. We use SafeAssign and all of your papers MUST be turned in to this site to get credit.

8 Index Card/Survey On the FRONT of the index card you just received, draw a self-portrait. On the BACK, fill out the following information: Full name and a nickname or name you prefer What is your best talent? What do you want to achieve/learn in this class? What are your hobbies or interests?

9 Homework! Tonight, gather up FIVE items that you feel represent who you are as a person and bring them in a bag for class tomorrow. These items could be things you use all of the time, gifts from someone special, pictures of you, awards or trophies, things you’ve made, souvenirs from a trip- whatever you think embodies you as a person! ONE of your items will go up on the bulletin board to create a class collage!

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